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Topic: Checking the candidates for Mayor of Flint
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Has anyone taken the time to see if the people running for Mayor of Flint actually meeting all the requirements to be mayor? Here are some suggestions to look out for; are their taxes current? Are their property taxes for the county and the city taxes paid up? Are they actually residents of the city? Are they facing bankruptcy? Do they have a birth certificate ? Are all their documents in order? Are they known by any aliases ? If so, why did they use a alias?
These should be basic questions to be covered but in the light of the Obama birth certificate crap I think people should ask ALL those sort of questions before electing anyone into any office being paid by taxpayers cash.
Post Sun May 15, 2011 10:09 pm 
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I agree and if any of them spend a bunch of money in lawyers fees and refuse to show their birth certificate for two years ala. the curent POTUS they should be deemed unfit. Very Happy

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon May 16, 2011 7:00 am 
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Dave Starr

"Are all their documents in order?"

By documents, do you mean parole and probation papers, PPO's filed against them, etc.? Do they have documents certifying them as sane?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

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When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Mon May 16, 2011 8:28 am 
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[quote="Dave Starr"] "Are all their documents in order?"

By documents, do you mean parole and probation papers, PPO's filed against them, etc.? Do they have documents certifying them as sane?[/quote

YEP,,that's what I mean.
Post Mon May 16, 2011 8:11 pm 
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Nine candidates in the running for Flint mayor
Published: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 5:09 PM Updated: Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 8:49 AM
By Kristin Longley | The Flint Journal

FLINT, Michigan — Barring any disqualifications, nine candidates could be on the ballot for the Flint mayoral primary election.

In addition to Mayor Dayne Walling, eight other Flint residents submitted petitions by today's 4 p.m. deadline to run for mayor. That's just a third of the 28 people who initially took out petitions hoping for a run.

The list includes some familiar names, as well as some political newcomers.

The candidates are: Former city Administrator Darryl Buchanan; Flint school board member David Davenport; Michael Harris; business owner Jung Ho Kim; Phillip LaBarge; former mayoral candidate Eric Mays; Don Pfeiffer; and business owner Scott Smith.

The Flint City Clerk's Office has until May 24 to review the petition signatures and certify the candidates.

Mays, a community activist who ran in 2009, stopped by the city clerk's office at the deadline. He said he's looking forward to the campaign, in which he'll be focusing on jobs and public safety.

He said the list of candidates has a good mix of people.

"I think you've got a good list," he said. "Now we'll wait to see who's certified."

For more on this story, visit www.mlive.com/flint on Wednesday.

© 2011 MLive.com. All rights reserved.
Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2011/05/nine_candidates_in_the_running.html

Flint mayoral candidates to face off at forum on Kettering University's WKUF radio show
Published: Monday, May 16, 2011, 9:04 AM Updated: Monday, May 16, 2011, 9:15 AM
By Beata Mostafavi | The Flint Journal

FLINT, Michigan — Kettering University’s WKUF 94.3 FM will host a “Meet the candidates” forum for Flint’s mayoral primary election during a live radio show and webstream May 25.

Candidates will gather at The White Horse Tavern at the corner of Court Street and Ann Arbor in Flint for the radio show that will run from 7-9 a.m.

Tom Sumner, host of WKUF morning show Off The KUF, will moderate the forum.

“This is a great opportunity to meet all of the candidates and start evaluating their skills to run the City of Flint,” Sumner said in a prepared statement.

© 2011 MLive.com. All rights reserved.
Source: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2011/05/flint_mayoral_candidates_to_fa_2.html
Post Mon May 16, 2011 9:21 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

SCOTT SMITH looks like a fresh face and a positive guy.

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Mon May 16, 2011 9:59 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo schreef:
SCOTT SMITH looks like a fresh face and a positive guy.

