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Topic: flint consolidated plan

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El Supremo

2011-2016 City of Flint Consolidated Plan

Post Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:37 am 
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El Supremo

2011-2016 City of Flint Consolidated Plan


Consolidated Plan - Strategic Plan for Years 2005 to 2010 ANNUAL ACTION PLANS: 2 012-13 ... Flint, MI 48502 Phone: (810) 766-5112 Fax: (810) 766-5122 TTY: (810)
Post Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:42 am 
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El Supremo

Goal 3:
Promote neighborhood revitalization and
activities to enhance the quality of communities
in low and moderate income areas.

1 Provide funding to repair and
improve infrastructure, including
sidewalks, streets, curbs, gutters
and approaches to water and sewer
systems, in three target areas: Smith
Village; Hurley/Carriage Town, and
Metawanenee Hills

2 Provide funding to repair and
improve citywide sewer collection
and water distribution systems
Flint has 540 miles of water distribution
lines, 570 miles of sanitary lines and 350
miles of storm sewer lines. All systems
are old and in need of maintenance and/
or replacement.

3 Provide funding to repair/replace
fire hydrants currently out of service
The replacement of old hydrants will
improve firefighting capabilities.

4 Promote accessibility for special
needs populations
Support infrastructure rehabilitation to
accommodate special needs populations,
including easier access to sidewalks,
ramps, and other public rights-of-way.
Provide program assistance to build ramps
and other disability modifications for the
disabled and special needs population.
Community development activities may include
sidewalk improvements to improve pedestrian
safety and connectivity.

City of Flint, Michigan Page 35 2011-2016 Consolidated Plan

5 Promote neighborhood revitalization
Provide “Pride Block” funding
opportunities to encourage and showcase
neighborhood revitalization activities
that help to stabilize and improve
neighborhoods through clean-up,
improvement or beautification projects.
Provide mini-grants to neighborhood
associations and block clubs to support
residential façade improvement and
beautification activities.

6 Sponsor Activities for Youth &
Implement a comprehensive recreational
program for youth and seniors organized
and managed through City of Flint Parks
and Recreation.

Establish a relationship with Boys and
Girls Club Youth Recreation Initiative to
become a subcontractor of Parks and

Support programming and day-today
staffing of the City of Flint Senior
Centers: Pierce, Hasselbring, Brennan.
Support Police Activity League (PAL)
activities, including youth and/or senior
activities at three City-owned sites:
Berston Field House, Haskell Youth
Center, and Brennan Center.
Post Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:06 am 
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El Supremo

Some CDBG-assisted activities, such as
parks, neighborhood facilities and improvements,
community centers, and streets,
serve an identified geographic area. These
activities generally meet the low- and moderate-
income principal benefit requirement if
51 percent of the residents in the activity’s
service area are low and moderate income.
The data in Figure 13, Flint CDBG Eligible
Areas, shows all of the CDBG eligible block
groups within the City and the corresponding
low-and moderate-income population
These eligible block groups can be viewed
graphically in the CDBG Eligible Areas Map
located in the Appendix of this report. As
much as possible, the City of Flint aims to
target CDBG funds on a community-wide
basis with a focus in areas where the funds
are most needed.

Smith Village Development
The Smith Village redevelopment project is a collaborative effort between the City
of Flint, Flint Housing Commission, Metro Community Development, and the Genesee County Land Bank.

This project has long been viewed as a companion to the University
Park Estates project and its 160 single
family homes. During the 12 years since
University Park Estates was completed, the
City has assembled the land and through
the use of NSP2 funds, the Smith Village
Project is under way.

The Smith Village project provides almost
$60 million in new development

It is adjacent
to the newly constructed IRS office
building on Saginaw Street; The Durant, a
$28 million mixed-use housing and retail;
and the Riverfront Student Center, a renovated
hotel serving over 300 UM-Flint students
which will soon host another 200.

Smith Village is a mixed low and moderate
income project. It will include 43 homes
marketed to qualified buyers earning less
than 50 percent of the Area Median Income
(AMI) and 40 homes sold to moderate income
buyers earning up to 120 percent of

More importantly, Smith Village provides a
model for linking housing to transportation
and job centers. Smith Village is located
on the north side of downtown Flint and is
within walking distance of :

* Hurley Medical Center
* University of Michigan-Flint
* Kettering University
* County and City occices
* New downtown amenities such as restaurant
and Flint Farmer's Market
* MTA Downtown Transit Center

Given the significant investment of NSP 2 resources in the Smith Village
Neighborhood, this area will continue to be a priority throughout the 20102 to 2016 cycle.
Post Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:20 am 
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El Supremo

Hurley/ carriage Town Community

The Carriage Town Historic District's boundaries are the Flint River on the south, Fifth Avenue on the north, Begole Street and Atwood Stadium on the west, and North Saginaw Street on the east. .........

Like Smith Village, this neighborhood is adjacent to the University of Michigan-Flint campus, downtown, and Kettering University. Residents can bike and walk to job centers, the Mass Transportation Downtown Transit Center and have good access to local and regional transportation options.

The success of Smith Village relies in part on the success of stabilizing and redeveloping the Carriage Town neighborhood. The area is both historically and culturally significant and provides an opportunity for market rate housing that can feed off of the energy of downtown Flint and the two universities while adding residents that will help the downtown flourish.

Because of the geographic location and importance of this area to the city's overall redevelopment vision, Carriage Town will also continue to be a priority CDBG funding area for the duration of the 2010 to 2016 funding cycle.
Post Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:20 pm 
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El Supremo

Metawanenee Hills neighborhood

The Metawanenee Hills Neighborhood is adapting to a new community of renters added to an established historic, primarily home-owning community. Within the King/Wood/ Metawanenee Hills Neighborhood are three distinct communities; established homeowners, a new stable rental community, and a rental community who is often transient and lives in sub-standard housing. The stakeholders of the Kings/Wood/Metawanenee Hills Neighborhood project will focus on image, physical conditions and neighborhood management based on neighbor to neighbor communications.

The Salem Housing CDC used MSHDA Low Income Tax Credits toc reate 24 units of affordable rental housing that were built between M L King Avenue and garland Street at Wood Street. The project, consisting of single family homes and duplexes, complements the neighborhood surrounding the project. The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Genesee County Land bank Authority were essential partners in the first phase of the development. The development is creating an attractive gateway to the Kings/Wood/Metawanenee Hills neighborhood. The units are superior to most other rental housing options found in the Flint market with one and two story homes with garages, private porches and yards. Interior amenities include two-,three or four bedrooms, two and a half baths and a full kitchen.

This neighborhood will continue to be a priority CDBG funding area to provide home rehabilitation, infrastructure and home ownership opportunities for residents over the course of the 2010-2016 funding cycles.
Post Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:29 am 
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El Supremo

P 56 Priority Housing Needs

* Provide homeownership assistance

* Rehabilitate dilapidated housing units

* Construct new, high quality housing units

* Undertake energy efficiency improvements to housing

The 5 year housing goals includes no plans to use funds for renters or low income. Flint Housing is expected to meet the needs of the very low and low income.
Post Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:09 am 
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