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Topic: Federal lawmakers-bill to end police racial profiling

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El Supremo

Federal Lawmakers Introduce Bill To End Racial Profiling By Police
The heart of the proposal would prohibit federal, state, and local law enforcement from engaging from racial profiling, except in cases where specific, trustworthy information has been provided (such as a witness identifying a crime suspect by their race)..
Post Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:26 pm 
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El Supremo

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White People Stopped By New York Police Are More Likely To …


During the just-concluded trial on the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk program, the city argued that officers’ disproportionate targeting of black and ...

Dems seek racial profiling ban (End Racial Profiling Act, H.R. 2851)

www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3049432/posts12 hours ago

Under the End Racial Profiling Act, ... best policing practices," and allows Justice to issue reports to assess the progress of these ... I think that’s the ...
Post Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:31 pm 
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El Supremo

Dems seek racial profiling ban

By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/31/13 09:02 AM ET

Democrats proposed legislation on Tuesday to ban racial profiling by police in response to the death of Trayvon Martin.

Under the End Racial Profiling Act, H.R. 2851, introduced by House Judiciary Committee ranking member John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ban would be enforceable through the courts.

"Recent events demonstrate that racial profiling remains a divisive issue that strikes at the very foundation of our democracy," Conyers said Tuesday. "Though the death of Trayvon Martin was not the result of a law enforcement encounter, the issues of race and reasonable suspicion of criminal conduct are so closely linked in the minds of the public that his death cannot be separated from the law enforcement profiling debate."

While Conyers said Martin's death is justification for the bill, Conyers has proposed legislation in the last several Congresses to end racial profiling. Still, Conyers said Martin represents other minorities who continue to be harmed by this police tactic.

"Ultimately, he is one of too many individuals across the country who have been victimized by a perception of criminality simply because of their race, ethnicity, religion or national origin," he said. "These individuals are denied the basic respect and equal treatment that is the right of every American."

Conyers said his bill would establish a "comprehensive federal commitment" to ending racial profiling. Aside from banning racial profiling, the bill would require federal law enforcement agents to be trained on racial profiling, and would require reports to the Department of Justice on racial profiling investigations.

The legislation would also allow Justice to make grants to states to develop "best policing practices," and allows Justice to issue reports to assess the progress of these efforts.

Conyers said the government's collection of data in the 1990s showed "significant empirical evidence" and agreement among many that racial profiling exists. He said profiling is eroding the trust communities need to have in law enforcement.

"Despite the fact that the majority of law enforcement officers perform their duties professionally and without bias — and we value their service highly — the specter of racial profiling has contaminated the relationship between the police and minority communities to such a degree that federal action is justified to begin addressing the issue."

The bill is supported by 39 Democrats, including several members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/314611-dems-propose-federal-ban-on-racial-profiling#ixzz2agHLOstm
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Post Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:35 pm 
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El Supremo

White People Stopped By New York Police Are More Likely To Have Guns Or Drugs Than Minorities

By Aviva Shen on May 22, 2013 at 12:20 pm

(Credit: AP)
During the just-concluded trial on the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk program, the city argued that officers’ disproportionate targeting of black and Latino New Yorkers was not due to racial profiling but because each stopped individual was doing something suspicious at the time. The data, however, tells a different story: weapons and drugs were more often found on white New Yorkers during stops than on minorities, according to the Public Advocate’s analysis of the NYPD’s 2012 statistics.

White New Yorkers make up a small minority of stop-and-frisks, which were 84 percent black and Latino residents. Despite this much higher number of minorities deemed suspicious by police, the likelihood that stopping an African American would find a weapon was half the likelihood of finding one on a white person.

• The likelihood a stop of an African American New Yorker yielded a weapon was half that of white New Yorkers stopped. The NYPD uncovered a weapon in one out every 49 stops of white New Yorkers. By contrast, it took the Department 71 stops of Latinos and 93 stops of African Americans to find a weapon.

• The likelihood a stop of an African American New Yorker yielded contraband was one-third less than that of white New Yorkers stopped. The NYPD uncovered contraband in one out every 43 stops of white New Yorkers. By contrast, it took the Department 57 stops of Latinos and 61 stops of African Americans to find contraband.

It’s unlikely that the appropriate lesson to take from these findings is that stops of white people should increase because they are more likely to carry weapons and drugs. Rather, they suggest that police are excessively targeting minorities. Officers may be netting more successful stops of white New Yorkers because they are only likely to stop a white person when they actually suspect that person of committing a crime. Considering one officer’s testimony that superiors explicitly directed him to target young black men, minorities are judged by a much more flexible definition of “reasonable suspicion.”

And this loose approach to the Constitution’s ban on unlawful searches and seizures is part of a larger pattern of African-Americans being targeted by police. In one incident an officer cuffed and detained a 13-year-old African American boy, the son of a former cop, for six hours because he allegedly reached into his pants’ waistband. Other cops punched and pepper-sprayed a 38-year-old veteran who was discussing Memorial Day plans with friends on a street corner. Yet another black man reported being stopped and arrested 4 times in one year on criminal trespass charges later dismissed by a judge.

In general, stop-and-frisk has proven to be remarkably ineffective; nearly 89 percent of all stops result in no charges. The city has also had to settle a surging number of civil rights lawsuits against police to the tune of $22 million in one year.
Post Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:38 pm 
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