Define "Positive " for me please. What are his accomplishments, his experience? Other than owing a business, what has he done ? Williamson owned a business, look what people wanted to do before he resigned. What are any of the candidates real assets ? What can they bring to the table? Buchanan is , in my opinion, too attached to the past administrations and their fallout. Mays, well he is a good man, a well intended man, a man that cares DEEPLY about that city but for some reason people don't take him seriously. Davenport, well ,,oh dear, how do I word this delicately ? I will just say it,, HE"S NUTS! And from what I hear from your show Ryan, you would agree with that. Sorry folks, but I don't think a state take over is far off. It may be the best thing for the city actually. I think Walling has taken the heat for doing things anyone who was the mayor of the city would have to do. But that is not a endorsement , not by a long shot. The other candidates I don't have any knowledge of so there may be some hope in those individuals .
Post Tue May 17, 2011 12:26 am 
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Which Scott Smith? There are many listed on the county's website with businesses of various names. Middle initial? Address? Need to distinguish the one running from this one:

Post Tue May 17, 2011 8:08 am 
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El Supremo

Debunker1 schreef:
Has anyone taken the time to see if the people running for Mayor of Flint actually meeting all the requirements to be mayor? Here are some suggestions to look out for; are their taxes current? Are their property taxes for the county and the city taxes paid up? Are they actually residents of the city? Are they facing bankruptcy? Do they have a birth certificate ? Are all their documents in order? Are they known by any aliases ? If so, why did they use a alias?
These should be basic questions to be covered but in the light of the Obama birth certificate crap I think people should ask ALL those sort of questions before electing anyone into any office being paid by taxpayers cash.

"Mays, well he is a good man, a well intended man, a man that cares DEEPLY about that city but for some reason people don't take him seriously."

Check his Circuit Court history and you may see why!
Post Tue May 17, 2011 10:15 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Debunker1 schreef:
Has anyone taken the time to see if the people running for Mayor of Flint actually meeting all the requirements to be mayor? Here are some suggestions to look out for; are their taxes current? Are their property taxes for the county and the city taxes paid up? Are they actually residents of the city? Are they facing bankruptcy? Do they have a birth certificate ? Are all their documents in order? Are they known by any aliases ? If so, why did they use a alias?
These should be basic questions to be covered but in the light of the Obama birth certificate crap I think people should ask ALL those sort of questions before electing anyone into any office being paid by taxpayers cash.

"Mays, well he is a good man, a well intended man, a man that cares DEEPLY about that city but for some reason people don't take him seriously."

Check his Circuit Court history and you may see why!

How it he different from that thief that Genesee County used to have for a Prosecutor? Robert Leonard was his name I think. Did some time for embesslment or something if I am not mistaken. Or how about that sheriff Joe Wilson, as I heard the story he almost went to prison over some crap too.
All I am saying is that Mays keeps trying to out live whatever he may have done. Would he be a good mayor? Dunno. back in the day Flint had crooks running it and I will have to hand it to the old home town, at least it seems to be consistent . It loves to employ the criminal element! Good motto for the city : Flint, Michigan, the city of soon to be convicts.
But has anyone did the research on the current line up of bozos running for mayor now? It may be a good idea.
Post Sun May 22, 2011 12:23 am 
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El Supremo

Robert leonard is not running for office and you are mixing apples and oranges.. Also, when Leonard ran for 5th ward in the late 80's, his record was a considerable topic of discussion!

When Tom Joubran sued the Robert leonard Show, Joubran admitted he paid Mays to produce the Eric Mays show. He even bought a house on Mackin for Mays. The house was $16,000 after a sale from Lonnie Goodman's sisiter to Lonnie and then another sale to Eric's mom and finally to Joubran. An individual came forward that while in Joubran's employment, he overheard the negotiations to slander Leonard and Haywood on Eric's show. Joubran paid leonard $20,000 as a settlement.

Did Mays ever repay Joubran for the house, which last I looked, was still in the name of a dead man! Mays once told council that he owned the house, but stated it had a foundation problem.

Mays is intelligent, but he will be the first to tell you he can be devious.

Mays, council and the City Attorney failed to follow the Flint rules on Lobbyist. Mays entered into agreements with several partystore owners to lobby for licenses and zoning. Part of his agreement with these business owners was that if he was unsuccessful, he would only collect half of his fee. He had two PPO's filed against him in relationship to his lobbying efforts, one from former councilman Kerry Nelson.

Mays and Taylor brought corruption charges agsinst former councilwoman Peggy Cook, prompting an investigation by Sherrif Pickell's office. The allegations were so convoluted and based on unfounded allegations from a disgrunted individual who wanted a city job, that the investigator concluded it was impossible to tell which of the two spreading the story was the biggest liar.

