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Topic: 5th Ward misuse of school property
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El Supremo

Under the Flint School Board policies-9000 General Public and Organizational Relations:
9250- "District facilities and equipment shall not be used or made available for political campaigns"

Whoever rented or gave Bernard Lawler the use of Cook School violated School Board policy.
Post Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:01 pm 
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Bernard is a good guy, you are miss guided peoples.
Post Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:48 pm 
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Untanglingwebs, this sort of misuse is too wide spread in this city. Why bother having rules in books if they are just ignored so much? I suspect if some one was not well connected to people in positions of power they would be denied access to school property. What can be done to stop this sort of stuff from happening? What has to be done or who has to be contacted to make sure this doesn't happen ? Who has oversight on these sort of issues?

Some people will roll their eyes and groan "who cares" . But this sort of thing matters. We allow too much sloppiness in the system,sloppiness that is costly. I would bet that the school system was not compensated for the use of the property. Perhaps this sort of thing was fine when the school system was flush with money,but when has the been the case?

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:49 pm 
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After posting that last posting I see that Lakewoman is once again telling us where we are in error. She is so wise and so ALL SEEING, I guess we are to sit down and listen to her teachings. Who cares if Bernard is a "good guy"? The point is what happened is against the established procedures and policies and it could open the city up to lawsuits and other legal issues. So please enlighten us Lakewoman why this should be permitted.

You fool all the people all the time,if you control the press. By pass the "offical channels" and see what is really going.
Post Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:53 pm 
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El Supremo

This type of happening gives the apperance of the School administration using resources to support a candidate. I understand David Davenport told some individuals that the property was leased under false pretenses by another group. But because Bernrd Lawler has been remiss in filing his required campaign finance reports, someone may need to file a freeom of information request.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:23 pm 
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back again

why are people who don't file required reports even allowed to run in an election? if the dude's doing wrong before the election does'nt that mean he's ineligible to run?

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:11 pm 
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El Supremo

Flint is a home rule city that forbids the approval of a candidate that is in default to the city. According to the Michigan Municipal League that includes individuals who are behind in their taxes.
I have not found a city ordinance that specifically deals with this issue although most communities do. Jackie Poplar entered bankruptcy prior to her election and is still in the bankruptcy process. She stated it was because she used her $6,000 in savings to pay for her mothers funeral. After her mothers death Jackies husband even filed bankruptcy. She has made about $22,000 a year for four years. Why couldn't she resolve this issue sooner. Too many hats?
There is an ordinance that states a candidate must comply with all campaign finance rules. I don't know what penalty exists.
The bigger question is why hasn't Genesee County elections complied with the law? No fines and no remediation as required by law.
Post Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:03 am 
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back again

well, then who in the county building is not doing their job?

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:11 pm 
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You say that Bernard Lawler is a "good guy." If he is such a good guy, why does he keep breaking the law? www.bernardlawler.info

Here is a post that was a reply to another individual:

With a little research, I found out Mr. Lawler lives in University Park. So I called a friend who lives there to find out what they knew about Mr. Lawler. This individual told me that one community problem made up her mind as to who would get her vote. She said that a company behind University Park had been crushing concrete and this thick dust cloud had been drifting into the neighborhood, forcing residents inside and coating everything with dust. She said residents near the back of University Park were even getting the dust inside their homes. She said that for years, their complaints were ignored by present councilwoman and city hall. Residents asked Mr. Lawler for help since he is a resident of University Park. Nothing happened, so some of the residents asked Mrs. Waybright for help. From what I was told, within a few weeks, there was a meeting called where Mrs. Waybright outlined what she had done to correct the problem. Apparently she contacted the State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). I understand this part, since I have dealt with them before. This resulted in DEQ inspectors coming out to the site and resulted in no more crushing. Problem Solved! She said that Mrs. Waybright solved a problem that had gone on for years that City Hall and Mr. Lawler had not been able to solve.

