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Topic: Where is Greg Eason?

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El Supremo

Jesse Buchanan: Grand jury convenes in federal investigation of ...


FLINT, Michigan — A federal grand jury ... but also include the personnel files for two high-ranking mayoral appointees — City Administrator Greg Eason and ...


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Jesse Buchanan:


Grand jury convenes in federal investigation of Flint energy grant funds

Published: Friday, July 22, 2011, 9:51 AM Updated: Friday, July 22, 2011, 1:58 PM

By Kristin Longley | Flint Journal The Flint Journal



View full sizeEmily-Rose Bennett | The Flint JournalThe Department of Community and Economic Development in the north building at Flint City Hall.

FLINT, Michigan — A federal grand jury is seeking city of Flint documents in what appears to be a wide-reaching investigation into millions of dollars of federal stimulus grants awarded to Flint.


It’s part of an ongoing investigation into grant spending — including at least $1.3 million in federal energy grants awarded to Flint — that also included a raid of City Hall on May 25.


Subpoenas issued to four city departments in May demanded more than two years worth of documents, check stubs, emails and audio and video recordings of city dealings, according to information obtained by The Journal under the Freedom of Information Act.


Most requests for information related to employees of the economic development department, but also include the personnel files for two high-ranking mayoral appointees — City Administrator Greg Eason and Green City Coordinator Steve Montle, both of whom declined comment, citing the ongoing investigation.


Federal officials requested the information in advance of a grand jury hearing that convened July 6 at the federal courthouse in Flint. Grand jury proceedings are closed to the public.

Flint City Attorney Peter Bade declined to comment on the proceedings, other than to say the city is cooperating.


Flint Mayor Dayne Walling said he has no further details on what federal officials are investigating.


“The city continues to fully cooperate with the investigation process,” he said.


Walling has previously said that he is not a target of the investigation.


Federal investigators and the FBI in May took volumes of archived documents and electronic information from the Department of Community and Economic Development.


A hand-written list compiled by a city employee during the raid, and obtained by The Journal, shows auditors from the Department of Energy were looking into $1.3 million in federal energy grants awarded to Flint through the Recovery Act.

Six city employees salaries are paid in total or in part with funds from the energy grants.


Federal officials have been cracking down on Recovery Act programs across the country.

It’s not known whether any of the city’s other grant awards have also come under scrutiny.


The subpoenas were requested by Assistant U.S. Attorney A. Tare Wigod of the Flint office.


Officials at the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Department of Energy have declined to comment.


Each of the four subpoenas sought records related to city employees or persons or companies that have done business with the city going back to April 1, 2009, including:


• All audio and video recordings of all Flint City Council meetings and council committee meetings.


• All time sheets, payroll records and/or pay checks for a list of 23 employees, people and companies.


• Two years worth of emails to and from 19 city employees, most of whom work in the economic development department.


• The personnel files for seven employees including Eason and Montle. All five others work in the economic development office.


The city’s economic development department handles most of the federal grant funds for the city, which has been awarded more than $40 million in recent years under various federal programs.


The list of information taken from City Hall in May also indicates investigators were interested in information regarding the city’s $4.2 million federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 grant, which is dedicated to rehabilitation and demolition of houses in the city.


Jackie Foster, an administrator in the city’s economic development department, said she has no idea why her name or others’ names were on the list.


“The feds came in, we cooperated fully, we gave them all the documents they requested,” she said. “I’m not sure that any of us really clearly understand exactly what’s going on or what prompted this.”


Kate Fields, who runs a consulting firm listed on the subpoenas, said she is also in the dark on what investigators are looking for.


Her firm, Advanced Solutions Group, was paid $250,000 of the energy grant funds to prepare an energy efficiency and conservation strategy. The strategy was submitted to the Department of Energy in December 2009 and resulted in Flint being awarded the balance of the $1.1 million grant in March 2010.


The money is primarily for energy efficiency and energy conservation activities.


“I thoroughly document my work,” she said Friday. “I have no concerns about the work or anything to do with my contract or projects.”


This article has been updated to include a clarification.

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Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:40 am 
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El Supremo

Gregory Eason

City Administrator at City of Flint, MI
Greater Detroit Area Management Consulting

View Gregory's full profile

Gregory Eason's Overview
Current City Administrator at City of Flint, MI
Past Owner at Visions Unlimited Consulting
President/CEO at Center for Progressive Learning, Inc.
President/CEO at Center for Banking Education

see all
Education Strayer University-Pennsylvania
Bethune-Cookman University
70 connections
Websites Company Website

Gregory Eason's Summary

Successfully directed the day-to-day operations of 14 city departments and a $355 million budget for the City of Flint, Michigan. My accomplishments are as follows:

1) Created a 5-year, $50 million consolidation plan for the use of community development resources;

2) Implemented a new $2 million information systems capital improvement plan; Developed a new $80 million Capital Improvement Plan for the Department of Public Works .

