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Topic: Would The Death Penalty Save The Correctional System Money?
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Last edited by kryskattan on Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:49 am 
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Brother WilliamX schreef:
You know what Krys I have never been a good guy when it
to pointing out what I said, or how I posted my opinion on
a internet forum. You're the one who do not know the law
term....Consented Rape, and yet you want to jump me due
to the fact that Consented Rape...is giving it up freewill.

There is hundreds of men in prison today. Because they
was convicted of rape, and the female had gave permission.
Now since you wanna open a can of worms Sexually Abuse
is alot different the Consent rape or Date rape.

Most Sexual Abused women are sexually abused by some
one who is close to them. Sexually Abuse rape means sex
taken by force. Which in most cases includes physicial

Who have tried to change your statement, and frankly I
can say if I was to get nasty and unprofessional about it
I can stand who gives a damn if you are right or not?
Just becaause you are stuck in your ways. Do not mean
that I have to agree with you or you have to agree with me.

In closing, I do not get attitudes, but I will not stand anyone
(especially a woman) to try to dog me out, due to the fact that
she don't understand, and its a good thing that you do not
have anything against me. Because I have not given you a
reason to have a attitude with me. I am glad that you are not
12 years old with your smart ass, and nobody said or thought
that you was 12 years old.

Now a un-necessary remark like that was un-called for, and
that's the very reason why I am dealing with you with respect.
From this point on you have joined Adam and David when it
comes to me.

Now Good Night to My forum Friends in the Flint area, and I
do hope that you all will have a safe weekend.

Krys and others including myself do not know "the law term consented rape." The reason no one knows the term is because it does not exist. It may exist in your head, but it does not exist as a legal term. You say the fictitious term "consented rape," is "giving it up free will." That is called consensual sex not "consented rape." The huge difference being that rape is a crime, sex is not.

Your logic and definition of "sexually abuse" is so ridiculous that I am not even sure where I'd start to explain how wrong you are.

Your posts are so poorly written grammatically and your thoughts so flawed, I have a hard time believing that you are a professional in any field, especially counseling where clearly written reports are crucial. For future posts, try to limit your use of unnecessary capitalization and sentence fragments so people do not have to read a sentence 10 times before being able to comprehend what you are trying to say. Also, the term "in closing" means just that, so try to keep your "in closing" closer to the actual end of your post so that when my eyes and brain see "in closing" they know that the end of the post is actually near and the suffering of deciphering it will end soon.
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:40 pm 
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here's your quote:
"...Consented Rape, and yet you want to jump me due
to the fact that Consented Rape...is giving it up freewill."

Then the law is wrong, point blank, to be blunt. It seems as if the law is centered around the idea of "Actions speak louder than words". The term "Consented Rape" is an oxymoron.

Unless you are speaking of the "rape" in which the woman "gets even" with the man and screams rape after the sex was consencual (sp) and the word no was never uttered.

When a man grabs you by the throat with two hands and states, "You know what's gonna happen if you sleep with anyone else, doncha?" and I sit there and "take it", that's called self preservation, aka rape. There's no such thing as date rape, rape is rape.

Could you clarify the scenario for us please? That would clear the air...kryskatton is a cool chick you would get along wonderfully, I just think that there was communication mix-up.
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:06 pm 
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Bah836, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that there were lines of communication that were mixed up somewhere in the context of things. He doesn't seem like "the type" that would willy nilly write someone's rape experience off.

He seems to go for the underdog in situations, I really think that he mispoke, or we misunderstood the context in which the message was given to us.
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:10 pm 
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***A victim doesn't deserve nor want pity.****

thank you kryskatten. Smile
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:14 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

andi03 schreef:
Bah836, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that there were lines of communication that were mixed up somewhere in the context of things. He doesn't seem like "the type" that would willy nilly write someone's rape experience off.

He seems to go for the underdog in situations, I really think that he mispoke, or we misunderstood the context in which the message was given to us.

andi03, you do not have to give me the benefit of the doult, but
thanks anyways for being thoughtful, and I must agree that you
all are misunderstanding my point. So to you that do not see what
I am saying here it is in english.

Consented Rape, is where the female did give the male permission
to have sex, and then she turns around yelling rape. That's consent
rape. Why should she go to the law telling that lie, and she gave
permission? Again, there is plenty of men in prison for a crime that
wasn't as it was reported.

Now, suppose I was to react to your attacks like you attacked me
BAH836 and kryskattan Now that I have explained my statement
clear enough the replies on this thread has shown me why there is
racism, many dislikes, and how one race looks down on the other
as if they are so educated.

Detroit Michigan
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:26 pm 
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****Now, suppose I was to react to your attacks like you attacked me
BAH836 and kryskattan Now that I have explained my statement
clear enough the replies on this thread has shown me why there is
racism, many dislikes, and how one race looks down on the other
as if they are so educated.*****

I didn't sense any attacks from my end. I was just clarifying to make a point. If you construed my words as attacking it was done with no malice on my point whatsoever...<shrug>

You will find that this forum is filled with people with different ideologies, yeah we piss each other off but we always talk to one another. Some of the blatant opposites of my points of view wind up e-mailing me and we talk off of the forum.

