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Topic: The Death of the Intellectual Conservative
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Dan Moilanen schreef:

I guess I would be since I have a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Philosophy and plan on working toward my Ph.D in Political Theory. Considering only 28% of American Citizens have attained at least a Bachelor's degree, I guess you'd have to put me in a minority of "cultural elite." The infamous cultural elites who hate America, Babies, Guns, and utilize this strange concept known as "rational thought."

I'm only 23 though, so I figured I'd work a bit and pay off my undergrad loans before taking on more.

How many degrees do you have, twotap?

Did you learn anything? Are you a precinct delegate? Wink

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:50 am 
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Once Dan gets into the real world that arrogance will quickly disappear into a rude awakening.

[quote]Sometimes they end up in campaigns, sometimes they end up helping to write policy -

Yes they do but I sure wouldnt be attempting to flaunt that sort of job prospect over someone else. As far as acorn dont tell me you have fallen into the spin they are trying to put on their illegal crap. I believe the senate and house both voted to cut off taxpayer dollars which is long past due which I guess proves a bit more than propaganda was taking place. That would I assume include a bunch of your partys members. In light of that our poly sci whiz kid probably wont be applying there after all. I will say that a poly sci degree is not quite as funny or useless as one in liberal arts close but not quite. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:59 am 
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twotap schreef:
As far as acorn dont tell me you have fallen into the spin they are trying to put on their illegal crap.

There is no spin I have fallen for. ACORN has done some things and gotten themselves into hot water. It doesn't mean that the whole body is bad, but rather that a few apples were. The only real reason they were cut off like that was because Faux News has hit them so hard over and over again that it became a liability for anybody to continue supporting them.

ACORN does a good amount of good work, it's sad that because a few people have done some stupid things the entire groups gets a bad label. When a republican senator gets caught with his pants down in a public restroom, do you think they are a fair representation of what the republican party is? Because one big member of the republican party does something stupid, do you loose faith in the entire party? Why do the standards change when we aren't talking about your beliefs?
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:06 pm 
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Thank heaven for FOX Very Happy news they nailed those crooks and had no problem reporting on any repub caught with his pants down. I know in your perfect world it would be so much better if only the likes of Dan Rather or Chris Matthews were filtering the days events but those days are gone, gone forever get over it.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:32 pm 
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twotap schreef:
Thank heaven for FOX Very Happy news they nailed those crooks and had no problem reporting on any repub caught with his pants down.

Oh yes, Faux News sure knows how to get it right. Rolling Eyes

Fact is they have crucified an organization that really hasn't done anything terrible. Faux News has been telling us that ACORN is offending the general population and is completely evil.

What has Faux News left out?

Oh, just about everything. How about that when a single cell of ACORN acts, it isn't with permission of the national body? How about the fact that the people who are really getting betrayed here are the members who are supposed to be in charge? How about the fact that ACORN consists of hundreds of little cells, all of which operate independently? Or, how about all the great things ACORN has done in the communities they operate in?

Seems like you and Faux are still looking for scapegoats. Of course, even if the national body falls apart, ACORN chapters all over the country will continue to operate. Killing the National Body is honestly one of the best things you guys could have done, and is one of the many reasons I stopped working with them myself. The National body was the cancer killing ACORN. Without them, the individual chapters will flourish and survive, finally free to do what they really want to do.

So, I guess thank you? Ha.
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:39 pm 
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Without taxpayer dollars thank you HA. Laughing Give george soros a call maybe he will send a few bucks their way. Rolling Eyes

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:42 pm 
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twotap schreef:
Without taxpayer dollars thank you HA.

XD Yes, because it is so hard for local chapters of ACORN to change their name... it's never even been tried before!

That was sarcasm, just in case it wasn't coming through. It has been done before, and there is nothing stopping local ACORN chapters from changing their name and a couple of other things - no skin off their teeth. Looks like.. in the end.. they still win?

Yep. Hurray for the victors.

Those who don't want to change, eh, let 'em die. Something else will show up to fill in the gaps. You seem to really have something personal against the organization. What did they do to you? What have they done to make you so angry?
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:55 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

Domet schreef:
If you ran through a philosophy department, Dan, you should be well aware that credentialing yourself does not make an argument. It actually falls into logical fallacy - careful about falling prey to this kind of argument. As you can see, twotap will get right on it, and then instead of having a conversation about the topic, he will latch on to whatever irrelevant detail he can and just blast you for it. Yah, it's not logical either and two wrongs don't make a right, but let him set traps for himself, don't set them up for him.

honestly, it's extremely difficult to have reasonable discourse with someone who is easily susceptible to sophistry as some of the members who post on this board. I don't come to this board looking for reasonable discourse because I certainly know I won't find it here. Also, yes there clearly is a fallacy within credentialing yourself, but it's a form of sophistry.

