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Topic: Walling's Foot Patrol: Officers told to "Get lost!"

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Ready for some more laughs?

Walling's new "Foot Patrol" program (aka: Let me fool the people into "feeling" safe when they're really not) launched over the last couple of days have produced some interesting information.

One officer was told to "Get the f**k off his property." Another officer was told "Don't come to my house again unless I call you." Another officer was told "You woke up my kids, thanks a lot." One officer believed a man was getting ready to pick up a gun and had to yell out (twice), it's the police and "shine his light" to prove it. Another officer was told "I don't like the police, get off my property." The officers were actually surprised at the responses they received.

But for the "under the hood stuff" - Since these are the same officers that were previously answering calls in a police car to expedite response times, but now simply given a different name (i.e. Foot Patrol), they were told they wouldn't answer calls unless they were priority 1's. This was so they could chat with people and listen to their problems making them "feel safe" while the remaining 2 to 3 officers answered all calls. This resulted in more calls backing up and sitting on the board which resulted in even LONGER RESPONSE TIMES for people who called 911.

Let me ask a question while I'm here. Why is Walling, who has no military or law enforcement background (that I'm aware of) making strategic decisions in this field? Isn't that what a chief is for? I understand the chief completely sold out his troops, but why would people listen and trust someone that is not an expert in this field? It's their lives and property on the line. Walling has no business making these types of decisions, decisions that can have critical implications like death or injury to officers and/or citizens. If you found out you had a curable disease if treated correctly, would you go to a tire salesman to perform the surgery?
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:02 am 
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The answer to all of your questions? Because..../sarcasm off
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:28 am 
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Yea I'm laughing till it hurts.This kind of decision making is not unusual in Govt. circles.I've seen it many times from the grunts and low supervisory level.It comes from upper supervisory personal being out of touch,read insulated ,from the reality of the street or field ect.My solution to CYA, was put it in writting.Paper trail them.Do it until they makes jokes about it,you'll have the last laugh.
I am thinking that future crime stats for Flint may show a decline in B&E's and other low level crimes because of a lack of reporting. Is it possible?
I pray no one dies because of these layoffs.But that is almost inevitable.Be a good Boy Scout.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:59 am 
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bluecat1122 schreef:
Let me ask a question while I'm here. Why is Walling, who has no military or law enforcement background (that I'm aware of) making strategic decisions in this field? Isn't that what a chief is for? I understand the chief completely sold out his troops, but why would people listen and trust someone that is not an expert in this field? It's their lives and property on the line. Walling has no business making these types of decisions, decisions that can have critical implications like death or injury to officers and/or citizens. If you found out you had a curable disease if treated correctly, would you go to a tire salesman to perform the surgery?


The quick answer would be becuase Lock is not smart enough to do it himself. Think of a marionette. It doesn't do anything without the puppetmaster (Walling) pulling its strings. It also has no brain and only says what the puppetmaster makes it say.

A more involved answer is something I have heard from within the past police administration and several other credible sources. I was told that when Hagler was still chief, he would give a standardized police test before promotions. From what I heard, Lock could not pass the test and was consistently the lowest score. That explains why Lock did not get promotions in the past and isn't really doing much now.

Walling on the other hand is a Rhodes Scholar and he thinks that qualifies him to do anything. Someone should clue him in, that it only matters if its done it right. I used to have respect for the Rhoades Scholarship program. Walling destroyed that respect.

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

Thomas Jefferson
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:12 am 
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Dave Starr

Reminds me of what happened back in my working days. A lady in upper management (S. K. for those that want to guess) always kept an eye on the spare parts budget. One day, she came to the horrifying conclusion that far too many expensive parts were being used to repair machines, and ordered the parts crib closed for the rest of the day. Needless to say, this worked really well. We didn't have to do anything for the rest of the day (can't fix broken machines without parts), the night shift was left with a ton of work when they came in, and Suzie (OOPS!) cut the amount spent on parts. Of course, production was greatly reduced, but who worries about minor details like that?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:15 am 
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Dave Starr

A poem for city employees.......

It's not my job to run the train,
The whistle I can't blow.
It's not my job to decide
if the train goes fast or slow.
It's not my job to blow off steam,
or even clang the bell.
let the damn thing jump the track
and see who catches HELL!

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:21 am 
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El Supremo

ConcernedCitizen schreef:
bluecat1122 schreef:
Let me ask a question while I'm here. Why is Walling, who has no military or law enforcement background (that I'm aware of) making strategic decisions in this field? Isn't that what a chief is for? I understand the chief completely sold out his troops, but why would people listen and trust someone that is not an expert in this field? It's their lives and property on the line. Walling has no business making these types of decisions, decisions that can have critical implications like death or injury to officers and/or citizens. If you found out you had a curable disease if treated correctly, would you go to a tire salesman to perform the surgery?


The quick answer would be becuase Lock is not smart enough to do it himself. Think of a marionette. It doesn't do anything without the puppetmaster (Walling) pulling its strings. It also has no brain and only says what the puppetmaster makes it say.

A more involved answer is something I have heard from within the past police administration and several other credible sources. I was told that when Hagler was still chief, he would give a standardized police test before promotions. From what I heard, Lock could not pass the test and was consistently the lowest score. That explains why Lock did not get promotions in the past and isn't really doing much now.

Walling on the other hand is a Rhodes Scholar and he thinks that qualifies him to do anything. Someone should clue him in, that it only matters if its done it right. I used to have respect for the Rhoades Scholarship program. Walling destroyed that respect.

All too true about Lock. He was an interim Captain . Hagler brought in a top-notch team of high ranking police officials for the orals. This team had females, blacks, hispanics, state police and other police agencies represented. Lock not only scored poorly, but some officials were surprised he even made LT.

Petrich and some others in the African American Police group demanded Lock as their token black chief. Be careful what you ask for as you might get it.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:26 pm 
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