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Topic: 2nd secret meeting for Cantor & Ryan with Kochs

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El Supremo

Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan headlined Koch summit
POLITICO·4 days ago The invitation-only seminars bring together wealthy donors to mingle with, and hear presentations from, Republican elected officials, conservative dignitaries…

Ryan, Cantor, and Martinez Address Koch Brothers Summit
NewsMax·4 days ago

Ryan, Cantor appear secretly at Koch gathering in New Mexico
Capitol Hill Blue·3 days ago

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Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan headlined Koch summit - Kenneth P. Vogel ...

Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan headlined Koch summit


Aug 09, 2013 · Rep. Paul Ryan, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez secretly spoke to wealthy donors at the Koch brothers…

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Ryan, Cantor 'secretly spoke' at Koch brothers' event


Aug 08, 2013 · Charles and David Koch made considerable investments in the 2012 elections, and as the dust settled, they didn't have much to show …

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Aug 07, 2013 · Former GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez were among the …

Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan Headline Koch Summit

The Huffington Post4 days ago

Aug 07, 2013 · Rep. Paul Ryan, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez secretly spoke to wealthy donors at the Koch brothers’ …

Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan Headline Koch Summit « Pat Dollard


Aug 07, 2013 · The source said that Cantor and Ryan both ... oil and manufacturing conglomerate controlled by Charles and David Koch, confirmed that the brothers …

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Ryan, Cantor appear secretly at Koch gathering in New Mexico

Capitol Hill Blue3 days ago

Charles and David Koch, the ultra conservative energy brothers who already control the Republican Party and want to control the nation as well, …

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Other Republican legislators were at the event, including Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA). ... David Koch; Paul Ryan; Close Like ThinkProgress on Facebook
Post Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:43 pm 
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El Supremo

Ryan, Cantor appear secretly at Koch gathering in New Mexico
By SUSAN WALKER - A Capitol Hill Blue Analysis
August 8, 2013
Charles and David Koch, the ultra conservative energy brothers who already control the Republican Party and want to control the nation as well, brought in the usual suspects to deliver the standard right-wing lines to their following of rich conservatives who gathered covertly just outside Albuquerque, New Mexico last weekend.

Among those who spoke and laid out plans for the upcoming mid-term elections next year and the Presidential contest in 2016 were tea party puppets like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia and failed vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

What details did they provide to the right-wing rich? Nobody is saying for sure, but sources close to the gathering — one of two that the Koch brothers host each year to map out the conservative campaign for absolute control say both Cantor and Ryan were “well received” and mapped out plans that they feel will achieve success at the ballot box.

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, one those anointed as a right winger who has her “head on straight,” also spoke to the gathering at the ultra-expensive Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort in Bernalillo where hired security blocked off roads and turned away reporters from Albuquerque and national media.

The invitation-only event is listed by the Kochs as a gathering to “discuss solutions to our most pressing issues and strategies to promote policies that will help grow our economy, foster free enterprise and create American jobs.”

The Kochs, of course, are the primary financial backers of the tea party movement, an interesting irony that two of the nation’s richest men back what is purported to be a “grass roots” movement of “ordinary people.”

“The Kochs are a fraud,” former tea party activist Gary Lawson tells Capitol Hill Blue. “They seek to control everything for their rich brethren and they often do so with phony movements.”

Ryan and Cantor both have deep ties to the Kochs and flew into New Mexico on a private jet owned by the brothers.

Secrecy surrounding the meeting was so tight that Americans for Prosperity, the primary political funding operation of the brothers, claimed it didn’t know anything about the event. Gov. Martinez refused to discuss any details and a spokesman for her office told the Albuquerque Tribune that the state’s governor “attended a private political event at the Tamaya where she gave brief remarks and had casual meetings with several national political leaders, including Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Congressman Paul Ryan.”

Albuquerque is now also the home base for longtime Koch consultant Eddie Mahe, who owned The Eddie Mahe Company, the Washington “strategic business consulting company” that created for the core groups that later became FreedomWorks a political operation that was started by former Texas Congressman Dick Armey and spawned the tea party out of another phony grassroots operation.

Capitol Hill Blue founder and publisher Doug Thompson worked for Eddie Mahe as a senior communications adviser from 1994-2002. When asked about the meeting, Thompson laughed and said “how the hell would I know? First and foremost, I’m independent media and independent media has no role or use in any activity involving the Kochs.”

Enhanced by ZemantaWhen asked if he was invited, Thompson laughed again and responded “no way. I’m the enemy to those folks because I believe power in this nation belongs to the people, not the rich or the right-wing.”


Copyright © 2013 Capitol Hill Blue

Carl Nemo **== Reply

August 10, 2013 at 6:54 am

“The invitation-only event is listed by the Kochs as a gathering to “discuss solutions to our most pressing issues and strategies to promote policies that will help grow our economy, foster free enterprise and [create American jobs].” …extract from article my brackets

How does this extract compare to a quote from a Forbes linked article concerning the Koch bros.’ true agenda for American workers.


“Koch owns a coal company subsidiary with facilities in Green Bay, Manitowoc, Ashland and Sheboygan; six timber plants throughout the state; and a large network of pipelines in Wisconsin. While Koch controls much of the infrastructure in the state, [they have laid off workers to boost profits]. At a time when Koch Industries owners David and Charles Koch awarded themselves an extra $11 billion of income from the company, Koch slashed jobs at their Green Bay plant:” …extract from “Think Progress” …extract my brackets



Everything about these guys can be described by one phrase…hyprocisy for the benefit of profits.