3) Directed and managed the development of a new $30 million housing venture called Smith Village and implemented HUD Section 3 city-wide employment policy resulting in approximately 200 jobs.

5) Restructured and re-organized the 4th largest Workforce Development Agency in Michigan in 18 months; provided services to more than 10,000 clients/participants annually.

6) Created the $5 million Sylvester Broome Training Technology Center; started the efforts to bringing a $20 million Flint Job Corp Center; Improved efficiency of the organization 85% and increased revenue from $8.5 million to $18.5 million over a 3-year period.

7) Restructured and consolidated the largest regional American Institute of Banking (AIB) Learning Center into a state-wide Michigan AIB organization over a period of 2 years. Managed an annual budget totaling $1.5 million and supervised a staff of 8 employees, 30 contractors and 30 instructors. Provided education, training and learning services to 80 large, medium and small banks representing approximately 30,000 Michigan bankers.

Cool Founded the new Center for Progressive Learning, Inc.( a 501C-3 Non Profit Corporation), in 2001 after acquiring the Center for Banking Education from the banks and developed a more diverse customer base consisting of 70 banks, 10 credit unions, and other government and non-profit organizations with revenues totaling $1 million annually and a concurrent profit margin of 20%. I wrote and developed over 50 online banking, life skills, technical and professional development courses..


Excellent leadership and mentoring; analytical skills; verbal and written communications skills; public relations; presentation and public speaking; budgeting and fiscal management; marketing and advertising; computer and information technology skills; grants management; business development and retention; human resource; program development; fund development; strategic planning; outstanding people skills; and politically savvy.

Gregory Eason's Experience

City Administrator

City of Flint, MI

Government Agency; 501-1000 employees; Government Administration industry

August 2009 – Present (4 years 2 months) Flint, MI

Responsible for all day-to-day operations of the City of Flint ($355,000,000 annual budget), including finance, purchasing, human resource/labor relations, public works, neighborhood services, legal services, public safety, economic development, community development, planning and development, constituent services, government relations, communications and grants development; Reporting direct to the Mayor of the City of Flint;


Visions Unlimited Consulting

September 2006 – February 2010 (3 years 6 months) Flint, Michigan

Providing management consulting services to nonprofit organizations.


Center for Progressive Learning, Inc.

2000 – 2006 (6 years) Troy, Michigan

Sole Proprietor. Managed revenues totaling $1.1 million; Managed 8 employees; 40 contractors and 30 instructors. Responsible for all day-to-day operations for providing traditional and online workforce development and banking skill training and professional development programs to 3,000 bankers in the states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Indiana and Nevada.; Developed over 50 online professional development programs for banking, cash management and several professional development programs.


Center for Banking Education

1996 – 2000 (4 years) Greater Detroit Area

Responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the largest Michigan AIB Learning Center. Restructured and consolidated the school from a southeastern regional organization to the state-wide Michigan AIB organization over a period of 2 years. Charged with managing an annual budget totaling $1.5 million. Managed 10 employees, 40 contractors and 40 instructors. Provided banker education, technical and computer training and professional development services to 80 large, medium and small banks representing approximately 30,000 Michigan bankers.


Jobs Central

1991 – 1996 (5 years) Genesee and Shiawassee Counties

Responsible for managing one of the largest workforce development organizations in Michigan. Managed a workforce of 150 employees; $18.5 million budget; 5 departments; providing workforce development programs to over 10, 000 clients in both Genesee and Shiawassee Counties. Created a new $6 million dollar youth-interventions center called the Sylvester Broome Training Technology Center; initiated a $20.5 million Job Corps Center.

Gregory Eason's Courses

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Business Administration and Management, General

Strayer University-Pennsylvania
• Quantitative Analysis
• Introduction to Management Science
• Probability and Statistical Analysis
• Management Science - Quantitative Methods & Analysis (MAT540)
• Modern Management (MGT500)

Gregory Eason's Projects

Sylvester Broome Jr. Training Technology Center
January 1994 to October 1996

Team Members: Gregory Eason, ex-State Representative Vera B. Rison

A youth intervention education and training center offering job training skills, life skills, technology skills and job placement opportunities.

Flint/Genesee County Jobs Corp.
January 1994 to October 1996

Team Members: Gregory Eason, ex-State Representative Vera B. Rison

A comprehensive youth intervention and technical training center.

