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Topic: Do You Really Understand Politics?.
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Brother WilliamX

Racial thinking is why politics have taken over today's society.
The line that I just typed is a simple understanding remark.
We are so busy worrying about small minnor problem solving
situations until we are to blind to se the big picture.

What's happening in downtown Flint is happening all across
the nation, and until we understand the tricks in politics we
will always be a part of the game plan. First, have any of you
site readers ever took the time to read, and understand other
posters when they write about the economics in Flint? What
about here in Michigan? Not to mention across the nation.

Its so true that Whites see things differently then Blacks,
and the same the other way around. What's important to
me concerning the economic struggle here in Michigan is
finding a solution. We can blame the Flint, Detroit, Lansing
City Administration for this crisis, but are we blaming the
wrong people?, and should we be blaming ourselves for
doing nothing but talk or complain.

There is so very important and serious topics on this site,
and that's some that should be on Saturday Night Live as
jokes. I rode through Flint's Public Housing community
last week, and man Public Housing looks like Iraq after
Bush bombed Iraq. Yet you all is worried about how down
town Flint is looking.

Are some of you allowing Politics to violate your rights as
the people who are tax payers? How many Beer & Wine
stores have closed because of no money?, and they will
not close as long as money is being spent.

In closing, I see this same situation all across America
as I travel. So its not just here in Michigan, Flint, Detroit,
its everywhere. Its the people that we vote into office
that's turning on us.

Detroit Michigan
Post Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:37 am 
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Dave Starr

It's time to look beyond the rhetoric and look at qualifications and records. Stop voting for people simply because they're the incumbent or because they belong to a particular party, or because of their skin color. We can't afford more of the same at any level of government.

To paraphrase a couple well known people.......

"Ask not what your Country can do for you. Rather, ask what you can do for your Country."

Do not judge someone by the color of their skin. Judge them by the content of their character.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:26 am 
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Brother WilliamX

Mr Dave, I have to agree 200% with you. In a mixed up
society like we are living in today. We do need someone
(anyone) who is well qualified to make the diferences,
and not just talking out of the sides of their necks.

Dave, have you noticed that the ones on this site who
should contribute to what we are talking about is avoiding
this conversation? Which makes me wonder is this the
reason why lint, and other Cities are in the shape that they
are in?

WE are to busy boosting Politicians up as great people, and
they are the real ones who is actually the ones that's doing
the damage. I just love every movie that Michael Moore
films. Because of the fact that he is showing, and telling the
truth through movies.

I am glad that I found this site. Because as I have posted
many times Flint is one of my favorite top five cities in the
State of Michigan, and I have friends who live there in Flint.

I would like to remind many of you once again that Politics
is why Flint is messed up like it is, and guess what? the
City is messed up because you (the people) allowed the
Politrixicans to take over the city. Detroit is in the same
boat that Flint's in, but Detroit is 4 or 5 times bigger then
Flint, and Detroit is suffering from the same economic
situation like Flint.

In closing, On the weekends I can't wait to drive up to my
second home in the Saginaw/Bay City area, and of course
I have to stop some where in Flint to eat.
So again, You Flint citizens hang in there, and stop allowing
these politicians to do more damage that's already done.

Detroit Michigan
Post Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:33 am 
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Adam Ford

Brother WilliamX schreef:

Dave, have you noticed that the ones on this site who
should contribute to what we are talking about is avoiding
this conversation?

Your posts aren't substantive. I'm waiting for you to offer any real solutions. "Hope and change" and "coming together" doesn't do it for me. Government is filled with politicians like you who have no real plans. You may have a good heart but that doesn't mean you have any real solutions.

Adam Ford
Post Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:05 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

Well, Mr Adams. It seems to me that you are the brain of
Flint Michigan. So let's hear your great concept to rebuild
Flint. I can see clearly that you are a John McCain supporter,
and its people like you who is like Wall Street live the rich
lifestyle off of poor middle class taxpayers.

<Adam Ford> Your posts aren't substantive. I'm waiting for
you to offer any real solutions. "Hope and change" and
"coming together" doesn't do it for me. Government is filled
with politicians like you who have no real plans. You may
have a good heart but that doesn't mean you have any
real solutions<end>

I do not replace facts with substants. The only real solution
is for citizens to wake up to people like yourself who does
things alone. Do you really want to know why hope, chance,
and coming together won't do anything for you? Its becaause
you do not believe in neither of the three. Look around you
Mister. Look at the City of Flint. Are you for Flint to recover?
Or you're one of them high & mighty individuals that thinks
that the struggle do not concerns you.

