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Topic: Contoversy over Flint Towing contract

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El Supremo

Contract extension proposal for towing operation raises eyebrows in Flint City Council
Published: Monday, May 09, 2011, 9:45 PM Updated: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 9:29 AM
By Khalil AlHajal | The Flint Journal The Flint Journal
FLINT, Michigan — City Council on Monday evening postponed voting on a measure that would extend a contract for Complete Towing through Dec. 15, 2015.

The city used to run its own towing operation, and some argue that its privatization has cost the city revenue.

Councilman Sheldon Neeley moved to postpone the measure, saying he wanted to explore ways to generate more revenue through the towing of vehicles in the city.

Councilmen Joshua Freeman and Scott Kincaid argued that with a smaller police force, the number of cars being towed would not generate enough revenue to justify taking three police officers off the streets to run a city impound lot.

Neeley said the city impound lot generated over $1 million in 2007-2008.

Freeman disputed that number.

"We've never, ever, ever cleared more than $1 million in one year of profit over expenses," Freeman said.

The two agreed that the city currently makes about $150,000 a year in the current deal with Complete Towing.

Neeley said the current contract still has 18 months remaining.

"We've got to negotiate a better deal to generate additional revenues," said Neeley.

Mayor Dayne Walling has said revenues from the city impound lot had been declining before it was shut down, and that it was taking up needed police manpower and space at the Oak Business Center.

Misty_Fenner_299 May 09, 2011 at 10:33PM

I would just like to say that its BS anyone who has their vehicle stolen has to pay to get their vehicle back, when my van was stolen 2 days before thanksgiving (LOCKED AND IN MY DRIVEWAY WITH KEYS IN MY PURSE IN THE HOUSE) and found on thanksgiving day in the freaikin ghetto with the catalytic converter cut off (probably taken to All catalytic converters on Saginaw st where the crook MADE MONEY off MY van, and the steering column busted and the lock busted out of the door and my husbands 150$ tool set stolen, we were also robbed by the cops who are there to protect and serve we had to pay $160 to get our van out of that place. Oh but the lady at the police station told us if the van hadn't been stolen the cost would have been 210 bucks they took 50 off since it was stolen. gee thanks! I have been irate about that since.

yokeonu May 09, 2011 at 10:43PM

Having a city impound lot made more than the "150,000.00" that is being generated by Complete. Any council members that votes for this is a fool or in Patton's pockets - or both. If I recall correctly, the officers that were out there were on light duty so it would not be taking any officers off the streets. This vote will show who needs not to be re-elected.

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fred081646 May 09, 2011 at 10:45PM

Complete has done a complete job to Flint.

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ednotted May 09, 2011 at 11:01PM

Why renew the contract now if it has 18 months remaining.

Doesn't sound right, something must be going on.

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gogroup May 09, 2011 at 11:59PM

Can't clerical workers run an impound lot. Why do cops have to run the impound lot.

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Flint MI USA May 10, 2011 at 12:34AM

go - the answer is yes.

In addition, COF does need any FT or PT police officer to handle this task. COF already pays X dollars per year to GAIN (last I knew). GAIN is made up of police officers who are experts in their field and one (or two) of those detectives or contract employees could handle the inspections at a re-opened COF lot.

If any one says differently, they are mistaken. Remember, GCSD runs GAIN and many, many municipalities pay into this operation. I have suggested before and will again, ALL impounds in Genesee County should be centralized. The towing (impounds) should be split up between 5-6 large size towing operations...on a contract basis with stringent requirements.

Net proceeds could go to GAIN, FANG, etc. Remember, this is 2011, NOT 1965. There is alot of money to be made County wide and in this era of budgetary shortfalls, this suggestion make sense from a City-County Government perspective.

Right now, the only people making money and a ton of it, is Louies Towing, Complete Towing, Smittys and a handful of others. These entities are "making so much money" at salvage auctions in one month, well,it would be the equivalent of putting minimum 8-10 officers on (minimum).

If we are thinking objectively and in the year 2011, ALL LE entities within Genesee County should centralize this function ASAP and save money short andlong term PLUS make a %%% of each unit impounded/sold, etc.