Smith Village Development
January 2009 to November 2011

Team Members: Gregory Eason, Mayor Dayne Walling, Councilman Scott Kincaid, Councilman Dale Weighhill, Councilman Josh Freeman, Councilman Bernard Lawler, Councilman Neeley, Councilman Bryant Nolden, Councilman Michael Sarginson, Smith Village CDC, HUD

A $30 million mixed-housing community development project comprising of the building of 83 new homes, a child development center and an arts center for the City of Flint. The project is located near downtown and within walking distance of 4 major universities, hospitals and other public services.

Gregory Eason's Skills & Expertise

Project Management
Project Planning
Conflict Resolution
Strategic Planning
Strategic Partnerships
People Skills
Business Analysis
Customer Service
Communication Skills
Presentation Development
Oral & Written Communication Skills
Leadership Development
Professional Development Programs
Computer Proficiency
IT Management
Federal Grants Management
Marketing Strategy
Contract Negotiation

Gregory Eason's Volunteer Experience & Causes

Board Member

Genesee County Mass Transit Authority
Social Services

September 2009 – present (4 years 1 month)

Board Member

Genesee/Shiawassee Michigan Works! Career Alliance, Inc.
Economic Empowerment

January 2009 – December 2011 (3 years)

Providing job training, job placement, job-ready skills; life skills and education services to individuals who are unemployed, underemployed and employed
Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:51 am 
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El Supremo

This profile was recently updated. The 4 years from August 2009 that he shows as City Administrator takes him up to the current year. Hasn't he been gone since 2011. .
Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:54 am 
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El Supremo

Flint's EM Mike Brown fires seven at city hall
Posted: Dec 02, 2011 6:21 PM EST Updated: Dec 02, 2011 8:39 PM EST

By Lori Dougovito - bio | email

(12/02/11) - Seven people have been let go at Flint City Hall as the emergency manager gets to work re-shaping the administration.

Thursday was the first day on the job for state-appointed Mike Brown. He issued two orders Friday.

In the first, seven people were terminated. Those firings were effective at 5 p.m.

They are:

Greg Eason - City Administrator
Kathleen Sheetz - City Administrator's Executive Secretary
Donna Poplar - Human Resources and Labor Relations Director
Edward Parker - Civil Service Commission Director
Brenda Purifoy - Ombudsman
Rhoda Matthews - Citizens Services Director
Steve Montle - Green City Coordinator

Brown met with them each Friday afternoon.

"One by one. I wanted to do it face-to-face and talk to people and tell them this is nothing personal. We just have a lot of tough things to do," he said.

Mayor Dayne Walling issued this statement, in response to the terminations:

"Gregory Eason's strong record of government reforms and community accomplishments will continue to benefit our community for many years to come. Steve Montle was the driving force behind a number of innovative initiatives to cut costs, create jobs and cleanup the local environment. Rhoda Woods' tireless commitment to the concerns and safety of Flint's citizens made a difference in thousands of families' lives. Donna Poplar brought a superior level of skill and understanding to one of the hardest jobs at City Hall. It was an honor for them to choose to serve with me through very difficult times and, on behalf of the Flint community, I thank them for their service."

The second order issued Friday had to do with pay and benefits for Mayor Dayne Walling and city council members. They have been officially stripped of both. He can restore both.

"Of course, I will be meeting with (the) mayor and council in terms of their future role and I will make an adjustment at some point," Brown said.

ABC12 has also learned Brown canceled all city council meetings until further notice.

Council President Scott Kincaid said he doesn't necessarily think it's a "bad thing" as Brown continues to evaluate the city's situation.

Both orders are posted and available for viewing on the city of Flint's website, in a special emergency financial manager section. Click here to read.

Brown says future orders will be posted on the city's website as well.
Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:01 am 
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El Supremo

Eason made several appearances at City Council to criticize the city administration under Brown and Kurtz. He swore he would continue to return and be vocal. He did not make the cut for city council and he has not returned.

Does he have plans to return to Flint government in some capacity? Walling had once indicated he would restore both Eason and Poplar if he returned to power. Is that the plan or is Eason just revising history for a new position he wants. The fact checkers always catch on.

Last edited by untanglingwebs on Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:09 am 
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El Supremo

Where is Kate Fields?. But more importantly why have there been no indictments from this fraudulent Advanced Solutions deal? When Fields first introduced her proposal, Greg Eason was to be the CEO. When the contract went to the low bidder, the contract was delayed until it was diverted to Fields.

