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Topic: Coming to Flint in July...

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I'm very excited to be arriving in the City of Flint once again mid-July. Wife and I will be attending a wedding in Otisville but I have to find the time to get into Flint for a quick drive by (opps, probably should not use that terminology) drive through! If I can get my wife to stand guard I want to swing by the old Reigle/Collins place and do a quick walk through and up date my picture gallery of the building. You know me, love that place. Even though we are both funeral directors my wife frowns upon using our weekend jaunts by spending time visiting funeral homes. I need to get by the now closed Brown Funeral Home too! Of course I will have to eat as many coney islands as possible and attempt to eat a few Halo Burgers too. We arrive on a Friday evening (Detroit) and will be staying in Davison because we cannot locate hotel rooms in the Flint area. We attend the wedding on Saturday and leave Monday (Detroit) morning. Now, how can I squeeze in a quick trip to Mackinac, gotta find a way.
Post Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:28 am 
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