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Topic: Wendy Johnson screws up again!

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El Supremo

it is required that the City of Flint safeguard any and all assets purchased with or used to leverage federal grants.

Wendy Johnson refused to do so and because of that disregard, significant assets are now at risk for vandalism and loss. I don't want to publicize the exact asset, because to do so will certainly put it in jeopardy. Her failure to pay significant bills and transfer allocated monies may cost the city CDBG funding if these assets are damaged and/or stolen!
Post Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:49 pm 
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El Supremo

First Wendy doesn't ensure the phone bill is paid to safeguard the asset, now the heat is off. But she is said to require at least one staff person to be in that unheated building daily. Punishment ? Thank God summer is coming.
Post Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:11 am 
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El Supremo

A new board is being put in place, probably a puppet board that will hire who Eason wants.
Atleast they can pay the bills, that is if Wendy ever sends the money allocated.

Then maybe the alarm system will be able to work with the phone back on!
Post Sat May 07, 2011 7:54 am 
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