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Topic: Flint Senior Center mess

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El Supremo

Some city council persons will say anything. I could not believe the rhetoric about enabling those under 60 to be able to use the equipment purchased with the senior millage. Brennan center director has allowed teens to use thie senior computers and exercise equipment only to have the equipment requiring repairs. hasselbring and Pierce were designated as Senior centers when they were built. Only Brennan is a Community Center. We would not allow just anyone to intermingle in a school or youth center with the kids so why does council think anyone should be able to use the senior facilities.

In my opinion the millage was ill conceived in the beginning. When Amy McMillen went to communities describing the proposed county parks millage, it was easy to see the flaws. Some communities could pay in the millage for years and if the governing board viewed their proposals as not good enough they might never receive a dime in funding. Once again the city is at the mercy of the county and the Metropolitan Planning Commission. They decide if Flint is worthy of receiving their fair share of the millage. Brennan Center has an active group of seniors and they say they are being cheated. I have always agreed with them.

Has the number of seniors needing in home services such as Meals on Wheels been increased? Or has more money been diverted to support county offices such as the elder abuse program? The touted cases of elder abuse have all been in the county. Do we have abuse in the City of Flint?

The lame argument by Kincaid, loyd and others that these are public buildings that should be open to all is ludicris. Government money built all government buildings, but their use is strictly regulated as AC Dumas pointed out. Homeland Security won't even let people near some government utilities, such as water plants. Get real council!

Some Flint seniors say they'll be cut out of senior centerMonday, November 08, 2010
Tags:flint, senior citizens, community, local, matt franklin
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Matt Franklin
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FLINT (WJRT) -- (11/08/10)--Some Flint senior citizens say they will be shut out of their community center after the city starts enforcing an age restriction.

That age range of 60 and above has been sent by Genesee County. It's part of the rules the city received to get funding from the county.

However, some city residents say it's unfair and they want it changed.

To be clear, effective Monday, senior activities at the community centers are only available for those over 60.

However, a group of seniors from a computer class at Hasselbring Community Center say it doesn't understand why the city is enforcing it now and they want that age lowered.

The city says it is now keeping a closer eye on age at Hasselbring because the senior activities there and at the city's two other community centers are funded with about $339,000 in special county funds.

Therefore, it's the county that sets the age limit.

"We want to honor what the county has said to us, which is those services should be provided to those individuals who are 60 and over," said City Administrator Greg Eason.

The city administrator says this includes all of the activities available for seniors at the community.

And he says despite a sign up as of Monday night which says you must be over 60 age to even enter the building, the city-owned complex is open for all seniors.

"It gives people something to do," said Loretta Burns. "Most of the people up there are retired."

Residents from the computer class asked City Council to work on a solution. Patricia Cornelius hopes a solution will come soon so she can get back to class.

"I enjoy the people I met. I enjoy helping," she said.

Eason says the city will work on this issue Tuesday and look at using a community block grant to pay for programs for seniors under 60.

A final decision should come within two weeks.

(Copyright ©2010 WJRT-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

Duh! it is a SENIOR Citizens Center. Not a free for all center.<br/>"However, some city residents say it's unfair and they want it changed"<br/><br/>It is not unfair or fair that's what the rules are, follow them. Mark As Violation

2 faisons 11/10/10 4:02 PM EST

Okay, my mother is 59, and will turn 60 next summer, and she's NOT A SENIOR CITIZEN. Not even close. She's young and active. She goes to the gym (swims a mile nonstop easily), goes out with friends, goes dancing, goes to the movies, and WORKS FULL TIME. Good grief, how pathetic are you people? You hit the age of 60, and you need someone else to provide activities for you? <br/><br/>I mean, if you have a physical or mental handicap, that's another matter, and that is covered under different laws ... Mark As Violation

3 leprechankid 11/10/10 7:24 PM EST

"Senior" means no longer middle aged. It has nothing to do with one's abilities, financial status, lifestyle or activity level. Obviously your mother is not middle aged -- how many 120 year olds do you know? Mark As Violation

4 reiley 11/11/10 10:59 AM EST

Only the AARP considers those below sixty to be senior citizens. Most businesses say 62 and older, a few 65. Sixty is a very, very reasonable definition of senior citizen. Those who complain need to find work. Mark As Violation
Post Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:40 pm 
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El Supremo

This is one time that I have to side with Eason!

The city needs to investigate the allegations of gambling at Hasselbring.

The news media has carried at least one story of a robbery at Brennan and I am told there are more.

There are always a subculture that will prey on the elderly.
Post Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:44 pm 
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El Supremo

$200,000 to Swartz Creek and #0 to Flint contracts!

would like to ensure that Senior Millage funds are in place and able to ...
http://www.co.genesee.mi.us/gcmpc-plan/Files/Docs/Min/SCSAC/scsacm509.pdf - - Cached - Similar pages
Post Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:03 pm 
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