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Topic: Sam Riddle-Don't let the haters win

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El Supremo

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle

Posted by: The Michigan Citizen Posted date: July 11, 2013 In: Featured News, Front Page |

The right peopling of Detroit

By Sam Riddle
Special to the Michigan Citizen

Media mind snack. Beware of personality reporting that masquerades as journalism. Even the Wall Street Journal can be reality fact checked as a “Slate” blogger did on a shaky WSJ report on global warming.

Journalistic arrogance can always be checked. Never accept what these folk say blindly just because they are on your TV, in print or on your car radio. When the reporter becomes the story, watch out! I mean it’s akin to giving a known plagiarist a TV audience or, worse yet, have a tries too hard to be hip alternative paper that is just a porn hub literacy effort.

Charles Pugh. Phew. This may have been a shakedown from Jump Street. Maybe this kid didn’t know how to break it to his mama that he was, well you know, kinda; “golly gee willikers, mom, I want to come out but don’t know how.” KMA. This is a shakedown and a hit on gone real bad with an of-age boy trying to tell momma that he wants to come out. In hustle denial, mom retains Mr. Jive Azz lawyer. A botched mess all the way around. No casualties — yet.

Sorry, Charlie, no gold stars on this one.

Does anyone really believe that the title of president of Detroit City Council means a damn thing? It doesn’t. Means nothing. AbsoFkinglutely nothing. Give the plantation the illusion of a voice after democracy has been castrated.

Council can only fake/legitimate the democracy destroying, union busting handkerchief head Negro proxy of Governor Snyder KMA.

A Detroit Raw thumbs up to Linda Wheeler and the Highland Park folk — Citizens for Highland Park Public Schools (CHPPS) — who shut down Woodward in protest after HP schools EM Donald Weatherspoon trashed over 10,000 Black history books. People were rightfully upset by the EM ignoramus that is a breath from a full-scale book burning tirade.

Note to union leaders: Highland Park was not afraid to engage in shut-it-down direct action to protest democracy destroying union busters. Confrontation activism gave birth to the union movement. What happened? Where are the big “moneyed up” professional civil rights groups?

The heart of real people standing strong is the new leadership we need and must support. Let’s support CHPPS — a freedom fighting role model.

Of course, a Detroit bankruptcy will go down. Bankruptcies happen every day in America, ask GM or Donald Rump Trump. All the bondholders pimped Detroit’s fiscal misery so there is the piper to pay. The Detroit EM’s conflict of interest law firm Jones Day will collect no matter what.

Heart of the Detroit Disaster Bus Tour whacked as creditors cancel? The Negro EM proxy of Snyder now knows that his occupation of Detroit is more than well-fed bankers and bondholders need on their plate, and they don’t want to view the damage they’ve caused in Detroit with predatory lending and not so benign neglect .

I’m tending a small garden plot in Midtown and some jerkwater with a passe camera dangling from a silly strap armed with a so yesteryear clipboard approaches me saying he is from Lawrence Tech working on a survey, flashing a kiddies badge that is supposed to legitimize his worthless azz. Guy starts asking me questions about how I’d like to see Brush Park develop and finally asks me if there is a fear factor about them. Them? Yeah, people that live in Brewster projects, ya know, “how do you feel about ‘them?’” KMA.

I told him I was more afraid of Ph.D. candidates, their computers and outdated cameras than anyone in Brewster and that he ought to be interviewing the people of Brewster. Brewster is a component of Brush Park. Say what? WTF.

The science of gentrification building economic walls on a foundation of institutional racism sucks. The dehumanization of our people makes relocation and walling off much easier for those that are downsizing and right peopling Detroit. KMA.

We must never let haters cause us to lose hope or dislike ourselves and never let haters make you weak in your faith. Keep the faith. Stay on the battlefield.

Sam Riddle is political director for the National Action Network Michigan Chapter. He can be reached at www.facebook.com/sam.riddle or www.twitter.com/samriddle

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
Post Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:37 am 
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El Supremo

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle

Posted by: The Michigan Citizen Posted date: July 25, 2013 In: Front Page, Top Stories of the Week | comment : 4

EM for a bankrupt America?