Like me be the first to say that these corrupted Politicians
think just like you with no real plans or right direction thinking.
I know that I have had a good heart (mentally & physically)
all my life. Discovering a real solution is for everyone to help

In closing, I bet that you are one of those kind of people who
lives outside of the Flint's City Limits, but look down on people,
and perhaps since I do not have a solution as one man you
will come up with a real solution. So WE all humble ourselves
to hold our breath as we wait for YOUR solution.

Detroit Michigan
Post Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:47 pm 
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Adam Ford

Well first off I do not consider myself a John McCain supporter but I am a Palin supporter. If McCain wins there is a legitimate chance we could get Palin who might be decent. I'm also not rich yet so you're wrong about that although politicians are doing a good job of keeping me from getting rich.

People like you coming together with no real solutions does not equal success.

You may have a lot of heart. So do politicians that want to take care of you and help run yor life because they think they know what's best for you.

I live in Flint.
Post Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:55 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

However, I do have the motivation, and the get up to take
a stand against corrupted Politrixs. I can care less who will
listen or read my opinions, and no I am NOT a politician I
am just a plain oconcerned citizen. Who believe in exercising
my rights, and I do represent a group that believes in doing
the same.

Everything that's happening in today's society is a part of the
New World Order conspiracy, and we are so blinded to these
facts until we are causing our own pain. Hahaha, the Repuke's
wannabe V.P is all for herself. Look at her own operational
Government standards. Where is she taying to seperate her
State from being a U.S State, and yet you support someone
like her?

I am deeply involved in the revolution peroid, and I have
been since the late 1960's. I do recall the times when our
elected officials was serving the people, and now most who
is elected is serving themselves. Here in Detroit/Highland
Park. WE are the political battleground of the State of Mich.
Whenever something comes out of Lansing it seems to
always come to us. Most Politicians who runs for office comes
to us, and this is where I get my inputs and opinions from.

In closing, I lead my organization into many area levels of
the struggle, and where ever we are needed that's where we go.

Detroit Michigan
Post Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:46 am 
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I am a politician. Maybe you should help me take out my socialist opponents.

Palin appears to be a Christian who might do the right thing. The others are clearly socialists who will run us into the ground some more than others. I think there is a legitimate chance Palin might do the right thing if McCain was unable to be president.

If you're worried about NWO stuff it appears McCain, Obama and Biden are the clear CFR choices.
Post Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:44 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

Well Mr Ford. I am enjoying communicating with you. First of all
I am a Grassroot/Independent Party member. Plus here in my
Black community. I am a Black Nationalist that demands a change
in today's society, and my question to you is do you represent
Flint on the local or State level?

I am in Lansing twice a week talking to different legislators
concerning their power to change things around the State
as well as Cities like Flint that needs help. My State Senator is
the honorable Martha Scott, and she's one of the few in Lansing
that cares about her people who elected her to office.

Just how bad are you in Politrixs? One can not be a Activist
without becoming involved in Politics. I have people everyday
who believes in what I aam doing (Community & Politically wise)
to fight against self-centered politicians. I do have a fellowing
crowd that's behind me (including) the three organizations that
I am chairperson.

To be honest with you I feel that you Republicians are the
ones who supported former gov Angler Laughing When he did
his statewide sweep to ruin our economics. You are Flint's
representative in the House or Senate?

Ummm I can't think right now where I read the information
stating that you're a bigtime man in Flint. In closing, since
you have all this political power. What are you doing to put
Flint back on the road to a economic recovery?

To be able to deal with the socialists. We must first deal
with the magic wand wavers Politicians. Who think that they
can work magic by using the tax payers dollars. So I am
willing to hear from you what can I do to help YOU deal with
the Socialist Communists/ the American Propagenda, and
the Flat out Politicrooks?

Detroit Michigan
Post Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:18 pm 
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Adam Ford

I'm not an elected politician and almost for sure won't be after this election but I'm running for state house.

I'll check into Martha Scott. I liked Garfield and I thought Hoogendyk was decent in the house other than that I'm not thrilled with any of them.

What organizations? I have a regular job so I am limited with what I can do but I go to school and city meetings. It is nice to run and get some issues out there. I'm not thrilled with the ethanol bill an we need serious immediate sentencing and legal reform in Michigan.

