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Topic: Senator Obama's Life Threaten By TWO White Boys.
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Brother WilliamX

My My My. Racism in Politics? What is this world coming to?
I can't help but to wonder if it is safe for Obama to become
President? Those two guys are just the many who is against
Obama becoming the first non-white President, but I also
wonder how many fake democrats that has turned to other
political partys, and I have information where many Dems
have gone Republician.

Another thought that I had was What if this situation was
reversed skin-color against McCain or even Bush? I bet
most whites would be ready to hung the Black guy or guys.

This is a true sign that America really isn't ready for a
non-white to occupy the white house, but politrixs is in
all races that's involved in Politics, and (Adam) I am
watching & waiting to see what the outcome is going to be.

Detroit Michigan
Post Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:02 am 
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These 2 white "BOYS" as you call them are white supremecists who also conspired to carry out an attack on an all black school near Memphis. To suggest that most white people share their sentiment would be just like saying that most blacks share the same sentiment of the new black panthers. Thats just nonsense.

Racism in politics ? ( your words), No, I think is just a case of radical racism by a couple of THUGS who have no political influence whatsoever.

A government big enough to give you everything is also powerful enough to take it all away.
Post Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:02 am 
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Brother WilliamX

Opps did not mean to use the term White Boys. So what
about two non-Blacks? Which ever way I stated it the topic
is being read, but avoid by you non-Blacks, and I take that
threat against Obama seriously.

Now if that was a threat against McCain from some Black
guys this thread would be jammed packed with anger. Lets
get real about the racist BS that's taking place here in America,
and we can bring it home to Michigan (your City).

Pony, you can't twist Black peoples feelings with your peoples
viewpoint or feelings. Back in the 1950's & 1960's racism
destoryed the South (including Memphis). Yeah is racism in
Politics, due to the fact that Obama is running for a political
office, and those two non-blacks resent a Black man running
for power.

Don't get me wrong about my non black statements, due to
the fact I DO understand that there is Whites who is involved
in the struggle with us, and we have more non-blacks in the
organization that I chair then Blacks.

That's not the facts of my post at all. The facts is a reality
that these skin-heads threaten a Black man who is running
for President. Jim Crow's fourth generation is alive and well
today. Just like it was four and five decades ago.

However, Today's situation involves Blacks fighting back,
but the problem is now Black on Black as well, and we all
need to learn how to live and let live.

Detroit Michigan
Post Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:44 pm 
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Brother WilliamX schreef:
My My My. Racism in Politics? What is this world coming to?
I can't help but to wonder if it is safe for Obama to become
President? Those two guys are just the many who is against
Obama becoming the first non-white President, but I also
wonder how many fake democrats that has turned to other
political partys, and I have information where many Dems
have gone Republician.

Another thought that I had was What if this situation was
reversed skin-color against McCain or even Bush? I bet
most whites would be ready to hung the Black guy or guys.

This is a true sign that America really isn't ready for a
non-white to occupy the white house, but politrixs is in
all races that's involved in Politics, and (Adam) I am
watching & waiting to see what the outcome is going to be.

I'll take a stab at responding...since you seem mad that no one...too many times when race comes into something, people muzzle themselves.

There is also something that is being touted as the Anti-Bradley effect whereby, whites are touting that they will vote for McCain but once they go in the booth they may color in the circle and stipulate that they want Obama for pres. That's because they are too "scared" to say what they really feel about Obama in public, but in the privacy of the booth will vote how they feel.

Another subject is the area in which these guys came from...just to the east approximately 50 miles is Pulaski...the birthplace of the KKK. Been down there several times in a nearby town to visit a dear friend at one time....It's not friendly to whites if you are liberal and talk to black brethren on a daily basis...still. How long ago did the Civil War end? (Rhetorical)

You know and I know that the actions of a few do not represent the majority of views, by reading your posts I garner that. Yes, there are people that said "Oh, sh*t!!"

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:08 am 
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Opps did not mean to use the term White Boys.

