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Topic: $25 million stimulus money a drop in the bucket?

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El Supremo

Weiland indicates the magnitude of the problem is greater than the $25 million can address. Remember Walling wants the land bank to take care of weed and trash abatement.

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Genesee County Land Bank executive says $25-million stimulus grant will help Flint but leaves much more to do
By Ron Fonger | Flint Journal
March 10, 2010, 5:25PM

Doug Weiland
GENESEE COUNTY -- The executive director of the county Land Bank Authority says a $25 million stimulus grant to demolish and rehab houses in Flint will make a difference but won't come close to solving the city's problems with abandoned houses.

Doug Weiland, executive director of the Land Bank, told the county Board of Commissioners Wednesday that the federal funds will help to demollish about 255 houses, rehabilitate 104 others and acquired hundreds more properties for future development.

But with 10,000-plus vacant lots and more than 10,000 abandoned homes, "it's a drop in the bucket compared to what's really needed out there," Weiland said.

The $25 million is being administered by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, city of Flint and the Land Bank with the city taking the lead in rehabiliation and demolition and the Land Bank taking the lead in acquiring, maintaining and holding properties in targeted neighborhoods for future development.
Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:06 pm 
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For the love of Job...I am getting tired of this...**running to find calculator that will let me figure in the millions****

Someone said on this forum or in the newspaper that it takes about 6k-7k to knock an abandoned house down in Flint...

25,000,000 times 1% for over head cost, administrative...blah=1,250,000

That leaves 23,750,000 to be utilized for the demolition of the EXISTING homes...NOT vacant lots. To make things "pretty" you knock things down...not worry about existing VACANT lots....to get more for the moola.

Now taking the existing 23,750,000 and dividing that by 6,000 for the lowest price to knock down a VACANT structure that leaves the leftover monies to knock down....**drumroll***....3,958.333333333 houses that would be taken care of through this grant....

Which equals approximately 35.9833 percent of the houses that are slated for demolition...

IF...big if....administrative costs are held down to a minimum...no new cars to peruse the area with, NO new computers, NO cool shirts with logos on them, NO misusing funds, and last but not least...NOT hiring Uncle Milo's third cousin's son just because he needs a job because Uncle Milo saved that son's puppy from getting eaten by the local feral cat....this just might have merit.
Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:04 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Weiland indicates the magnitude of the problem is greater than the $25 million can address. Remember Walling wants the land bank to take care of weed and trash abatement.

Education & Government News, Blogs, Photos & Videos
Genesee County Land Bank executive says $25-million stimulus grant will help Flint but leaves much more to do
By Ron Fonger | Flint Journal
March 10, 2010, 5:25PM

Doug Weiland
GENESEE COUNTY -- The executive director of the county Land Bank Authority says a $25 million stimulus grant to demolish and rehab houses in Flint will make a difference but won't come close to solving the city's problems with abandoned houses.

Doug Weiland, executive director of the Land Bank, told the county Board of Commissioners Wednesday that the federal funds will help to demollish about 255 houses, rehabilitate 104 others and acquired hundreds more properties for future development.

But with 10,000-plus vacant lots and more than 10,000 abandoned homes, "it's a drop in the bucket compared to what's really needed out there," Weiland said.

The $25 million is being administered by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, city of Flint and the Land Bank with the city taking the lead in rehabiliation and demolition and the Land Bank taking the lead in acquiring, maintaining and holding properties in targeted neighborhoods for future development.

Remember the Kildee's and Walling are friends, very close friends. Walling did work for the land bank as well.
Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:42 pm 
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I smell coruption brewing, does anyone else?
Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:44 pm 
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You know what? I am feisty about this and the monies that are doled out, personally.

Once I figured out the one percent allocation for administrative costs at ONE freakin' percent would give "them" 1.25 mil? FEH..

I don't care who worked for whom....These are FED monies...that means that my crazy Aunt Phyllis in Tuscon helped pay for this, too....Smile I digress.

This is a BIG chunk of change to say that a measly 255 houses will be demolished? Give me a break....a big **insert expletive** break here.

The land bank represents the WHOLE county, not just Flint. Yet Flint as the county seat and the biggest city nearby HAS to spend this money effectively if they want "outbound" people to actually drive there to see the changes and spend monies there....there are more ramifications to this than just beautifying specific neighborhoods....

I could go on and on and on.....
Post Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:46 pm 
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Dosent the libs big scheme of things involve forcing everyone to live together in one little common area like "cant we all just get along?"AKA federal funded public housing 235 etc. If history has taught us anything its that handing liberal democrats a big chunk of taxpayer dollars is like giving a crackhead a 5 gallon bucket full of the best rock cocaine turning 40 tricks a night can obtain. Andi, Andi you know that those who are about to receive all these dollars figure that any one watching or listening has enough intelligence to do what you did and once the moneys gone the paper trail will vaporize. The favorite LIB Democrat line for all their failed Idiotic fiascos is of course IT WAS A WONDERFUL PROGRAM RUN BY SUCH COMPASSIONATE AND CARING PEOPLE THAT WOULD HAVE WORKED!!! IF WE JUST HAD A BIT MORE FUNDING Crying or Very sad BUT WE TRIED. Rolling Eyes

PS feel free to substitue the term progressive for lib in the above post.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:18 am 
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El Supremo

Andi- not all of this is demolition as homes are to be purchased, remodeled and sold as well as the consstruction of new homes. This adds up to even more admin costs.
Post Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:52 am 
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webbie...are those the stipulations of the grant? On initial reports in the paper it was to be construed as the monies were to be used to demolish..only. Unless I intrepreted it completely wrong...thanks for the correction..
Post Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:00 pm 
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