Flint has Lee Gonzalez and will almost for sure send Woodrow Stanley to the house. In the Senate we have Gleason. Engler I here was a little liberal. I'm really disappointed in Govorner Romney who bent over to the Democrats and gave Michigan an income tax.

I've been trying to lobby the council to ease up on some anti-business ordinances but they don't want to/are too lazy to do that.

Well if you are active in Lansing try and get Martha Scott to pass sentencing reform. Drugs are not as serious as murder contrary to what our legal code says. That alone could save us many millions. In addition many of our socialist well intentioned programs are not working. In addition the ethanol bill was asanine. The film bill was also rediculous. Nobody had the guts or brains to vote against the ethanol bill.
Post Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:59 am 
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Brother WilliamX

<Adam Ford> Well if you are active in Lansing try and get Martha Scott to pass sentencing reform. Drugs are not as serious as murder contrary to what our legal code says. That alone could save us many millions. In addition many of our socialist well intentioned programs are not working. In addition the ethanol bill was asanine. The film bill was also rediculous. Nobody had the guts or brains to vote against the ethanol bill.

Contact Lee Gonzales (your house Rep) directly to create a House Bill
on the behalf of sentencing reform. What way do you want sentencing
reform to be? To free the drug dealers, or allow them to receive a
lighter sentence? Sure drugs isn't as serious as murder, but drugs do
kill, and the only realistic viewpoint on this matter is...if one do not
want to do the time...then don't commit the crime.

That would save the taxpayers money, but what about those who are
in prison that's innocent?, and as long as the economic world is in
bad shape the consumers will always suffer the effects.

Adam, There is NO if I am in Lansing Sir, due to the fact that I do
not have to come into a machine lying. Whenever peoples lives is
in danger. What I type about is for real, and this struggle (look at
Flint) for one is something that we ALL need to take a stand.

" Good Luck " if you decide to run for the State House, but remember
that you must have a platform that the people like, and a perfect
platform is what you would do to help Flint to bounce back as it once
was on the Social Economic & Working levels.

In closing, I must make this broad statement. When it comes to
coming together race seems to be one of the major holdbacks.
Politrixcians are people who we have elected to serve us, but they
have developed their own agenda, and its up to us to take back our
government. I hope that everyone could see the game that Wall St
tried to play on us, and the bailout was not nothing but a mind game
that the Rich tried to run on the middle & poor working class, and the
just surviving class of people. Come on Flint and talk to me.

Detroit Michigan
Post Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:01 pm 
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Adam Ford

Lee is a major socialisst. I'll probably have better luck working with Woodrow Stanley. Alcohol kills more than marijuana. Do you support prohibition of alcohol? If so why not? It's clearly more dangeous than marijuana. You think jail times should be longer for coccaine possession than murder? In addition if we had equality in the criminal justice system whites would probably reform the laws immediately.

My district is 90% democrat. They like Woodrow Stanely because they like his name because he was the former mayor. 90% of the people probably are clueless on his platform and probably at least 80% will still vote for him but I will at least be on the ballot this November.

Speaking of race you should look at how "beneficial" the drug war has been on blacks. Smart people know that if you want to put a lot of black people in jail you just need to pass a lot of drug laws and then target poor black neighborhoods. If you really wanna go the KKK/eugenics route you can even put some free abortion clinics in their neighborhoods and see how many black babies you can kill which is what we do in places like Flint and Detroit.
Post Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:30 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

Well Mr Ford. As a former Alcoholic and Drug Addict. I do not support
a person who is a alcoholic or Drug addict. Because now I am living a
new life, but I can not & will not forget where I came from, and by the
Government making big tax dollars from the sales of Alcohol we are
fighting a losing battle.

Now I am voting NO on the two up-coming proposals A & B or is it
One & Two? Regardless I am casting a no vote. Can yo picture how
many will claim to have a medical condiction to get weed? Can you
picture how others will abuse the system by having others to use their
MedicAid or Care card to get the drugs for them?

On the subject of Pro-Life I stay away from that topic, due to the
fact that I have mixed feelings both ways. I believe that a Child
did not ask to be concieved, and only a low life (female) in all do
respect would bare a child. Plus some do not know who's the baby's
Daddy is, and that's why I do not believe that a child should be born.
Then my viewpoint is once a child is formed inside of the womb that
Child has the rights to life. Now you see why I do not touch the topic?

<Adam Ford> You think jail times should be longer for coccaine
possession than murder? In addition if we had equality in the criminal justice system whites would probably reform the laws immediately.