Why not?? thats what they are. I see no problem identifying the race of perps unlike the Flint Journal who refuses to give full descriptions of crime doers. Every time a couple of "black boys" go into a store and blow away the guy behind the counter for no reason (who's life is just as precious as Obamas by the way) and has been happening a lot in the flint area lately their should be complete descriptions given of all involved. Racism works both ways. Hey Andi you talk about an unfriendly place for whites try walking thru the north end of Flint sometime and you will get to see what the term unfriendly really means. Racism is alive and well and practiced by all races.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:57 am 
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Last edited by kryskattan on Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:24 am 
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Ya those bible belt bangers and their drivebys are pretty dangerous. By the way most of the folks I know that are against Obama is because just like Gore and Kerry hes a big time liberal. Apparently you believe that only race matters. Pretty narrow minded I would say.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:19 am 
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Brother WilliamX

Thanks to each of you who replied. However, I do know
that in the South that (Uncle Sambo/Jim Crow) image is
still around, But threats is not acceptable or well taken.

I was young when JFK and Robert Kennedy was both killed,
and from that day on regardless to the skin-color wrong is
wrong. I was born in North Carolina, and still today racism
is alive in well. So the threat to Obama isn't or should be
taken lightly.

I hate that I published this forum thread, but I do have
the rights to express myself, and I do believe in freedom
for all.

Detroit Michigan
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:42 pm 
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****I hate that I published this forum thread, but I do have
the rights to express myself, and I do believe in freedom
for all.****

Why in the hell would you bring that up? That's cool on this forum, I think that we're one of the liberal "speaking" forums on the net in this area, meaning, introduce it, let's talk about it and we won't worry about stepping on any toes.....

Didn't mean to say why in the hell.....was meaning to say...we're kosher with the concept. Smile

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:54 pm 
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kryskattan schreef:
And yet being liberal is a bad thing to them. I'd take the north end over the bible belt any day.


Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:55 pm 
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twotap schreef:
Ya those bible belt bangers and their drivebys are pretty dangerous. By the way most of the folks I know that are against Obama is because just like Gore and Kerry hes a big time liberal. Apparently you believe that only race matters. Pretty narrow minded I would say.

Of course they are not like that all over the South. I am familiar with the area 60 mile radius, so I thought that I would bring it up....sigh.

Build a bridge and get over it!
Post Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:57 pm 
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Oh Pulllease people !!!! Remember that some of the worst race riots of that 50s and 60s era were in DETROIT. Racism is not just in the south. IT"S EVERYWHERE !!!! I've lived in Tennessee the last 14 years. There is no more racial tension here than anywhere else.

A government big enough to give you everything is also powerful enough to take it all away.
Post Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:46 am 
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Dave Starr

Also remember that racism is a 2 way street. Some of the most racist people I have met are black.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:25 am 
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And of course there is this.

Posted on Wed, Oct. 29, 2008

New Panthers' war on whites
Philadelphia Daily News

difilid@phillynews.com 215-854-5934

Some people wear their heart on their sleeve.
Minister King Samir Shabazz wears his on his forehead. Right between the eyes.

"If you want to stop the revolution, that's what you got to hit," Shabazz said, pointing to the target tattooed onto his forehead. "I fight my oppressor, and I give him the target."

Shabazz is chairman of the New Black Panther Party's Philadelphia chapter. In black beret atop dreadlocks and a black military uniform, he spends most weekdays near City Hall condemning "crackers" and exhorting black passers-by to rise up against their "slavemasters" - and to give him $2 for the party's semi-annual newspaper.

He is one of the most recognizable black militants in a city known, since the days of MOVE, for its vocal black-extremism community.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate activity globally, listed the New Black Panther Party as among the most active and tough-talking of black-separatist groups.

Black Hebrews also have grown increasingly active in recent years, according to the SPLC, especially in Philadelphia, where robed street preachers shout out their beliefs daily near City Hall, the Convention Center, Germantown Avenue and other heavily trafficked areas.

