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Topic: Why change cannot come to Flint... my concession.
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Dan Moilanen

I'm officially leaving this board. I know some of you might be happy, some of you may miss my posts, either way I just can't come to this website and contribute any more for a number of reasons.

The first is that I've moved to Austin, TX because I just recently was hired with a major fortune 500 company (I won't publicly divulge which one due to the fact that I've used my real name on this website, but if you're interested you can send me a private message.). So since I no longer live in Flint, I feel like I can't actively participate in an adequate manner that meets my own desires.

Secondly, I get too depressed when I come here and see that most of you (with a few exceptions) tend to do little for your community other than complain and look for more reasons to complain or place blame. Failing to see the good in any situation will never help the community of Flint. Legitimate change in a community requires you to be proactive. You cannot hide behind anonymity, criticize your public officials, and expect real results. If you want change? Go out there and do something about it. I commend those of you on here who are active within the community (e.g. Dave, Terry, Ryan, etc.) and try to make positive change. Because of the fact that you care about Flint enough to get involved, Flint is better off. But seriously, getting angry about things like revising the seal or trying to re-brand Flint? Maybe Flint needs to be a bit more progressive approach (not in a political sense, but a conceptual sense) when it comes to how outsiders view the city? Flint needs fresh ideas and cost effective new approaches (changing letterheads or envelops is relatively inexpensive when it comes to a budget the size of the City of Flint). But outright rejection of ANY new idea or quickly jumping to conclusions and criticizing the Mayor or anyone else involved is far from productive. Stop being a coward, go to a city council meeting, send an email to the Mayor, go to his open office hours, or do ANYTHING else that actually requires you to contribute to your community. Posting on this message board DOES NOT help your community unless it is actually organizing events, community action, or anything else that has tangible results.

Thirdly, some of you are completely unwilling to listen to reasonable arguments or engage in reasonable discourse. It's not productive, it's childish, and it's frankly not worth my time. I'd much rather spend my time engaging in more entertaining and worthwhile endeavors. Some of you are so far blinded by your own warped view on the world (which has been shaped by rhetoric and propaganda) that you cannot view the world in any sort of objective manner or engage in productive discourse. Again, I'd rather spend my time doing something more productive.

But I mostly wanted to emphasize how depressing this board is... it really makes me glad that I got out of Genesee county. It's filled with the same, close minded, racist, homophobic, and lazy people that destroyed it. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great individuals in Genesee county who try their hardest to make a difference. I've met a lot of people who are wonderful, community-oriented, selfless individuals who will do anything they can to better peoples' lives around them. But unfortunately, the lazy cynics significantly outnumber these people.

For this reason, I find myself becoming increasingly sad and pessimistic when it comes to the future of Flint. Flint will NEVER change because some of you are unwilling to allow it change. It's always someone else's fault, never your own. Something goes wrong? Blame it on the Mayor. GM leaves? Blame it on China. Gangs take over neighborhoods? Blame it on the welfare system. The previous mayor runs the city into a significant budget deficit and lies about it to get re-elected? You look the other way when a better individual arises and personally attack him because he worked hard and went to school and achieved so much in life.

It's never your fault, it's never your responsibility, and someone else will always mess it up.

This is Flint's problem... backward thinking that is always focused on blame.

You have to look forward, you have to take responsibility, and you have to get involved. You can't expect positive change to come overnight.

All I have to say is give Mayor Walling and other community leaders a chance. The problems in Flint clearly lack easy solutions, and as a result you can't pass judgment in quick, simple way. It takes time and objectivity. Do you think Walling or anyone else is doing a bad job? TALK TO THEM! Walling has open hours for christ sake, and city council has public comments portions of practically every meeting!

On a side note, people who think Dayne is an elitist, stuck up, blind, or unreasonable, clearly haven't met him and spoke with him. Take the time to do so, you'd really recognize that he's a great guy who has great intentions and hopes for the city of Flint.

So with that... I bid you adieu. This is my concession, I've moved onto a new chapter in my life and Flint will always hold a special place in my heart. But I've personally given up. Please take care of it... please change it... I want to continue being proud that I came from a community with so much character, I don't want to have to defend it because of how many cynics live there...

Get off the computer, go to the next council meeting, go to the next open door session with Walling, and get involved. Pro-activity is the ONLY way that Flint will become a better place for you, your family, and your friends to live.



"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:59 pm 
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Steve Myers
Site Admin
Site Admin

Good luck!!

Make sure you tune in and listen to my brother Alex's show on Majic 95 FM "Majic in Morning Show" http://www.majic.com

Steve Myers
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:06 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

Steve Myers schreef:
Good luck!!

Make sure you tune in and listen to my brother Alex's show on Majic 95 FM "Majic in Morning Show" http://www.majic.com

Thanks, Steve.

That's pretty neat. I've got about a 25 minute morning commute so I always have a chance to listen to the radio in the morning.


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:09 pm 
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back again

adios daniel and good luck in your endeavor!!