Sam RiddleBy Sam Riddle
Special to The Michigan Citizen

The U.S. marshal was taciturn, polite, no Dale Carnegie wannabe, as she dutifully queried Rev. Charles Williams II of the National Action Network (NAN) about NAN plans to shut down Detroit’s Fort Street between Shelby and Washington streets for a NAN Justice for Trayvon Rally.

The U.S. federal courthouse and the U.S. Department of Justice offices sandwiched the proposed rally site. Rev. Williams explained that the crowd he anticipated would warrant a street shutdown and that NAN would place a big flatbed truck at the Fort/Washington Street intersection for rally speakers. The reverend also informed the marshal that Flint and other cities would also be doing rallies at the same time as part of a 100 American cities “Justice for Trayvon” effort.

Jotting the information down, the marshal let us know that she would be informing her counterparts in Flint as she walked into the DOJ offices under the watchful eyes of her comrades that had been observing our street discussion. Marshal Dillon would have loved her fed swag. And yes, we understood that no trucks would be permitted in front of the U.S. courthouse. Yep, understood.

Under fed rooftop surveillance with state troopers on the ground, thousands gathered to hear speaker after speaker rail against American injustice and the historical significance of Black Americans having to endure another lynching justification.

I caught hell from some media watchdogs for daring to say that Detroit was Trayvon and we were being whacked by white azz Lansing. In over 45 years of engaging in activism, I have learned to be skeptical of those that believe there is a “right way” to speak truth to power. When we do a Justice for Trayvon rally, we are not selling Girl Scout cookies. Whites that want to tell us how to honor those that have been lynched by American justice should get out of the way as should their handkerchief head Negro apologists.

I know that we go hard in the D and that might make you too nervous to check out our rationale, but vigilantes don’t get nervous when they squeeze off killing rounds into our children and their supporters tell you to focus on Black on Black crime. Most crime in America is white on white.

While doing the Mildred Gaddis Inside Detroit radio talk show on WCHB and WJR’s Warren Pierce, I was wondering if some of these call-in folk ever just stop to think for themselves. I mean Detroit was hit by the same economy that whacked GM, Chrysler, too-big-to-fail multi- national predatory lending banks and Wall Street. Those entities endured poor leadership and corruption such as multibillion dollar insider trading and they went bankrupt. You bailed those folk out with corporate welfare TARP relief, why not Detroit, Mr. President? Still love you, just saying … help Detroit now.

The legacy of Robert Davis will not be tarnished by whatever is down the road because Davis’ tenacity has given us all insight into the workings of Gov. Snyder and his Negro proxy EM’s bankruptcy “recommendation.” LOL. No serious effort to do anything but go bankrupt with Mayor Bing simply serving as a neutered legitimizer. Unions call the EM a flat-out liar. We’ll take their word on that one.

Mind snack: Detroiters have been living in bankruptcy for years. We didn’t need a union-busting, democracy-destroying EM any more than a bankrupt federal government needs an EM to handle trillion dollar deficits. And union leaders must delete press conferences from their action agenda and get on with a general strike to preserve any semblance to a unionism legacy.

Deepest Detroit Raw sympathy and prayers for Mary Waters and her family. Mary’s mother began a new journey as God’s will has prevailed. Former State Representative Waters and NAN Michigan President Rev. Charles Williams demonstrated for Detroit that direct action works. They teamed with other environmentalists for justice and blocked Marathon and Koch brothers’ pollution spewing pet coke trucks delivering the crap for storage on the banks of the Detroit River. This week, it was announced that the storage facility would no longer accept that product. Thank you, Mary Waters and Rev. Charles Williams II for standing strong.

We must never let haters cause us to lose hope or dislike ourselves and never let haters make you weak in your faith. Keep the faith. Stay on the battlefield.

Sam Riddle is the political director for National Action Network Michigan Chapter. He can be reached at www.facebook.com/sam.riddle and www.twitter.com/samriddle
Post Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:16 pm 
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El Supremo


9 hours

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle http://t.co/zoBGFWJPIU

Posted by: The Michigan Citizen Posted date: August 21, 2013 In: Front Page | comment : 2

Create the drumbeat

By Sam Riddle
Special to The Michigan Citizen

“The Butler” is a great film to relive those never-ending times of societal and inner turmoil. Race, white power and the impact of direct action on racist institutions and personal relationships make for a consciousness raiser.