I'm a bad philosopher then since I'm not engaging in reasonable discourse, I recognize that. I just come here for the LOLZ.

I would enjoy it immensely though if this forum actually did function at a reasonable level of philosophical discourse.


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:00 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

twotap schreef:
I have a degree in actually living and working and making good money for a lot of years and witnessing what the libs like yourself have done to America and its culture. Oh I almost forgot I am actually at this time reading a book its titled "The Politicallly Incorrect guide to American History" which exposes the idiocy you libs have introduced into the classroom in the form of shaping American history to suit your PC ideas. You should check it out, oh wait you have already been indoctrinated into the sheeple fraternity by your lib profs. By the way just what kind of job does a degree in poly sci and Philosphy:roll: Laughing Laughing Laughing qualify you for? Acorn perhaps? I guess that engineering or science degree would have been a bit much for ya huh. Political Science plus philosophy thats hillarious. Laughing

So basically your response is cultural based and not institutional based? Political Science is the study of political institutions, not cultural norms. So to even compare cultural experience to academic training of political institutions isn't necessarily accurate.

And yet, some political scientists argue that there is no such thing as American Political Culture... hmpf.

I had one professor who was a leftist, the rest were actually very conservative. I went to a small private school by the way (I know right, a Marxist at a private institution and not a public one? Crazy!)

So far as qualifying myself for any position, I have a bachelor's in arts that I plan on developing further as I attain a Ph.D and actually study and write about political institutions. Specifically, I want to major in political theory with a focus on neo-marxist approaches to international political economy, globalization, and the environment.

But anyway, I feel the need to clarify my original intent of my post. It was simply to say that, "Yes, I would fall under the category of cultural elite within a minority of Americans that actually have college degrees, so technically I could be considered a member of the 'cultural elite.'" It wasn't to try and snub you or anything.

So far as the "how many degrees do you have?" comment, it was more of a way of saying I know a thing or two about political institutions because I've read countless non-polemical texts that describe how these institutions behave and the different patterns they exhibit. Institutions function very much like biological creatures in certain manners and they can be studied just as easily as any other biological or social creature.

Anyway, you proved my hunch that you're just another angry working class populist who feels like he's been wronged for some reason or another. The question about your income was simply to see whether or not you were affected by Obama's policies.

I could make a very good argument that no one who makes under $250,000 (or hell, even 500k) should support conservatives who seek to promote the development of the upper class... but I don't have time for that since my lunch break is over. Maybe later.


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:09 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

Ponycar schreef:
I don't think 2 tap attacked Dan for having an education. It's the arrogant little " I'm 23 and if your not as eduacated as me, you don't know nothing. It don't matter what you've experienced in your life, I've been to college". Arrogance seems to be a trait of most cultural elites that I've ran into.

Hey Dan, If you hate America get the F*** out !!!!. There are countries in the world where people don't have that freedom. Here in America you can leave anytime you want.

If you hate Babies, remember you were once one too. Be thankful that your mother didn't hate babies.

If you hate guns, get over it. The 2nd amendment assures our constitutional right to own them.

I never responded to this, and I wanted to touch on it before I forgot.

It wasn't a matter of me being arrogant, but rather to try and show I know a thing or two about political institutions that most Americans don't ever take into consideration. As a result, I'd argue I have a better understanding of the political system as a whole due to a number of factors which include my schooling and the countless non-polemical texts that I've read. (polemical texts are books that are deliberately meant to persuade people, they're also written in language that is often most utilized by the "common man" a good example would by Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" which was a NYtimes best seller in the 1940s about free-markets and what not)

So far as "hating America", I was being sarcastic (which you clearly missed).

I don't hate America. I don't agree with some of the decisions of our politicians, past and present. I don't agree with some our military actions (again, decisions made by politicians) and various other policy issues that have arisen. I like America. It's a great country. It's extremely diverse, geographically, economically, and socially. However, I think it's dangerous to think that America is perfect and that we can do no wrong. Strong nationalism is extremely dangerous regardless of the country (Remember Germany in the 1930s?). I take pride in that our founding fathers drafted a constitution that seemingly creates and ensure equality for all, as a result, I often carry a pocket constitution with me where-ever I go (I never claimed not to be nerdy haha). That being said, it's not a perfect document as it has been subject to multiple court rulings interpreting its context and language, but it's definitely one of the best constitutions in existence.

