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Topic: New Fire Department Lawsuits

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El Supremo

Brown assigned the duties of overseeing the Fire Department to Chief Lock. I now understand they are considering hiring a new Fire Chief.

However in the meantime there are 2 new lawsuits files against the Fire Department. Shawn Borowitcz, who successfully sued the department before, has another lawsuit. Also there s a lawsuit filed by Carrie Edwards and Christa Bowes McGee against the City of Flint and the Firefighters union.

Carrie Edwards was the primary author of the Safer grant that maintained an adequate number of firefighters in the city.
Post Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:50 am 
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Shawn Borowicz, suing the City again. What a shock.

That would be the same Shawn Borowicz that got run out of Lennon for ethical violations as their police chief.

That would be the same Shawn Borowicz that was suspended by Fire Chief Richard Dicks for failing to follow directions.

That would be the same Shawn Borowicz who, as Union President, had charges of misconduct filed against him by fellow union members. He was so concerned about these charges that he didn't show up for his hearing to defend himself and has been a member-in-bad-standing of the Union ever since.

That would be the same Shawn Borowicz that accepted a full-time job at the Genesee County Sheriff's Department while he was still employed full-time with the Fire Department. When it was revealed that he was calling in sick to the Fire Department to be at the Sheriff's Department, his career at the Sheriff's Department came to a swift end.

And that would be the same Shawn Borowicz whose sick leave use to be at the Sheriff's Department was approved by Fire Chief Bob Elizondo.

That would be the same Bob Elizondo who through the media criticized a fire equipment manufacturer for supplying a substandard product. When said company revealed that they had supplied exactly what Mr. Elizondo had ordered and threatened litigation, Mr. Elizondo had a sudden change of opinion about the quality of their products.

That would be the same Bob Elizondo who had the shortest term of office as Fire Chief in decades. After six months, he was quietly asked to depart or be relieved of his position.

That would be the same Bob Elizondo that then took a job in Oakland County as a fire training officer, a substantial downgrade in stature and earnings from a Fire Chief position.

That would be the same Bob Elizondo whose performance in Oakland County so impressed his employer that in less than three years was asked not to return.

And, they would be the same Shawn Borowicz and Bob Elizondo that have been interviewed by Flint in the last few days as candidates for the vacant Fire Chief position.

If Imperial Grand Poobah Ed Kurtz thinks either one of these clowns is a viable candidate, well, he deserves what he gets. The citizens of Flint certainly deserve better than these two scraped up from the bottom of the barrel.

Good luck, Fire Department. You're going to need it.

Post Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:42 pm 
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Dave Starr

Qualifications mean nothing, connections mean everything.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:55 pm 
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