From Terry Bankert
Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Yesterday 07/25/11 Droid thumb live blogged the Flint City Council meeting typos and all.. There Mayor Dayne Walling announced his full cooperation with an ongoing and rare FBI Investigation of City of Flint Activities. One Mayoral Opponent Daryl Buchanan had scheduled an “emergency press conference” last Friday on that issue.

From the Mayors announcement to council one corruption target of the FBI is an organization called Advanced Solutions rune by Kate Fields, she also instructs at University of Michigan Flint or at least did last year.

Flint Mayor Walling strongly stated to the council and community that corruption will not be tolerated in his administration. He pledged to be transparent to the voters and regularly report on this issue. He seemed to blame the controversy on past administration but was rebuked by Flint City Council member Sheldon Neely that essentially the implementation of the federal program that the aledged miss appropriations came from was done during the Walling watch.

My corrected face book notes follow. They are numbered in the order they were posted, but here modified. in the order they were origonally presented with contemporaneous thought and commentary.

The Mayor was given special privlage to address the Flint City Council.

1.Mayor Walling talked about the FBI investigations. He is co-operationg. Some candidates [ Darryl Buchanan] are taking cheap shots. No Flint City employee is going before a grand jury on these public corruptions charges the FBI is investigation. The FBI is suboening information from before his administration. If so that would be during the Buchanan /Williamson administration. Buchanan was city administrator Daryl Buchanan was City Administration and is fully responsible for anything that ocured the Williamson Mayoral terms that he held that position.

2. The Mayor welcomes the Federal oversight. Federal Funds allocated to Flint are being frozen by the Federal government. Flint cannot spend its federal money allocated to it.

3. Mayor Walling is notifying vendors that the source of payment for there efforts has dried up and they will not be paid until and if the funds are released by the Federal Government.What hard ship is being placed on these businessmen. You wonder why any firm would risk doing business with the City of Flint.

4.The Mayor is doing an external legal review. This topic degenerated into Councilperson Neeley proclaiming the Mayor was going to hire an outside attorney to investigate him and his administration. This review effort would be hird by hime and report to him.

5. There have been $450,000 in draw down of federal money that are being investigate amid allegations of public corruptions.

6. Flint Mayor Dayne Walling announced he welcomes early review by the FBI to stop corruption.

7.Walling pledged that he will not sweep problems under the rug in Flint its a big rug. Walling said we have a responsibility to be transparent. He will take questions from the council.

8. Flint Council person Josh Freeman asked how the external review will be paid for. Walling said out of the City Attorney Cost Center.

9.David Davenport was making noise and appeared ti be trying to disrupt the meeting.

10.Councilperson Neeley to Mayor Walling. A federal review of Flint is a serious matter and nnot to be brushed over.Walling responded ,there will be a whole series of issues. The Feds are suspending the funds until an investigation is completed.

11.Neeley to Mayor. What is the scope of review that you will assign to an attorney that you hire to investigate you?

12. Neeley to Mayor. The dollars in question were spent during your administration.

13. Neeley to Mayor. Ypu said prior administration but some time you Mr. Mayor will have to step up to the plate and take responsibility.

14. Walling said he has been proactive with his co-operation.

15.Neeley chastised the Mayor for blaming the council for weakening the city of flint purchasing guidelines when appropriating the federal money in question. There appears to be some council complicity in this issue. Ms. Fields was a darling of the Flint City Council and vilified by the Buchanan/Williamson Administration.

16.The Mayor of Flint Dayne Walling was strong in his presentation. He announced that he is freezing more of the money than the feds required. One thought is that he is punishing Fields and pulling all her funding. Pay backs can be hell. Council person Freeman asked if named Flint City employees were being suspended. I think he was talking about Steve Montel and Tracy Atkins. The Mayor said no, and appeared to dream up some sort of positive spin on that.

17.Kudos to the Mayor of Flint for going into the lions den to make this announcement and take questions directly from the council. That’s the toughness I expect from my Mayor of Flint.

18. Neeley chastised Flint City Council President Jackie Poplar for her rebunking of David Davenport. I think she went a little over the top but Davenport was fully co-operationg as this drew attention to him.Neeley said her relative and city department head Donna Polar was also talking loudly. Donna Poplar was talking to Barbara Griffiths Wilson said Ms Wilson later. My tjhought was that Jerry Springer has nothing on the turmoil of a Flint City Council meeting.

19.Flint City Council President than loudly announced the rules for the public to address the Flint City Council.

20. Alex Harris stopped by my seat to tell me some tidbits. The Federal Corruption charges are all on Wallings watch [ I doubt this] .

21. The public began to address the Flint City Council. The first speaker was the mother of a murdered child, heart rendering.