You love this film, yet can find excuses to dodge the need for direct action to restore democracy to Detroit as we do battle to stop the looting and pillaging of Detroit that is going down under the banner of bankruptcy as the tantric fiscal rape of Detroit approaches $13 million for lawyers/consultants alone. These folk could teach Kwame and Bobby a thing or two. KMA.

The United States enabled the assassination of democracy in Egypt by sanctioning a “have it your way” military coup. Make the connection between American foreign policy in Egypt that killed off democracy and this administration’s domestic policy that allows democracy to be whacked in America’s Blackest and poorest city — Detroit — as benign neglect administered in a most malignant fashion runs amuck.

Why do we have a Detroit city clerk or a Wayne County Board of Canvassers? The now vociferous band did very little when nearly 60,000 absentee voters were disenfranchised by city clerk malfeasance, but now these handkerchief heads are up in arms demanding federal intervention because the same city clerk, aided and abetted by a do-nothing Wayne County Board of Canvassers, conducted another vote cluster bang.

If you really want federal intervention in Detroit, first you must intervene in Detroit — vote and stand up against the destruction of democracy in Detroit by protesting the reality that the imposition of an EM has been enabled by the feds. If the feds didn’t do a damn thing about the destruction of democracy in Detroit and allowed the imposition of the Negro EM proxy, what will the feds really do to stop continued destruction of democracy in Detroit?

Even as the rats are abandoning the Napoleon ship adrift in the political seas of Detroit, Benny can still flip the D-U-G-G-A-N primary to a Benny W-I-N, if Napoleon can create a drumbeat that is outside the audio reach of pollsters and expert pundits. Yep.

You see, Benny, statistically significant numbers of white voters are not going to vote for you. Get it? Then don’t pander. Go to the real Detroit in a real manner real quick and don’t opt for sophistication. Create the drumbeat.

This could turn into a “Dear Benny” piece. Napoleon knows he has a lot of work to do. Even if a referee says you won, you know what that azz kickin’ felt like because it was you in the ring not fighting. Want some voting support? Show more heart, Benny.

Why am I not surprised that Lisa Howze is supporting Mike? Maybe that will help her become the female counterpart to EM aide Gary Brown. Some years ago in his book “Crashing the Party,” I was honored to have Ralph Nader quote me in effect: “They keep telling us to support a winner, but as a community, we keep losing, there is something wrong with that formula.”

If some, like ex-Bing mouthpiece Karen Dumas, are offended at the living wage pay demands of fast-food workers competing with the pay of college grads, maybe Dumas ought to organize the degrees instead of slamming humans treated as indentured expendables. After all, free labor built the American economy; it was called slavery with no reparations or even a “thank you for your service.” The obscene profits of the fast-food industry must be shared with their workforce.

Folk taking that reactionary wedge position help drive potential allies apart. No way should underpaid teachers who are the lifeline to this nation’s well-being be pitted against McDonald serfs. That is wrong. Undervalued and exploited teachers should be supported as they battle for wages that should be supplemented by the federal government in that education of the highest quality is in our national interest and the fiscal burden is too much for local units of government.

As I was leaving Belle Isle with a glorious sunset as a companion, I couldn’t help but mind snack when I looked at the thousands of us enjoying the Isle … Belle Isle belongs to the real people of Detroit, not Roger Penske. Maybe it’s time for all of us who enjoyed “The Butler” to Occupy Belle Isle.

Speaking of “The Butler,” Dems enable the continued destruction of democracy and union-busting by not having Detroit demolition dollars flow through a valid elected city government, not an appointed EM. Detroit is not getting dollars; the EM gets dollars; you say what is the difference? Go see “Butler” again and shame on senators Levin and Stabenow.

We must never let haters cause us to lose hope or dislike ourselves and never let haters make you weak in your faith. Keep the faith. Stay on the battlefield.

Sam Riddle is political director of Michigan National Action Network. He can be reached at www.facebook.com/sam.riddle or www.twitter.com/samridd
Post Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:19 am 
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El Supremo

Riddle shared a link.

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle – The Michigan Citizen
Detroit Raw by Sam RiddlePosted by: The Michigan CitizenPosted date: September 05, 2013In: Featured News, Front Page|comment : 0“Organize and don’t patronize until they unionize”By Sam RiddleSpecial to the Michigan CitizenFor those of us seeking orgasmic relief without the physical or emotional risk....