But what really interested me was what she said that really made up her mind. At the meeting, she said that Mrs. Lawler and Mr. Lawler tried to discredit Mrs. Waybright. She said Mrs. Waybright remained calm and did not give into petty fighting. She said Mrs. Waybright was very professional about her handling of the situation, even when the person running the meeting (a friend of Mr. Lawler), would not let Mrs. Waybright answer the questions. This woman said that Mrs. Lawler asked Mrs. Waybright why she did not let everyone know about the dangers of the concrete dust as soon as she knew. Mrs. Waybright said that she asked to have the community meeting to do just that, but only after researching the issue first. (See Derrick, research is important) But the best part came after that. She said a little while later Mr. Lawler admitted he had been approached with the problem and that he had given the information to the present councilwoman who he said apparently done nothing. She said that is what made up her mind. She also told me that Mr. Lawler tried to save face by later saying he had contacted the Michigan EPA, and that they were going to do swab test to see the severity of the dust problem. I can handle this one. Mr. Lawler, there is not such thing as the Mich. EPA, it is a federal agency. Lie number one! Secondly, they would not do a swab test for an air quality issue. They would use filter canisters hooked to the end of intake lines to determine the amount of dust in the air . Lie number 2!

To me, that just raises more questions.

1. Why didn’t Mr. Lawler notify the community of the dangers? And why wasn’t his wife outraged that he had not notified the community?

2. Why would Mr. Lawler give the problem to the same person that had not solved the problem in the past several years?

3. Why didn’t Mr. Lawler follow up on the problem to make sure it had been resolved?

Derrick1965, you say that Mr. Lawler is a nice guy. That may well be true, as I have never met him. I know lots of nice people, but I would never vote for the majority of them. I have heard from many more people that Mrs. Waybright is a nice person. But that is not why I would vote for her. The above story illustrates why I would vote for her; she got the job done when others did not. Apparently she took the initiative to follow through, took the extra time to research the problem, searched out experts to take care of the problem or was just willing enough to be persistent enough to get the job done. It boils down to this, nice guy or not:

Do you want a nice councilperson, or one who gets things done ?
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:50 am 
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Ted Jankowski

Good Job untanglingwebs. Did this hit the Journal or did you do your own investigation.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:44 pm 
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El Supremo

Ted- The only investigator on the Journal staff is Ron Fonger. While he is excellent, he can't do it all. That Kristen Longley couldn't do a simple delinquent tax story.
Post Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:54 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
But because Bernrd Lawler has been remiss in filing his required campaign finance reports, someone may need to file a freeom of information request.


In another thread, you said Lawler had spent $9000 on his campaign. I am going to assume you have a copy of his campaign finace records. What showed up about his event at Cook School?
Post Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:01 am 
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El Supremo

He is going to have to make amendments. He has two separate event reports for Cook School. In the first he shows it as a fundraiser and has contributions. In the second he only shows expenses. Nowhere does he show a rental or inkind contribution for the use of Cook School. David Caswell and Metawaneenee Hills supported Lawler. Caswell was the former principal of Cook.
Discussions with David Davenport revealed he was aware of the incident. He stated the school board rented the facility not knowing it was for a political purpose.
A Freedom of Information request will have to be made.
Also a complaint against the school administration can be made.
Post Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:41 am 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
He is going to have to make amendments. He has two separate event reports for Cook School. In the first he shows it as a fundraiser and has contributions. In the second he only shows expenses. Nowhere does he show a rental or inkind contribution for the use of Cook School. David Caswell and Metawaneenee Hills supported Lawler. Caswell was the former principal of Cook.
Discussions with David Davenport revealed he was aware of the incident. He stated the school board rented the facility not knowing it was for a political purpose.
A Freedom of Information request will have to be made.
Also a complaint against the school administration can be made.


Do you know if anything more has transpired from this misuse of Cook School?
Post Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:43 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

Here is my question: If illegal activities have occured then why isn't someone being charged? investigated? exposed?

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:22 pm 
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