Also, it's kind of un-patriotic, and un-American to tell people to get out of the country if they don't like it. What about our founding fathers? Wasn't that the entire premise of the revolution? They were unsatisfied with their government's decisions, so they overthrew it rather than "leaving because they were unhappy with it." To tell someone to get out if they don't like it, suggests they should forfeit their rights as citizens and not petition their government thus not attempting to reform it.

But alas, I want to re-emphasize the dangers of hyper-nationalism. Our country is far from perfect (no country is perfect), but it's a pretty decent place to live. We may still have lingering issues with imperialism, race, gender, sexual preference, and major socioeconomic disparities, but we Americans are a proud, diverse group of people who want to see the best for our country and the world, and there is nothing wrong with that.


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:44 pm 
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Dan Moilanen schreef:

So far as qualifying myself for any position, I have a bachelor's in arts that I plan on developing further as I attain a Ph.D and actually study and write about political institutions. Specifically, I want to major in political theory with a focus on neo-marxist approaches to international political economy, globalization, and the environment.

You should study how jacked up our political institutions are. By the time you're done studying your "neo-commie" propoganda maybe you can get a job in one of those more conservative communist or socialist countries because the USSA might be in 2nd or 3rd world status by then.

Too bad pretty much every text book is "neo-liberal", "neo-socialist" or you might be a "paleo-conservative" and our county might not be on its way towards re-living the "pilgrim disaster" .

Adam - Mysearchisover.com - FB - Jobs
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:15 pm 
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back again

oh lord!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

even a small act of goodness may be a tiny raft of salvation across the treacherous gulf of sin, but one who drinks the wine of selfishness, and dances on the little boat of meaness, sinks in the ocean of ignorance.
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:57 pm 
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Dan Moilanen

Adam schreef:
Dan Moilanen schreef:

So far as qualifying myself for any position, I have a bachelor's in arts that I plan on developing further as I attain a Ph.D and actually study and write about political institutions. Specifically, I want to major in political theory with a focus on neo-marxist approaches to international political economy, globalization, and the environment.

You should study how jacked up our political institutions are. By the time you're done studying your "neo-commie" propoganda maybe you can get a job in one of those more conservative communist or socialist countries because the USSA might be in 2nd or 3rd world status by then.

Too bad pretty much every text book is "neo-liberal", "neo-socialist" or you might be a "paleo-conservative" and our county might not be on its way towards re-living the "pilgrim disaster" .

Rolling Eyes

Yeah just like all of these books, which were required reading:

Hayek- http://www.amazon.com/Road-Serfdom-Documents-Definitive-Collected/dp/0226320553/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253849347&sr=8-1

Locke- http://www.amazon.com/Treatises-Government-Letter-Concerning-Toleration/dp/1420924931/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253849387&sr=1-1

Smith- http://www.amazon.com/Wealth-Nations-Bantam-Classics/dp/0553585975/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253849407&sr=1-1

Hartz- http://www.amazon.com/Liberal-Tradition-America-Louis-Hartz/dp/0156512696/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253849448&sr=1-1

Lowi- http://www.amazon.com/End-Liberalism-Second-Republic-United/dp/0393090000/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253849476&sr=1-1

Should I continue?

I mean, all of them are nothing but "neo-commie" propagandists! Rolling Eyes

Unlike you, I read viewpoints that are opposite of my own and books written by political scientists that I disagree with in order to better understand what I support and why I support it. It's what any rational and reasonable person does.

Also, you REALLY should read Louis Hartz "The Liberal Tradition in America" because in it, he argues how the U.S. will never become a socialist state because of the deeply held lockean-liberal (with a small l) tradition and the fact that the U.S. has never had a formal class system/aristocracy like our European counterparts have. It's a really interesting read.


"I am not a Marxist."
-Karl Marx
Post Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:35 pm 
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Dave Starr

We may not have a formal class/aristocracy system here, but we have one that's alive and well. Members of congress calling anyone that disagrees with them right wing extremists. Town hall meetings by telephone so they don't have to associate with the unwashed masses. Master plans for areas of Flint that do not include lower income areas. The upper echelon of the Flint police department asking citizens why they care & why they're getting involved when they're trying to discuss a one man crime wave going on in the north end. Certain "elites" in Flint thinking they run the city rather than our elected representatives.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:43 am 
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Whats really funny are those on this forum who actually think that Flints on its way back. Some with degrees no less. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:45 am 
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