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Topic: Volunteer Police Force

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El Supremo

Some south Side residents were furious that officer Jesse Carpenter was said to be back but not in uniform. Is this some new tactic by the mayor, another grant, or just "smoke and mirrors"?.

Dave Starr

At the meeting last night, Lock was asked if Haskell was available for block clubs to be used for meetings. he said yes, just call Rhoda Matthews to set it up. He also said people could sign up to volunteer at the mini stations, but didn't say anything about those that applied to be volunteers months ago but never heard a thing after that.

Also, a friend that lives closer to Haskell than we do said she talked to Carpenter & he plans to be at Haskell & continue what he's been doing there even though he's laid off.

When seconds count, don't call the Flint police; the Mayor laid them all off.

45ACP: Don't leave home without it.
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:57 pm 
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Probably just another publicity stunt, call me cynical again. Officers that are not in uniform are tended to be construed as "approachable" due to the fact that they are in street clothes and not in uniform. Uniforms p*ss people off or uniforms scare people. Wanting to convey friendliness is the overall motivation behind this.

Funny most officers ARE nice if they have a nice mayor to work for and co-workers to back them up, and probably wouldn't be under so much pressure if they had job security..

If he's back, is it falling under the foot patrol grant from Mott Foundation?
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:03 pm 
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I am scared for the officers on foot patrol in my neighborhood. The officers we have dealt with in the past have been great. They usually don't mess with anyone unless they are doing something really stupid. We help when we can. Like: directing traffic when there is an accident on our block. There have been two near fatal accidents behind our home in less than a year.

We don't know who is going to be our foot patrol officer. Once we find out, I could probably give them a list of phone numbers of homeowners around here who would assist them in a minute if they needed it. Especially if they have to deal with any crap from the two dope houses next door.
Post Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:25 pm 
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