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:21 pm 
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Dan Moilanen schreef:

Secondly, I get too depressed when I come here and see that most of you (with a few exceptions) tend to do little for your community other than complain and look for more reasons to complain or place blame. Failing to see the good in any situation will never help the community of Flint. Legitimate change in a community requires you to be proactive. You cannot hide behind anonymity, criticize your public officials, and expect real results. If you want change? Go out there and do something about it. I commend those of you on here who are active within the community (e.g. Dave, Terry, Ryan, etc.) and try to make positive change. Because of the fact that you care about Flint enough to get involved, Flint is better off. But seriously, getting angry about things like revising the seal or trying to re-brand Flint? Maybe Flint needs to be a bit more progressive approach (not in a political sense, but a conceptual sense) when it comes to how outsiders view the city? Flint needs fresh ideas and cost effective new approaches (changing letterheads or envelops is relatively inexpensive when it comes to a budget the size of the City of Flint). But outright rejection of ANY new idea or quickly jumping to conclusions and criticizing the Mayor or anyone else involved is far from productive. Stop being a coward, go to a city council meeting, send an email to the Mayor, go to his open office hours, or do ANYTHING else that actually requires you to contribute to your community. Posting on this message board DOES NOT help your community unless it is actually organizing events, community action, or anything else that has tangible results.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great individuals in Genesee county who try their hardest to make a difference. I've met a lot of people who are wonderful, community-oriented, selfless individuals who will do anything they can to better peoples' lives around them.

Mrs. Waybright is just the type of person you described that is out there doing something good for her community, but you see where it got her. You are doing the right thing moving from Flint. I am truly starting to believe that anywhere is better than Flint. The exodus might just be starting. The last person out, please turn off the light.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:23 pm 
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Well Dan, you were fun to have around for a while. There is actually an interesting "expatriate" community of Flintites around the country, a number of whom show up at flintexpats.com. You may find a nice community there should you ever be interested.

It does make me a little sad to see another rational voice dampened in this city and on this board. Though you didn't post super often, I often found your posts to be, at the very least, insightful or interesting.

Apart from that, well safe travels to you and yours in this life and, should I be wrong about a number of things, the next as well XD.

Lack of support for your assertions does not make you a sage, it just makes the rest of us doubt your reasoning skills. - Elias12, Flint Talk Poster
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:23 am 
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2. It's probably "depressing" for the families of our murder victims at the funerals but ignoring the severity of our "depressing" problems aint gonna solve ****.

If you want a dose of prozac at least Walling can do things like move us towards following directions (charter) and I think our council may have improved.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:20 am 
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Sorry to see Dan leave this city. It is indeed a sad day when I read that post. Our ranks are thinnning, and this is sad. I can't find any word to try to convince Dan or any other people to stay here in the city of Flint. Harp pressed to find way of justifying me staying in fact. The city council elections had some mixed results. Glad to see Dale got elected and the new 3rd ward council person, great to see Coleman didn't pull it off again. I am in somewhat of a strange mood today, half optimistic, half very cynical at the election of Poplar and Lawler. But that is the nature of the beast so to speak, democracy can be a bumpy ride I guess. Anyways Dan, wish I knew you in person, would have bought you a beer at the Torch (Flint's true blue bar) , but then again it would have made the leaving sadder, and that is not good. Hope you keep checking in on us Dan, and in your case, go ahead and kibbitiz all you want!

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:31 pm 
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El Supremo

People did not come out to vote! Less than 800 people voted in the th ward.
Lynn will continue to work with her nonprofit and her blockclubs. But they will have to go to Lawler for their battles with city hall.
She was notified by the Land bank that her group can plan for the now vacant site on Dayton and Dupont. They are looking at a site plan the entire neighborhood can enjoy and use. It will be more than a pocket park and will have dwarf fruit trees and flowers.

Lawler finally filed his campaign work but he has corrections and amendments to make. He had to pay over $5oo in fines and these had to be paid out of his pocket and not the campaign funds.
It is no surprise that he is still not revealing how he got to use Cook School. davenport told some residents how another person rented the park an did not reveal the true intent for it's use. It still should be an in-kind contribution!
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:05 pm 
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back again

i'm glad ms.waybright wasn't tossed to the curb. she's much to valuable to the city!!

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:33 pm 
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Dave Starr

And since Mr. Lawler works for the State, he will only be legally able to talk to you after working hours when he's on his own time. Of course, this is after city hall is closed, so good luck. Unless he decides to continue violating the Hatch Act. I also wonder how he'll be able to attend committee meetings that are scheduled during his State working hours, which would be another Hatch violation.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:30 am 
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El Supremo

Dan-you have been a valuable asset to Flinttalk. Corruption in Flint is a long time story. All you have to do is read some of the old newspapers from the 60's and 70's. City council alleged in taking bribes for development and much more. You will probably find some where you are going.
White collar crime and public corruption are difficult to investigate and take a long time. I am often frustrated with the FBI and their slowness, but I understand their problem.
Post Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:39 pm 
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You have that right Webs! Flint's middle name should be " corruption" . We had a former prosecutor who embezelled, a couple of mayors who were under investigation , two mayors that were recalled , lord knows how many dirty deals done by the various city council members ( and this ISN'T including the current lot) , a former sheriff who did some shennagians with concealed pistol licenses ( and some other questionable activities I heard about but were never brought to light) . What the hell is it about Flint that attracts these crooks?! A gullible populace? An apathetic one? Both?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:38 pm 
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El Supremo

I spoke to some who are starting a group to fight corruption. There is another group wanting to recall Walling, but I don't know their reasons. If these groups and others get connected it will be intersting.
Post Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:01 pm 
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I have heard tales of at least two PACs that are forming. One seems to be more interested in going after Walling. The other is more broad minded. They want to go after any corrupt politicians, unserving politicians and any government agency not doing their jobs. There has been discussion about code enforcement, police not performing their duties and politicians that have not done their jobs. This includes politicians that ignore the laws and codes of conduct. This PAC is teaming up with residents, companies and organizations that are tired of corrupt government. This has been allowed to go on too long and people are sick of it. There are people that have organized groups for other purposes that are of the belief that we need to organize and put this city on notice.

I hope they suceed!
Post Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:15 pm 
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