Followers of the movement claim that African-Americans are God's true chosen people because they, not the people traditionally known as Jews, are the real descendants of the biblical Hebrews.

Their views, while often just as extreme, tend to be couched in religious rhetoric about "Edomites" (the descendants of Esau) and such terms that barely slow the stride of most passers-by.

But Shabazz is more blunt in his views:

* On whites: "I'm about the total destruction of white people. I'm about the total liberation of black people. I hate white people. I hate my enemy. . . ."

* On Jews: "I don't care how much they try to promote the Jewish Holocaust. The African people have suffered a hell of a cost. . . . "

* On Barack Obama and voting: "He's a puppet on a string. I don't support no black man running for white politics. I will not vote for who will be the next slavemaster." Besides, he added, Obama is "a Negro who doesn't even support reparations for black people in America."

* On white supremacists: "They're sissies; they want to put their feelings on a flier. Well, come into the black neighborhood with that rhetoric and we will show you what a strong awakened black man looks like."

* On the Phillies: "They can kiss my ass. The Phillies are not doing nothing for our 'hoods."

Shabazz, who also considers himself a Black Hebrew, said that his beliefs are rooted in high school, where lessons about slavery led to an "awakening."

He doesn't like to talk about himself. He won't divulge his real name, which he shed years ago because it was a "slave name that still had an umbilical cord on it."

He lives "wherever black people is, that's where I live."

He's 38 and has children, but he won't say how many or provide any more details about his personal life, partly for security reasons but also because this reporter is a "cracker."

He listens to "revolutionary, cracker-killing hip-hop" on his headphones and says things like: "I'll get black to you on that."

And he says that he never worries what response his violent rhetoric might provoke in listeners.

"The only thing the cracker understands is violence," said Shabazz, whose face also bears the tattoos "Freedom," "BPG" (Black Power Gang) and "NBPP" (New Black Panther Party). "The only thing the cracker understands is gunpowder.

"You got to take violence to violence." *

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:31 am 
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Brother WilliamX

Twtap,I have to make a statement about the today's so-called
New Black Panthers. These are groups that's totally different
then the original Black Panthers. Last year The Black Panther
Foundation in Oakland California issued a Press Release

If it won't download I suggest to type or cut & paste the url
to read facts. Personally, I am still involved with the group,
and I have been for over 40 years. Also Dave posted a very
good point Racism is a two way street, and yet I must say
that either race is better then the other.

I must give the New Panther Party a power salute for their
afforts, but they are a more of a update of the original BPM,
and yet we must realize that today's struggle involves each of
us. (all skin-colors).

<quote=Ponycar> Oh Pulllease people !!!! Remember that
some of the worst race riots of that 50s and 60s era were in
DETROIT. Racism is not just in the south. IT"S EVERYWHERE !!!!
I've lived in Tennessee the last 14 years. There is no more
racial tension here than anywhere else.

Ponycar, In history racism was started in the South. However,
as people left the south to head north racism came along with
them. You spoke about the Detroit riots, they occured at the time
that Racism was at its highest, and Blacks had left the South for
that reason during the 50 & 1960's.

Then the revolutionary movement happened, and since then
whites have taken flight to the Suburbs. Now they are starting
to return to the inner-cities of America to reclaim what was their
at one time. Today's social economic problems have not, and
will not make things any better then it was back then.

In Unity we ALL must join together to win this struggle. Especially
in Flint. Again, I love Flint cause its one of my favorite Cities.
Which is why I am posting my opinions and comments on this
site. Aidi03, This post (****I hate that I published this forum
thread, but I do have the rights to express myself, and I do
believe in freedom for all.****) was a mistake. Honestly, it
was stuck in my cut & paste mode.

I do try to avoid racism issues or discussions, but I am a real
believer in telling the real deal, and I do agree that we must
come together to talk all issues out. Cool Aidi03 sometimes a
good cuss word does the body and mind good...you are excused
this time Smile

Detroit Michigan
Post Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:42 am 
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