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Topic: Most recent Flint OIG audit

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El Supremo

OIG Michigan Audit Reports - HUD
Oct 13, 2010 ... The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the City of Flint's (City) HOME Investment ...
http://www.hud.gov/offices/oig/reports/mi.cfm - 87k - Cached

Date Issued: October 13, 2010
Audit Report No.: 2011-CH-1001
File Size: 543KB

Title:The City of Flint, MI, Lacked Adequate Controls Over Its HOME Program Regarding Community Housing Development Organizations' Home-Buyer Projects, Subrecipients' Activities, and Reporting Accomplishments in HUD's System
Post Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:45 pm 
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El Supremo

The records for Flint West Village were under the control of David White and were stored in the archives at Kettering University. The legal department, if asked would have been able to secure these records. However, the agency was in a forced bankruptcy due to the sums of money owed to at least 2 banks and that may have complicated the transfer of the documents.

In a lame duck move Emergency financial Ed Kurtz gave large sums of federal money to Flint West Village just days before he surrendered control to Williamson. Williamson refused to honor this award because he was aware the company was not in good standing as to taxes owed and that they had 65 properties foreclosed upon just months before. Council refused to allow the reallocation of these funds and they were lost.

The land bank had foreclosed on a large number of houses and properties because Flint West Village attempted to be their own Land bank and fought the changes in the law that required they pay taxes on these properties. The bankruptcy reversed some of these foreclosures. A Flint West board of director and vice president of Kettering was cited in the bankruptcy for purchasing 3 properties for Kettering when he realized the agency was failing. Kettering was forced to pay more money for the properties and the newly built fraternity is on some of the sites.

Greater Eastside records should have been available and if demanded, they were required to have been surrendered. They too were allocated money by Ed Kurtz and were not in good standing. The administrative money had been drawn down and no rehabilitation work had been started much less completed. GECA was in the process of repurchasing a property they were selling on land contract and failed to disclose. The purchase was not completed within one year and the agency did not request an extension. The law department or the Finance Department should have realized the money from the lawsuit should not have gone to the law department. GECA was in breach of their contract.
Post Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:46 pm 
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