Sam Riddle

Mind Snack:You absolutely cannot run with the hounds and play with the fox.
Break It Down: The job of the hounds is to catch and corner the fox to see the fox dead. So if you hang with my enemy how in the hell can ya roll with me? KMA

Like · · 2 · 41 minutes ago ·

Sam Riddle

Getting folk to make the connection between what happens elsewhere and what happens here is most difficult, but if the dog on the next block has bitten three neighbors you have enough sense to avoid that ...Feds policy of benign neglect to the people of Detroit that have had right to vote rendered meaningless used the same approach in Egypt to negate the once heralded Arab Spring(s). There is no such thing as democracy my way or no way. WTF. By putting Morsi on trial, USA-enabled Egyptian democracy destroyers are inciting more carnage.

Like · · 1 · about an hour ago ·
Post Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:49 am 
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El Supremo

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle

Posted by: The Michigan Citizen Posted date: September 05, 2013 In: Featured News, Front Page | comment : 18

“Organize and don’t patronize until they unionize”
“Organize and don’t patronize until they unionize”

By Sam Riddle
Special to the Michigan Citizen

For those of us seeking orgasmic relief without the physical or emotional risk factors, Labor Day weekend was sexed up for all but haters of a good time.

Royal Oak produced a major league packed house for MC Hammer (the Detroit Jazz Festival is a far better bargain and much hipper than Arts, Beats and Eats — but why compare great releases?).

Enough of the feel good crap, we go hard here. So, if Dan Gilbert broke the law as a casino owner giving cash to help Duggan, he can un-break it by saying “oh, made a little mistake?” White privilege …

Roger Penske
Roger Penske

Mind Snack: Why isn’t the leadership of white folk colorized? How come Roger Penske is not a white leader? How come Dan Gilbert is not a white leader? How come Debbie Dingell is not a white leader? Oh … since Black & white leadership doesn’t seem to work, maybe we ought to try colorless leadership.

Mind Snack: Overall, the world functions on sheer inertia — not the piss-poor pandemic of failed leadership that infects every nation. Yep. I cannot believe that any of us that voted for President Obama the first or second time did so for a continuation of George W’s foreign war policy.

In a FB discussion with my good friend, Herb, about Republicans and Democrats, I said “there is little difference between the attitudes of a jackass and an elephant.”

If John Boehner is supporting your moves, your moves are suspect.

FB friend: “What’s your take on the State certifying Duggan as the winner of the primary?”

The state destroyed democracy in Detroit so they will not get in the way of one of their own, and truth be told the guy with the most votes usually wins.

Political twerking is what the Detroit mayoral election is about. Yep. If you are looking for votes you didn’t get first time around maybe you better knock on different doors with a stronger message — try truth set to a drum beat.

I am not a Duggan hater. Just seems that the same folk supporting Duggan support welfare for baseballs and hockey pucks.

The Ilitches have pocketed well over $600 million in tax subsidies and other goodies, while Black Detroit has to bear the burden of racist azz car insurance red-lining, bank injustice, mass transit bias, years of state-run failed schools, blame for Detroit being in the same economy that devastated bankrupted GM, Chrysler and corrupt inside-trading Wall Street fat cat gangstas in natural fiber pin stripes too big to fail as they got trillions in federal aid. And Detroit gets benign neglect with a malignant hangover.

Yeah, it’s about race in America’s most segregated city. KMA.

Then we have to witness this handkerchief head Negro EM proxy of democracy-destroying union-busting Snyder, hat in hand, say the DIA artwork will not be sold off. Hell, white privilege rolls like that. Paint, clay and metal over Black babies any damn day.

Maybe we need to go to the underground economy of Detroit for foreign aid and security to compete with the Gilbertites Robo Cop takeover.

Mind Snack: If you can’t sleep, that is not nearly the problem you encounter as when you can’t awaken.

Getting folk to make the connection between what happens elsewhere and what happens here is most difficult, but if the dog on the next block has bitten three neighbors you have enough sense to avoid that ...

Feds policy of benign neglect to the people of Detroit that have had right to vote rendered meaningless used the same approach in Egypt to negate the once heralded Arab Spring(s). There is no such thing as democracy my way or no way. WTF. By putting Morsi on trial, USA-enabled Egyptian democracy destroyers are inciting more carnage.

As for those hotels that want serf labor, unions must continue to organize and do not patronize until they unionize. Boycott the businesses that sleep in non-union hotels.

