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Topic: Fires an act against the Walling administration

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Ryan Eashoo

March 25, 2010

Dear Ryan Eashoo,

By now you’ve heard about the premeditated attacks, the fires that were set last night. In a span of hours, nine fires were started in vacant structures in a methodical and calculated effort on the eve of the start date for layoffs.

These arsons, these acts of violence, against our community will be dealt with swiftly and firmly. Public Safety Director & Chief Lock is aggressively leading an investigation in cooperation with State and Federal authorities and pursuing the criminal or criminals who are responsible. Our police offices and fire fighters also are working overtime to deter any further violence.

I have spent hours today reaching out to leaders in our community and I have been encouraged by the universal reaction that I’ve received that we must stop those who have chosen to use violence to achieve their own perverted political purpose.

Many of you have reached out and asked what you can do. I ask that you take 3 simple, but important actions to help:

1. If you should have any information regarding the fires of last night, please call 237-6812. You do not have to give your name.

2. Report any suspicious activity you may see to 911.

3. Continue to be vigilant in monitoring vacant structures.

I appreciate each and every citizen’s effort to come together to work for the common good during this time. This is a time for us to come together and look out for the safety of your neighbors, friends, and relatives. I know that this community is stronger than a few criminals who are trying to take advantage of us now.


Dayne Walling

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:00 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

You heard of O.P.P, but what about P.P.P?

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:01 pm 
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El Supremo

These targeted areas have had serial arsonists for many years. To suggest individuals from the ranks of the firefighters are responsible is Walling using the firefighters rallies for his perverted political means. Very disingenuous, but predictable from such an incompetant administration. Were any of the structures insured? The 1967 riot was an excuse for homeowners looking to get insurance payouts.
The real victims are the homeowners who will get higher insurance premiums because of the layoffs and publicity.

Rash of fires in Flint thought to be for 'perverted political purpose'
By Laura Angus | Flint Journal
March 25, 2010, 4:59PM

Hollyn Johnson | The Flint JournalFlint Fire Department works to put out a blaze at an abandon home on Stone Street near Hurley Hospital Thursday afternoon March 25.FLINT, Michigan — City officials suspect arsonists with a political bent were trying to scare residents after nine vacant homes were torched over a 20-hour span.

The rash of fires was worse than the city has seen on Devil’s Night in recent years, a night typically considered the worst night for arsons in Flint all year.

The fires started Wednesday about 30 minutes after Flint Mayor Dayne Walling announced that 23 firefighters would no longer be on the job starting Thursday morning.

Two firefighters were hurt in the ensuing firefighters, including one who had a ceiling fall on him.

The injured firefighters, who were treated and released, were among those who lost their jobs in the layoffs.
Sarah A. Miller | The Flint Journal A City of Flint Firefighter, middle, sustained a neck injury after a ceiling fell on him during a call to a vacant house fire at 1441 Jane Ave. in Flint Wednesday afternoon.
Thursday, Walling and Public Safety Director Alvern Lock renewed their calls for residents to be especially vigilant after the outbreak of arson fires.

“The point here is that this is a series of coordinated criminal attacks that are designed to scare the residents of this city,” said Walling, saying the arsonists are seeking a “perverted political purpose” by setting them.

The nine fires Wednesday and Thursday were nearly double the number of arson fires the city had on Devil’s Night last year.

Firefighters on Wednesday fought five fires in the afternoon and evening followed by four more Thursday morning.

The city called for help from the Burton and Grand Blanc fire departments after three fires were started within an hour of each other early Thursday.

Walling said the city is doing everything it can to curb the outbreak of fires and promised to “not allow criminals and fear to take over this city.”

He said investigators believe the fires were set in a “routine pattern” but declined to give further details about the fires or any evidence found at the scenes.

Lock said investigators were talking to someone in connection with the fires Thursday morning, but wouldn’t say if the person is a suspect. No arrests had been made Thursday afternoon, Walling said.

“I think it’s someone that has knowledge of what they’re doing, and I’ll leave it at that,” Lock said. “You can read between the lines.”

Lock declined further comment.

State and federal fire investigators are assisting the probe.

Mark Kovach, vice president of the firefighters’ union, said he is “appalled” at suggestions that the fires could have been set for political gain.

He said it was a bad idea for the mayor to tell the media about the layoff of 46 police officers and 23 firefighters on Thursday and closure of two fire stations. Station 3 on the city’s north side and Station 8 on the south side are expected to shut down today.

“I think that that’s advertising for disaster,” Kovach said.

He was among the firefighters battling the rash of fires, and said he believes serial arsonists are taking advantage of the cuts to public safety.

Kovach said he’s concerned about what will happen if the fires continue after the two fire stations close, leaving the city with three stations citywide.

“People are going to start losing property and lives,” he said. “It’s definitely going to be that way.”

Thursday, residents in some neighborhoods began taking steps to safeguard abandoned homes.
Ryan Garza/The Flint JournalRoad to Freedom workers board up an abandoned house on Stone Street in Carriage Town to help prevent arsonist from gaining access tot he home that was next door to an abandoned house that caught on fire earlier Thursday in the Flint neighborhood.
Tim Monahan, Carriage Town Neighborhood Association president, called the fires in this neighborhood “devastating.”

Volunteers are coordinating neighborhood patrols and boarding up vacant homes in the area in response to the four fires the neighborhood saw during the string of blazes.

“Someone has it out for Carriage Town,” he said.

Jason Nicholson, vice president of the Carriage Town Neighborhood Association, said he’s not as concerned about the fires because they seem limited to vacant homes.

“It does tie up the firefighters so that if someone with children or senior citizens have a fire ... obviously their response time is going to be a lot worse,” he said.

The Genesee County Land Bank is helping the effort by donating plywood and materials so volunteers can board up vacant homes in Carriage Town and in the Grand Traverse District, said Executive Director Doug Weiland.

The Land Bank owns about 1,300 of the roughly 6,000 abandoned homes in Flint, and Weiland said the volunteers’ efforts will benefit the neighborhoods and the Land Bank.

“We are wanting to try to help neighborhood associations anytime they’re doing work in an area with a lot of Land Bank properties,” he said. “We’re happy to help out any way we can.”
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:13 am 
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Dave Starr

WOW! The land bank is generously donating plywood so volunteers can board up land bank properties?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:28 am 
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The city's biggest blighted slumlord is looking after its interest and calling it donation. If the landbank goes down, the county may lose some of it's most overpaid and useless employees. We can't have that now..... city hall might be next. It would set a bad example.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:28 pm 
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Dave Starr

On the scanner now - fire in the 300 block of East McClellan, 2 story house, fire coming up the upstairs windows. Don't know if it's occupied or not.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:40 pm 
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