Mays bragged about getting a compromise vote in the Ombudsman debacle that Jackie poplar held by only voting for her sister-in-law Donna Poplar. Crrom was selected only after mays got Donna to agree to taking the Deputy Ombudsman job. Croom was not in the negotiations and when Pat Clawson (who sat in front of Poplar) revealed the plot, Croom resigned and the process had to start all over.

Mays and Taylor worked with the Chippewa tribe to bring a casino to Flint. Christine Brown was said to also work with them and was also said to have been cheated out of her share of the money paid by the tribe. Art Blackwell, who got in trouble in Highland park, and Sam Riddle went to council with the pair and the tribe to promote the casino. They also held a press conference at the former Buick site with tribal leaders. Some of these same tribal leaders were removed from their positions on allegations of fraud and involvement with Abramoff.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun May 22, 2011 5:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Sun May 22, 2011 7:04 am 
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El Supremo

Has anyone asked debunker who he is promoting! Is he getting paid?

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun May 22, 2011 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sun May 22, 2011 7:14 am 
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Let's see who is in the mayoral race. You have a stupid man who constantly wants to recall everyone else but has no qualifications WHATSOEVER to be the mayor ( David Davenport) . You have a weak willed though educated person, Dayne Walling. You have a man who is probably corrupt at worse and incompetent at least ( Buchanan) . Have two businessmen , one who is VERY unknown and one , from the postings on Facebook really seems to be eager to become the mayor and is spending a lot of money on trying to get elected ( Scott Smith) . Mays is a crank in some people's opinion,he is also well educated in what is going on in Flint but I doubt if he has the ability to make the other people in the works work with him on getting things done because he is still and "outsider" to button downs of that city. '
So, pray tell Untaglingwebs, who does it sound like I am promoting? Who am I so glowingly praising that can be even taken as remote endorsement of ? No, not being paid by ANYONE , just think the people of Flint constantly make the wrong choices and would like to see that be rectified . I don't lie when people ask me where I am from, and it's getting damn embarrasing my hometown is the laughing stock of the country because of the morons running the place keep screwing the pooch. Eric Mays knows what's going on but come on, he isn't mayoral material, not by a long shot. And Scott Smith, what or who is he? From what I gathered he is landlord of several properties or something. I would think he may have a vested interest in becoming the mayor so he could gain more power and control over code enforcement or something like that. He is not in the game out of concern for the plight of Flint I don't think. And if you do you are naive as hell. None of the guys who have been mayor of that city were altruistic. Always think of this, what will people gain if and when they get power?
So what's the matter with asking and probing the would be candidates Untaglingwebs? How is that wrong? Open your eyes, ask for records, check their creditentials, ask them hard questions and if they refuse to answer those questions, pass on them.
Post Sun May 22, 2011 3:26 pm 
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El Supremo

You appeared to praise Mays and when I questioned his credentials, you went off track!

I will pass on nearly all of these candidates because I know their records. You ask people to do the verification when you are the one raising the issue.
Post Sun May 22, 2011 4:45 pm 
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Dear Untaglingwebs, Please inform me when as to where I "praised" Mays? I stated also somewhere in my postings that he ( Mays) doesn't have what it takes to be taken seriously. ALL I said he was well informed. Walling is well educated but has done many questionable things in regards to not really thinking things out. Scott Smith may be a successful business man but that doesn't translate into him being a good mayor because a business man can be more autocratic than a mayor can be. I am advocating people engage in that sort of process (looking at strengths and weaknesses of ALL the would be candidates) . And since I doing that rather alien concept here I can understand why you are rather defensive because it seems to me that you have political axes to grind locally or have a vested interest in seeing one person emerge over the others in this race. Perhaps it would be more honest for you to state the candidate you wish to back . I back none, I am not in Flint so I have no possible benefit or possible demerit to live down either way. My intital posting , some time ago, was to suggest someone locally look into the candidates to see if they truly meet all the requirements for them to run for that office. And since I am not the tech savy as to know if those sort of records are available online I was hoping someone who do that on that end. And since ,in the past, your postings show you are someone who does that VERY well I was hoping that someone like you would do this sort of work. Is that too strange to hope for? People don't seem to be asking the right questions there and I was writing in hopes to see that be remedied.
Post Mon May 23, 2011 12:37 pm 
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