Detroit Raw congrats to Tasha Page-Lockhart. Thank you Tasha for a Detroit good news story winning with your Gospel Best!

We must never let haters cause us to lose hope or dislike ourselves and never let haters make you weak in your faith. Keep The Faith. Stay On The Battlefield.

Sam Riddle is political director for Michigan National Action Network.

Follow him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sam.riddle or Twitter at https://twitter.com/samriddle
Post Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:54 am 
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Blah Blah Blah what a bunch of intelligible gibberish. Laughing

"If you like your current healthcare you can keep it, Period"!!
Barack Hussein Obama--- multiple times.
Post Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:14 am 
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El Supremo

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle

Detroit Raw by Sam Riddle

Posted by: The Michigan Citizen Posted date: September 19, 2013 In: Front Page |
By Sam Riddle
Special to the Michigan Citizen

There is the stench of inevitability in the political air of Detroit, fanned by billionaires Penske and Gilbert. Their dollars and influence have created the presumption of victory for D-U-G-G-A-N. Yep.

Now these are two guys who stop at nothing to win — even if it’s a car race where the Penske team has been whacked for cheating, and Gilbert cheated with an illegal donation to the PAC that fuels D-U-G-G-A-N votes. Yeah, and I know; me and DIA art patron Al Taubman have done time in the fed pen. Yep. It’s that kind of city — Detroit. A little rough around the edges but we all want a better city. And all of us will be part of the mix. America is like that.

“Do you still beat your wife?” A reporter asks the question and voila! demonization via media beat down. The fact that you haven’t done a damn thing becomes irrelevant. “Do emails show Sheriff Napoleon illegally invaded a former employee’s home with a warrant based upon a lie?”

Understand that the media had to have something to work with to blow this story up. They didn’t need much but they have enough to media-justify the demonizing of the sheriff. Another media nail in the political coffin … (Palmer Woods, 60 take-home cars, escapees, budget issues, the jail, race, no lip hair).

You say there isn’t much there. You’re right — problem is it doesn’t take much to have the desired cumulative effect, which is simply to plant enough doubt that the candidate doesn’t get a vote he may have gotten — had the other guy not received a “don’t bother” media gift card.

People, we’re talking about the shaping of mindsets or public opinion. Creating an “I don’t know about that Napoleon fella” attitude is more than enough to cost the sheriff this election. You are witnessing the total demonization of a decent enough chap — as these things go — so that the Chosen One may prevail. Yep.

Domestic terrorism is still terrorism whether it is Oklahoma City, Columbine, Virginia Tech, D.C. Snipers, Newtown, Aurora, Ft. Hood or now the U.S. Navy Yard. Terrorism — homegrown or spiked with international flavor and intrigue — remains terrorism.

It was mind boggling to hear the president say, we expect these things overseas, but not here.

We have had thousands killed when jets were slammed into buildings in New York City and even the Pentagon; the fact that a military facility has been hit again means preparation for those that kill must be stepped up — including a review of policies that motivate these fkers.

You don’t want to think about it. But it happened.

“Why did he have to be Black?” Stop that! White folks have not gone on a collective guilt trip about McVeigh, Harris, Klebold or any of those other haters; why should you?

I served as the family spokesman for Columbine victim Isaiah Shoels, the only Black student killed, from the time the bodies lay in the school library. I had a comfort zone writing a speech for my client Vikki Buckley, the Colorado Secretary of State that was the only public official with the guts to welcome the NRA to Denver mere days after the 1999 slaughter. Buckley received a standing ovation when she said, “Guns are not the issue. It is the hate that pulled the trigger that is the issue.” Reverend Michael Shoels, Isaiah’s father, joined in the applause and supported Buckley’s position.

Hate transcends race, class, religion and logic. Hate kills. Love heals. Revenge is a cancer.

A tweet: #Pistons need 2do a walkabout through deep Eastside of the D as part of re-acquisition of 313 Swag cause that 248 ain’t cuttin’ it in NBA.

We must never let haters cause us to lose hope or dislike ourselves, and never let haters make you weak in your faith. Keep the faith. Stay on the battlefield.

Sam Riddle is political director of the Michigan National Action Network. Follow him on Facebook at facebook.com/sam.riddle or Twitter at twitter.com/samriddle
Post Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:19 pm 
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