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Topic: Note to self, dont move to England

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Pensioner who shouted at yobs ends up in cells
Sunday Telegraph

Last Updated: 1:44am GMT 19/01/2008

A pensioner who stepped in to stop youths throwing stones at ducks on a canal was arrested by police.

Bill Marshall was expecting officers to investigate his complaints about being repeatedly taunted by the gang. Instead the 73-year-old great-grandfather was taken to a cell and accused of attacking the teenagers. Mr Marshall, who has a heart condition and diabetes, was left distressed and angered by the arrest.

The retired miner said that he thought the police had been responding to his complaints about anti-social behaviour by some local youths."I was quite happy to invite the officer in but then he said I was being arrested and taken to the station accused of assault,” Mr Marshall said."I thought it was a joke at first but then I realised he was perfectly serious."The officer ordered me to take the laces out my shoes as I was being arrested for common assault.

I didn’t know what to think. One of the yobs said I had hit him and so they took his word against mine. I might have lost my temper and shouted at them, but I did not hit anybody."I just lost my temper - I think any normal human being would have done after being spoken to like that."There’s a different mentality out there these days and you have to be so careful what you say. There is no respect these days, particularly for older people.

It took 73 years for an idiot to put me in jail. All I did was try to stop these louts throwing rocks at the ducks on the canal."I felt degraded spending time in that cell. I can’t believe I ended up in jail at my age. I’ve never seen the inside of a cell before and I don’t want to see it again. The police seemed to automatically assume I was guilty instead of talking to me first."Mr Marshall of Worksop, Notts, had complained to police that he and his wife, Margaret, 72, had been targeted by the gang in recent months. He said: “It started for us with kids ringing the doorbell. When my wife opened the door one of the boys was making really lewd gestures.

“Mr Marshall’s brush with the law began a week before Christmas, when he spotted the group of teenage boys throwing bricks at the ducks as he walked along the banks of the Chesterfield Canal.He shouted at them to stop. He said he received abuse from the gang and shouted back in anger but did not touch or hit any of them.When police arrived at his home two weeks later he assumed it was in response to complaints he had made about anti-social behaviour in the village.He was shocked to be arrested and taken off to the police cells.

After waiting two hours for a duty solicitor to arrive, Mr Marshall was interviewed by officers who later released him pending further inquiries.Now police have dropped any charges and apologised.Chief Insp Glenn Harper of Nottinghamshire Police said the arresting officer acted correctly but added: “I will ensure the necessary training needs are addressed.”

Put away your arms, drama group is told
By Richard Savill

Last Updated: 1:43am GMT 19/01/2008

A village amateur dramatic group performing Robinson Crusoe has had to tell police about the use of plastic swords because of health and safety fears.

The Carnon Downs Drama Group, at Perranwell, Cornwall, must lock up its two plastic cutlasses, six wooden swords and a toy gun when they are not in use and appoint a “responsible guardian” for them.The group said it informed police about the use of replica weapons after studying new health and safety guidelines and new legislation to crack down on violent crime.

Later this month, about 700 people are due to attend six performances of the group’s pantomime, featuring several swashbuckling sword fights A co-director, Linda Barker, said: “In some scenes pirates hit each other with frying pans and saucepan lids but there’s no problem with them."We have got several wooden and plastic swords, two plastic spears and a gun that cost £2 from a joke shop. But now we need to keep them locked away.

“The National Operatic and Drama Association said it supported the new policy because “it enables weapons to be used safely and legally in theatrical performances”.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:34 am 
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Dave Starr

Cross Canada off the list, too. Author Mark Steyn is facing charges by the "Human Rights Commission" because he wrote a book about Islamic terrorists.

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:48 pm 
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What charges? Evidence please.

Steyn refers to the Vietnamese as "gooks". What a pig.
Post Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:27 pm 
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Special Report: Mark Steyn Is Not Alone
The American Spectator ^ | 1/15/2008 | Brooke M. Goldstein

Posted on 01/14/2008 9:44:45 PM PST by Aristotelian

Plenty of other authors and counterterrorism experts are being sued by Islamists to shut them up.

Award-winning author Mark Steyn has been summoned to appear before two Canadian Human Rights Commissions on vague allegations of "subject[ing] Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt" and being "flagrantly Islamophobic" after Maclean's magazine published an excerpt from his book, America Alone.

The public inquisition of Steyn has triggered outrage among Canadians and Americans who value free speech, but it should not come as a surprise. Steyn's predicament is just the latest salvo in a campaign of legal actions designed to punish and silence the voices of anyone who speaks out against Islamism, Islamic terrorism, or its sources of financing.

The Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), which initiated the complaint against Steyn, has previously tried unsuccessfully to sue publications it disagrees with, including Canada's National Post. The not-for-profit organization's president, Mohamed Elmasry, once labeled every adult Jew in Israel a legitimate target for terrorists and is in the habit of accusing his opponents of anti-Islamism -- a charge that is now apparently an actionable claim in Canada. In 2006, after Elmasry publicly accused a spokesman for the Muslim Canadian Congress of being anti-Islamic, the spokesman reportedly resigned amidst fears for his personal safety.

The Islamist movement has two wings -- one violent and one lawful -- which operate apart but often reinforce each other. While the violent arm attempts to silence speech by burning cars when cartoons of Mohammed are published, the lawful arm is maneuvering within Western legal systems.

Steyn refers to the Vietnamese as "gooks".

I wanted to talk about -- first of all, I wanted to say something. I said -- I used a word in a, in a period context. And you know the way it is these days. You always have to go back and explain these things.

I dusted off a word from the Vietnam era, and I referred to "the gooks." And the trouble is, if you're a writer like, like me and you write for the Chicago -- I write for the Chicago Sun-Times and National Review and all kinds of things. And when you're typing you, you put these words in quote marks, and when you're on the air, you forget that sometimes people don't see the quote marks.

I should say that I was using that word with period quote marks around it. It's, it's -- and, basically, these days, unless you're [Sen.] John McCain [R-AZ] and you have that special media immunity, then it's hard to get away with saying those words.

But I had, I had, -- I was writing about the second World War once, and I used the term "Japs." And, again, the, the newspaper that that piece appeared in received all these complaints and everything. And I was -- I thought I was using it in, in a kind of archaic, anachronistic context, but you can't, you can't be too careful these days.

So if anyone was offended, I apologize, and I will try to offend you in a more contemporary sense in the, in the next, in the course of the next hour.

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:34 pm 
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