Kantor and Ryan are nothing but ‘useful fools’ working for these billionaires’ benefit.

What’s amazing too is the striking resemblance between the two reps in this photo. Place the eyeglasses worn by Eric Kantor on Paul Ryan and you’d swear they were twin brothers. It’s simply a case of political bros representing their wealthy bro patrons in Congress to ensure their incumbency and to plump Koch Industries bottomline. / : |

Carl Nemo **==
Post Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:49 pm 
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Raymond Sist

Are the Kochs a counterbalance to Soros?
Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:03 am 
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El Supremo

Detroit environmental activists are fighting the huge piles of pet coke the Koch brothers placed along the Detroit River. A confirmed carcinogen, it was demonstrated to be blowing all over Detroit neighborhoods.

Why try to do things in secret?
Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:13 am 
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El Supremo

Pet Coke Cloud Blows Across Detroit River (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post·12 days ago A newly surfaced video showing a large black cloud of petroleum coke ... significantly more carbon dioxide when burned than coal does. Koch Carbon is owned by…

Massive Toxic Black Cloud, Brought To You by the Koch Bros, Blows Over Detroit
Common Dreams·9 days ago

Video: Pet coke dust cloud seen over Detroit River
MyFox Houston·12 days ago

Koch Cloud Spews Cloud of Toxic Dust Over Detroit | Crooks and …

crooksandliars.com › Blogs › Susie Madrak's blog

Tags: Detroit, Koch Brothers, pet coke, toxic cloud. Print; Share This Post. Link To This Post Short URL: Long URL: We welcome relevant, respectful comments.

Pet Coke Cloud Blows Across Detroit River (VIDEO)


Jul 31, 2013 · ... Ontario, just across the river from Detroit. The pet coke pile is owned by Koch Carbon, ... Those Dirty Koch Bros and their Dirtier PETCoke, ...

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Jul 22, 2013 · Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and Detroit emergency manager Kevin Orr look dazed at the prospect of the Koch brothers 'buy out'

Massive Toxic Black Cloud, Brought To You by the Koch Bros, …

Common Dreams9 days ago

Aug 02, 2013 · ... Brought To You by the Koch Bros, Blows Over Detroit. ... Produced by Marathon Refinery but owned by Koch Carbon, the pet-coke piles have for …

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occupyamerica.crooksandliars.com › Blogs › Diane Sweet's blog

Fox 2 News Headlines A Marathon spokesperson told Fox 2 they sold the pet coke. It is now the property of Koch Carbon. Koch Carbon is part of Koch Industries, run by ...

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“We’ve been told that the pet coke dust issue is being contained, ... Labels: Detroit Bulk Storage, Koch brothers, Petroleum coke. Post a Comment
Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:19 am 
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El Supremo

Pet Coke Cloud Blows Across Detroit River (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post | By Hunter Stuart Posted: 07/31/2013 1:38 pm EDT | Updated: 07/31/2013 6:07 pm EDT

Koch Carbon, Koch Petcoke, Pet Coke Cloud Detroit, Petcoke, Petcoke Cloud, Petcoke Video, Petroleum Coke, Green News

A newly surfaced video showing a large black cloud of petroleum coke, also known as "pet coke," blowing across the Detroit River is adding to concerns about a three-story pile of the carbon-based substance that's sitting in storage near the Ambassador Bridge.

Watch the video above.

"We’ve been told that the pet coke dust issue is being contained, but here is firsthand evidence to the contrary," said Rep. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) in a statement responding to the video, which was filmed in Windsor, Ontario, just across the river from Detroit.

The pet coke pile is owned by Koch Carbon, an affiliate of Koch Industries that sells pet coke internationally. A spokesman for Detroit Bulk Storage, the company that Koch Carbon pays to store the product, confirmed to The Windsor Star that the black dust in the video came from the Detroit pile.

The spokesman said the pile is normally contained with epoxy, and that the video was filmed when the seal was broken on Saturday in order to load a ship.

A Detroit oil refinery owned by Houston-based Marathon Oil has been producing the pet coke since November, following a $2.2 billion renovation that allowed it to process tar sands oil from Alberta province, in Canada. Pet coke is a byproduct of that process, and is sold (often to foreign countries) as a cheaper alternative to coal .

Detroit Bulk Storage says that shipments of pet coke to its already-towering pile by the Detroit River have halted, and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality found that the product doesn't pose a significant public health risk.

But residents and politicians remained concerned about the substance, which has been found inside homes of people who live near the pile.

Environmentalists point out that pet coke, while cheaper than some traditional fuel sources, is also dirtier. The carbon-based substance produces significantly more carbon dioxide when burned than coal does.

Koch Carbon is owned by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who have donated vast sums of money to conservative causes . The largest pet coke trader in the world, Oxbow Corporation, is owned by Charles and David's brother, William Koch, according to the research and advocacy organization, Oil Change International.

Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:42 am 
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El Supremo

In the 1990'a The Sugar Law Firm handled an environmental racism case for the NAACP involving the Genesee Power plant that burns the sawdust. They held a "toxic Tour" that covered several contaminated sites.

One of these sites was the coal being stored by the railroad along Carpenter Road. The Foss Avenue area around the church was covered in the black coal dust. No matter how hot it got they could not open their windows and the windows were covered with the black dust. The elderly and those with lung diseases suffered the most.

Johnny Tucker was the councilman at the time this storage facility won approval but he claimed no knowledge of it's approval.

Many people became sick between the coal dust and the sawdust.
Post Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:51 am 
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