Well Adam (is it okay if I called you Adam)? Anyways I believe that
jail time should be long for both, but in a murder case I support the
Death Sentence. Crime can not be based of skin color. Because
crime is just like substances abuse it comes in all colors.
Explain to me why you seem to think that Whites would reform the
laws immediately?

In Closing, Adam. Its sad that others seem to stay away from yours
and mines communication, but I want to thank you for communicating
with me, and believe me Brother I am a opened minded, humble,
acceptances Black man who try to understand both sides. Stay in

Detroit Michigan
Post Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:42 am 
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Did you get the opportunity to serve time in jail? Do you feel more/some jail time would have helped you recover sooner?

In theory I think the death penalty and socialized medicine are great ideas. Unfortunately the government is notorious for screwing things up and making mistakes. It's a known fact where practiced in America poor blacks tend to get executed more for murder crimes.

If whites were incarcerated at the same rate as blacks for drug crimes I think a lot of white parents would have a problem with their kids going to jail for the same things they grew out of. Black people ravaged by crime don't seem to mind it though which is somewhat understandable. If I had to guess I'd say the rate of drug use in the poor black crime ravaged north end of Flint and inner city Detroit is about the same as the surrounding low crime white suburban communities.

It appears to me the drug war is going about as good as the war on alcohol went but a lot of the burden is being paid in foreign countries where drug runners have taken over local governments.

Obviously we can't just immediately legalize everything but I think medical marijuana should be legal along with some other alternative treatments.
Post Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:06 pm 
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Brother WilliamX

<Adam Ford>Did you get the opportunity to serve time in jail?
Do you feel more/some jail time would have helped you recover

Adam, I have NEVER served time in prison, and I am 61 years
old. I have avoided the opportunity to go to jail or prison. The
only time that I seen the inside of Jail was because of drunk

I have a clean criminal report on every law enforcement level.
City, County, State, and Federal. The reason why I changed
my lifestyle was because I was tired of killing myself slowly.
Plus I was tired of making someone else rich.

In the following statement you said: In theory I think the
death penalty and socialized medicine are great ideas.
Unfortunately the government is notorious for screwing
things up and making mistakes. It's a known fact where
practiced in America poor blacks tend to get executed more
for murder crimes.

The death penalty should be enforced by law, due to the fact
that to live by the sword one should die by the sword, and if
you are calling drugs (any type) socialized medicine you need
a reality check. How is the Government screwing things up or
making mistakes? To me that's flat out racism for Blacks to
be executed. Whereas Whites are chopping up their wives,
and blowing the Family away. Isn't that considered murder?
The only differences between Blacks committing murder, and
Whites committing murder...Whites seem to receive the
insanity plead and sentencing.

I have to agree with your first part of this sentence where
you said If whites were incarcerated at the same rate as
blacks for drug crimes I think a lot of white parents would
have a problem with their kids going to jail for the same
things they grew out of.

Then you stated Black people ravaged by crime don't seem
to mind it though which is somewhat understandable. If I had
to guess I'd say the rate of drug use in the poor black crime
ravaged north end of Flint and inner city Detroit is about the
same as the surrounding low crime white suburban communities.

FIrst of all Blacks are victims of proverty, unemployment, no
education, broken homes so on and on. Blacks have to deal
with racism and discrimination on the daily bases, and this is
why Blacks are ravaged by crime. Also Blacks in today's society
do not seem to mind doing what they have to do to survive in
the White man's world, and is it really understandable by other

The drug rates in all cities (Including) white suburban cities and
townships is high. Again, crime rates on the north end of Flint is
where the poor blacks are struggling to survive life, and Buick City
is right smack in the middle of the Flint (so-called) drug/warzone.

By me being from the old school game. I remember when a Black
person could not afford money to be drug dealers. Which brings up
my next statement street drug dealers usually are young men &
women who have been given the facts that selling drugs is fast
money. Now can we say these facts was presented by the Rich white
society that has always had the power and control?

Here in the inner-city there is more whites who live in the quiet
surrounding suburbs. Coming into the inner-city to buy drugs or
sex. Which is one thing that White Suburban don't allow, and
most gets addicted to the inner-city drugs. Legalize everything?
When you say that you are speaking about taxing everything,
and that will never happen.

In closing, If you legalize medical marijuana. Then legalize Coke,
and other street drugs. All that would be doing is making the Drs
and the Healthcare system rich.

Detroit Michigan
Post Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:42 pm 
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