We have a conservative gent that is the only "white man" on his block. We have a GM retiree that is a Jackpine savage that worked with blacks. We have white liberated women. Conservative black woman. Lib man that posts from another state that is involved with hip hop music. We have a man that is hard to describe, well two of them. Smile

Racism really doesn't present itself in this venue. Actually the good thing about forums is? We can't tell what color anyone is unless they place a photo of themselves on the avatar or they make a pronouncement that they are of a certain ethnicity...<shrug>

If I were to tell you that I smoked 2 packs a day and drank a 5th of whiskey a day and my kids are running around with 4 day old diapers on, then you would have to believe me right? It's all perception.
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:50 pm 
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Brother WilliamX schreef:

Consented Rape, is where the female did give the male permission
to have sex, and then she turns around yelling rape. That's consent
rape. Why should she go to the law telling that lie, and she gave
permission? Again, there is plenty of men in prison for a crime that
wasn't as it was reported.

Now, suppose I was to react to your attacks like you attacked me
BAH836 and kryskattan Now that I have explained my statement
clear enough the replies on this thread has shown me why there is
racism, many dislikes, and how one race looks down on the other
as if they are so educated.

If a female has consensual sex and then at a later time says she was raped that is still called consensual sex. The fact that she chooses to lie about it after the fact does not change the facts surrounding the original act. You stated consented rape is a law term. Show me somewhere in the law the term consent rape. You will not find it. The term that I would use instead of consent rape is simple-lying about getting raped.

You are right though, someone should never lie to the police and say that they were raped if they were not. Simply changing your mind after the fact is not going to change the facts of original act.

I do apologize about my harsh attack regarding your grammar, but if you say you are a professional I would expect your posts to somewhat resemble professionalism. Yours do not throughout this thread.

Regarding racism- Where do you see anything in any post that leads you to believe someone is a racist. You were presented with facts and questions which is not racism. You do not know if I am black, white or hispanic, or if I am male or female, just as I do not know (with a few exceptions) what race or gender other users are on the forum.
Post Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:16 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

Why have your all twisted this statement? I have sense
enough to know that there is victims of all kinds from all
types of crime (including racism). On this issue is where
most Blacks and Whites can't agree, and the subject is
most likely to turn into a problem.

You all may not agree with the death penalty (that's
your choice), but I do have the rights to express my
views or opinions, and again most humans do not or
will not react until the crisis hit home.

So regardless to how I use words in my post believe
me the message is plain. As parents some of us can
not accept the fact that there is a possibility that we
can be lied to, but we seem to always try giving any
situation the benefit of the doult, and when we really
discover the truth most is still in denial.

(Regardless to those who won't like it) My feelings is
no one should have to suffer at another person's hands
or behavior, and if my Daughter was to lose her life
(not survived) at the hands of a rapist cause she said
okay I would want his life.

I am done with this subject.

Detroit Michigan
Post Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:33 am 
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I am not done...

***On this issue is where
most Blacks and Whites can't agree, and the subject is
most likely to turn into a problem.****

You're kidding...right?! The death penalty AND rape are a HUMAN problem NOT just a race problem.

Do you wince everytime a Muslim woman girl gets stoned to death because she was raped? I sure as sh*t do!! Or is that a "religious" thing?
Post Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:49 am 
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[quote="Brother WilliamX"]
My Baby girl was on a date (at the age of 17), and she is 27 now.
She came home late one night crying, and claiming that she was
raped. Of course that started a chain reaction of feelings, and
emotions against her ex-boyfriend.

My Wife and I went through four weeks of pure hell, but the real
truth came out into the open, and the truth was she had gave the
boy consent to have sex with her. However, that was not the story
in the beginning, and that's why I used the word Consent.

Now since becoming a Mental Health Counselor. I do have senses
enough to know the damn differances between a Consent and a
Force rape case.

Your statements have not been twisted in any way. I have quoted your original statement which says that essentially your daughter said she was raped and then later admitted that she LIED to you and the sex was consensual. You should drop the word "rape" from her situation because she was not raped either forcefully or statutorily. The fact is that your daughter was never in the hands of a rapist because she consented. You are falsely using the word "rape" to describe her situation.

I have challenged you to show us where the term "consent rape" exists as a legal term and you have not been able to do so. Now that you have been shown several times that you are in the wrong regarding your "consent rape" term, you decide that the people pointing out your flawed logic are racist and you are done with the subject. Maybe you have realized that you can't enforce your logic with any facts so you have decided to holler racism and be done with the topic. It is easier to claim racism than trying to find facts that don't exist, so you have taken that approach to get out of the discussion.

Race has nothing to do with the facts or judging the facts as they are presented.
Post Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:01 pm 
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During the discussion I have forgot to answer the original question you asked. Numerous studies throughout the country have shown that it is more expensive to prosecute and carry out a death penalty case than it is to prosecute and carry out "life in prison" case.
Post Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:19 pm 
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back again

i say make them work the cane fields in haiti chained together.....i've seen those cane workers.....hooooboy..
Post Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:17 pm 
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