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Topic: Flint #1 in crime for 2013

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El Supremo

12 Most Dangerous Cities In America
By Kelsi Williamson on September 2, 2013

1. Flint, Michigan

Flint takes the #1 spot in our list of Most Dangerous Cities In America.

Once known for it’s booming auto industry in the mid-1900s, Flint has struggled with high rates of unemployment and poverty since the 1980s and consistently makes it to the top of lists for the most dangerous cities in the United States.

According to the 2012 FBI Uniform Crime Report, no city had a higher violent crime rate in 2012. With a population just over 100,000 people, 63 murders and 1,930 aggravated assaults were reported last year.


Statistic prove an unquestionable correlation between this small northern city’s poverty and continued violence. The median household income in Flint was strikingly low at $23,380 – the second lowest household income of all 555 cities measured by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2011.
Post Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:27 am 
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El Supremo

often people believe it is only the number of murders that count towards us being the most dangerous. However, it is the total picture of assaults including stabbings and non lethal shootings. I believe we have many good officers and believe that the blame for the numbers game lies solely with the administration. The influx of State Police does not appear to have corrected the crime issue.

Every day there are shots fired calls throughout the city. Thankfully many of our shooters are bad shots or the rate would be even higher.

I am concerned that the number of domestic calls and their level of severity seems to be increasing. These include fighting amongst all members of a family. Also there is a high number of calls involving persons with mental illness.
Post Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:56 pm 
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El Supremo

September 17, 2013 at 1:02 am
Flint, Detroit retain most-violent rankings
Tony Briscoe, Mike Wilkinson and George Hunter
The Detroit News

Flint and Detroit remain the most violent cities in America, according to FBI crime statistics released Monday.

Flint, Michigan’s seventh-largest city, saw an overall rise in violent crime — which includes murder, aggravated assaults, robberies and rapes. The city reported 2,774 violent crimes in 2012, nearly 400 more than 2011’s total of 2,392, the FBI reported.
Detroit saw a small drop in violent crime with 15,011 incidents in 2012, compared to 15,245 in 2011.

Flint recorded 2,730 violent crimes per 100,000 people last year. Detroit saw 600 fewer violent crimes per capita with 2,123 violent crimes per 100,000.

Flint also had the most murders per capita (62) for cities with more than 100,000 residents. Detroit ranked second with 54.6 per 100,000 with 441 murders, followed by New Orleans (53.2); Jackson, Miss., (35.Cool and St. Louis, Mo. (35.5

Flint Mayor Dayne Walling was not available Monday night to comment on the crime statistics. City Council president Scott Kincaid did not return a phone call.

Detroit police spokesman Michael Woody declined comment on the crime figures, but said Police Chief James Craig would address the FBI findings once he compared the numbers to the department’s COMPSTAT method of crime reporting, a computer statistical model recently adopted to identify crime hot spots in the city.

Detroit has faced a perpetual crime problem, despite efforts by five police chiefs in the past five years.

Since Craig began as police chief July 1, the department has deployed more officers to the streets, moved units around, reinstated its gang squad and begun an effort to stem carjackings.

Since filing for bankruptcy in July, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr has promised to improve city services, including tackling public safety issues and restoring streetlights in high crime areas.

In August, police, churches and social service providers launched a program Craig called a “holistic” approach aimed at stemming gang violence, Operation Ceasefire in the Eastern District, which typically sees the most shootings in the city. “We’re telling parolees and probationers: You have a criminal history; we know you have gang affiliations; and we’re going after your group,” U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said when the program was launched.

Saginaw had 53.7 per capita, with 27 murders in a population of of 50,000; Highland Park, six with a population of 11,700; Warren had 91 murders in a community of 134,300, and 51.4 per capita; Inkster, a city of 25,000, reported 10 murders, according to the FBI figures.

Nationally, violent crimes increased 0.7 percent with a rate of 389.9 per capita. Property crime decreased 0.9 percent, the FBI reported.

(313) 222-2541
Post Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:52 am 
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El Supremo

Will there be an artificial drop in the crime stats for next year. North end residents that go to the North Side mini station on M L King and Bishop are unable to log on to a computer to use the COPLOGIC system to report crimes. This was brought up at a recent meeting at the mini-station.

If crime is not reported, I guess it doesn't exist.
Post Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:58 am 
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El Supremo

Patrick Clawson shared a link.

6 hours ago.

Flint is #1 in America for violent crime for the THIRD year in a row - but our clueless local officials are telling the equally clueless local newspaper that they "see signs of hope." The truth is that Flint is an out-of-control active war zone and the army of violent thugs here vastly out-mans law enforcement. No one in this community is safe anymore. Violent crime pollutes everything here and is killing off any promise of economic recovery from the Depression. Flint needs a huge "surge" of law enforcement - especially more Michigan State Troopers and more Feds - to get things under control. And that includes using the National Guard. We also need a countywide police force and proactive criminal intelligence operations here to target the Top 100 thugs and lock them up. And, yes, some consideration needs to be given to imposing martial law or curfews in parts of the city. But Governor Snyder and local leaders lack the guts to do what is necessary. Nobody in power wants to admit that protecting the political turf and fiefdoms of incompetent local politicians and pep talking the public is far more important than actually doing what's necessary to protect the citizens.

Flint still tops in nation for violent crime but officials see signs of hope

Post Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:01 am 
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