This is a no-brainer. I'm firmly against any major vendor have exclusive rights to a task (impounds) and am opposed to have any LEOs handle this task, liquidation of units. LEOs or State certified inspectors can do the inspections, paperwork, etc and then, clerical support staff can do the rest.

People who say otherwise have a mindset of 1965, NOT 2011. There is "big money" at stake countywide here...handle this function the right way and we can "add new LEOs" within 45-60 days minimum.

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Last edited by untanglingwebs on Tue May 10, 2011 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue May 10, 2011 1:12 pm 
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El Supremo

doinit4me May 10, 2011 at 7:55AM

This contract is one of the biggest scams going on in the City of Flint.
For Walling, Freeman and Kincaid to claim that the previous arrangement used Policemen that could have otherwise been on the street is laughable. Further, if you consider how much their individual campaign's were given by the owner of Complete Towing none of them should even be allowed to vote on the issue.
You would be hard pressed to find a more blatant conflict of interest.
On another note regarding this contract renewal, why would the COF agree to a three year contract when their budget is day to day? Maybe next year the city won't have the money to pay for towing and...lets say...Police and Fire. We already know what Wallings choice would be. The Police Department didn't donate to his campaign.

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robtjohnson May 10, 2011 at 9:57AM

Mr. Neely offered the report for any one to see what he had from the city showing that the city made the money he claimed. Freeman and Kincaid seem to what this pushed threw for some reason go as far as Freeman was acking like a child for ever other thing saying it should be put up for bid to see if we can get a better price. This is a rude and uncalled for demistration of abuse I have seen in awhile. the people that spoke including my self wish that others be allowed to bid on contracts but for some reason the few in the council say no. now why is that right that one company should benifit for doing bussines with the city with out having to bid on it. This story is clearly not complete, the fact is the Council members yesterday was seem to not care that the people are concerned about what money is going out. and there is a clear process that is to be followed and as other posters have pointed out why are they doing this when there is 18 months to go. that is another budget and another day. and the fact that they are doing this with other contracts as well. and the rude way Freeman was talking is wrong unprofessional and he needs to apologize to the people he serves as well the people that had to listen to the way he was acting he came out and basically called Mr. Neely a Liar. raising his voice when Mr. Neely offered the information and offered it to any one that wishes to have a copy it was generated by the city so why would the he point it out if it were not true. I also noted that Mr. Kincaid acted like he did not know who got what mone. the fack is he was trying to say the towing only gets $45 for towing yet that is not true and he knows it the $45 is what they pay the city on every tow. Why Kincaid was acting like he was clueless I have not Idea other than to mislead the people. the fact is the people are charged by Complete $120 plus storage and the city get $45 out of that amount. This is taped and was shown on channel 17,

I will also point out that it was said by Mr.Freeman that when the city was running it the last year the city had it they made $300K after cost the cleared aroung $100k so my question is why did we get ride of it. the city employed people to run it. as well made the money off the storage and the sales of the abandon and scrap. so why are Kincaid and Freeman in such a big hurry to grant a extention on a contract that still has 18 months yet the city was making money on it running it them self. Now there is something going on here. what I have not yet figured out but to give something up that makes money and keep things that cost money tells me that pockest are getting lined some where here. I smell a Rat and the people need to ask for this to be investigated to see what is behind this being done so fast so soon when we have other issues that could be addressed Like a TOWER that is binging stripped and costing the city money as it sites there.

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doinit4me May 10, 2011 at 11:54AM

Thanks Flint MI USA. I could have gone on and on, but whats the point. The contract will get renewed and all the hubbub in between is business as usual.
One more thing though, for the Walling/establishment supporters out there, please don't think for a minute that the players involved are being ridiculed personally. They are not. Their actions as public representatives most definitely are. Do their decisions influence the masses of the critics out there, u bet but they are the only people that can change their images. If backslapping and nepotism were crimes these guys would all be in prison. If they spent as much time and energy on doing what they were elected and what they promised to do as they do on securing their own personal and political futures they would not have to worry about being re-elected. Money talks and not many people in Flint are able to speak so Flint's residents will continue to pay 100% over retail. Pardon the analogies.
Post Tue May 10, 2011 1:14 pm 
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