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El Supremo

Walling received a letter dated March 20th stating HUD was terminating Flint's Homeownership Zone and the city must repay the $1.2 million from the general fund. Flint cannot use future federal funds to repay. Flint may try to repeal the decision.

Blame Brown and Walling because they got rid of the people who were trying to resolve the 12 year old plan. Nancy Jerkiewicz-Rich got a new start up pan which was being implemented by John Carpenter. Also blame some on the Smith Village CDC and former 5th Ward Carolyn Sims who couldn't or wouldn't decide on a developer and delayed implementation.

Eason and Atkinson have to share a portion of the blame due to their ineptitude and unwillingness to cooperate with HUD.

Hud met with Wendy Johnson. Seems all of these positions Eason has been telling council could be funded with HUD money are a violation of CDBG rules 24 CFR 570.206 and 92.207, When are we going to get competant people in this department and get Greg Eason out.
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:30 pm 
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I'm wondering if Eason did not know full well that those HUD funds could not be used for other endeavors. I think he like many in government positions was just hoping to line a few pockets and be on to something else before HUD found it. Then it would be the next persons problem. It just caught up to him before he got out. I think we gonna hear a claim of ignorance, then some stalling, then some begging for repeal.
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:02 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

I would love to see this in writing before I believe it!

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:17 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Walling received a letter dated March 20th stating HUD was terminating Flint's Homeownership Zone and the city must repay the $1.2 million from the general fund. Flint cannot use future federal funds to repay. Flint may try to repeal the decision.

Blame Brown and Walling because they got rid of the people who were trying to resolve the 12 year old plan. Nancy Jerkiewicz-Rich got a new start up pan which was being implemented by John Carpenter. Also blame some on the Smith Village CDC and former 5th Ward Carolyn Sims who couldn't or wouldn't decide on a developer and delayed implementation.

Eason and Atkinson have to share a portion of the blame due to their ineptitude and unwillingness to cooperate with HUD.

Hud met with Wendy Johnson. Seems all of these positions Eason has been telling council could be funded with HUD money are a violation of CDBG rules 24 CFR 570.206 and 92.207, When are we going to get competant people in this department and get Greg Eason out.

They realize they screwed up and now are planning to announce it was not the current administrations fault , rather Williamsons.
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:52 pm 
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El Supremo

FlintCityMole schreef:
untanglingwebs schreef:
Walling received a letter dated March 20th stating HUD was terminating Flint's Homeownership Zone and the city must repay the $1.2 million from the general fund. Flint cannot use future federal funds to repay. Flint may try to repeal the decision.

Blame Brown and Walling because they got rid of the people who were trying to resolve the 12 year old plan. Nancy Jerkiewicz-Rich got a new start up pan which was being implemented by John Carpenter. Also blame some on the Smith Village CDC and former 5th Ward Carolyn Sims who couldn't or wouldn't decide on a developer and delayed implementation.

Eason and Atkinson have to share a portion of the blame due to their ineptitude and unwillingness to cooperate with HUD.

Hud met with Wendy Johnson. Seems all of these positions Eason has been telling council could be funded with HUD money are a violation of CDBG rules 24 CFR 570.206 and 92.207, When are we going to get competant people in this department and get Greg Eason out.

They realize they screwed up and now are planning to announce it was not the current administrations fault , rather Williamsons.

This was in effect for 12 years. Under Williamson, the plan was restarted and the reconstruction of Williams street started. Finally homes were going to be built.

Members of the Citizens District Council owned propeerty and wanted to sell it for mega-bucks. A developer was selected years ago and Sims and the Smith Village CDC argued until the developer backed out. After more bids , a new developer. But lo and behold, now the CDC wanted the developer that walked away.
Post Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:56 am 
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El Supremo

HUD has never allowed recipients of federal funds to pay 100% of staff involved with economic development.

The Office of Inspector General in Washington DC and the FBI are the designated agencies to investigate fraud with the new recovery monies.
Because these funds are vulnerable to fraud, they have may the standards to trigger an investigation "a reasonable doubt". Expect news on an OIG complaint soon. And walling won't be able to blame anyone but himself.
Post Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:01 am 
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