22. Looking at the council agenda another Attorney Dean Yeotis sewer lawsuit notice has been given concerning events of May 19 and 25. Have we not fixed this multi million dollar deficiency in out sewer system?

23.The mother of a murdered child is criticizing the recently announced cease fire a cowardly act by the city essentialy codeling criminal. My observatoin that we have had diversion programs for first ffendersfor decades this is just another variation.

24. David Davenport began has address toi the council talking about his alledged disruption of during Mayor Wallings presentation. He said he was laughing at the lies.

25.Davenport said that Walling is trying to blame the corruption charges on past city administrator Michael Brown.

26. David Davenport called anyone who supports Mayor Walling a criminal.

27. I continued my review of the city council agenda.

Item 110988 Settlement / Speer vs City of Flint. Violation of first amendment rights amount of $30,000 to Keith Speer and his attorney Leonard Kruse. The events surrounding this cause arose during and by the Buchanan/Williamson adminstration. Possible Buchanan should pay the money back to the city.

28. Other settlements, $12,500 to Charles Young, $30,000 to Kar;l Petrich, $75,000 to Christina Conely a whistleblower issue, $30,000 to Joseph Anderson.

29. Next public speaker Chris Delmoroney talked to signs on city property between the sidewalk and the road.

30. Council person Lawler refered the sign issue to the Flint City Attorney. I have a financial interest in this issue.

31. Mayor Walling was compared to Obama by one speaker.

32. Another speaker, Barbara Griffiths Wilson talked of the investigation of Buchanan when he was ombudsman for sexual harrassment, this eventually cost him his job and destroyed the reputation of that office by the removal and the protracted litigation. This speaker also was critical of Smiths residency.

33. Neeley then chastised Poplar for letting the previous speaker talk politics at the mike.

34. Flint City Council President interjected that it was the Flint Emergency Financial Manage that gave the Flint Journal a sweet heart tax abatement. He actualy blamed the state intervention on this issue. When the council would not approve the abatement because of its conditions were not met the Flint Journal used its then great power to go to the state , destroy the mayor office, cripple the council oversight power cause the appointment of an emergency financial manager that gave them what the wants and now took. I think that is what he ment ..

35 .Flint City Council President Jackie Poplar then turned to Neeley in response to his criticizing her and said. Mr. Neeley when Mr. Davenport called me a whore you did not defend me . Why are you defending others now. Neeley and Davenport erupted, probably the desired result that ended with Poplar ordering the Flint police officers present to escort Davenport from the chambers which they did.He went loud.

36. At the public mike Eric Mays joined the fray. He said the Feds are coming after City Administrator Greg Eason. There will be indictments before the November election. The FBI is investigating a sitting Mayor of Flint Michigan that has never happend before.

37 . Mays said that the police are investigation absentee ballot abuse. Eric is know as the king of absentee ballot campaigns. With prior allegations of abuse that resulted in changes of the state law.

38. Mays [ I assume talking about his absentee ballot advocacy] declares he will affect the rsult of the August election. He says he has done it three times before. Thanks for the heads up Eric that will justify any amount of increased scrutiny of any absentee ballot you touched or caused to be sent to a voter.

39. Alex Harris said what the Mayor is selling is a fraud.

40 Harris said, do not fall into the shame that the feds are not looking at Walling. There was a meeting of a Federal Grand Jury on this issue July 6th. The mayor announced tonite that he is hiring an attorney to investigate him. [ Could this be an attorney to defend him?].Alex Harris said that he has documentation that mayoral appointee Tracy Atkins is double dipping like former police chief Dicks was and he was charged.

41. Alex Harris asks why his close friend and very public political ally Kate Field of Advanced Solutions is being thrown under the political bus and having these federal charges directed at her.

42. Harris pointed out Walling lost the funding for Montel and Dawn but kept them employed by paying them from other cost centers. He said the Mayor Broke the Law and not there is a full cover up in progress.

44. End- I think the Mayor did the right thing tonite and showed his integrity and strength, just what we need in a Flint Mayor.-Terry Bankert 7/26 2011 on Flint City Council meeting of 7/25/11

This post is by Flint Divorce and Bankruptcy Attorney Terry Bankert. Divorce lawyer Terry Bankert often is involved in child custody, child support, parenting time and grandparents rights.

Flint Matrimonial Lawyer Bankert’s articles on Family Law to include Divorce they can be found at http://terrybankert.blogspot.com/. Flint Bankruptcy Lawyer Bankert also writes about chapter 7 bankruptcy at http://dumpmycreditors.wordpress.com/

Divorce, custody child support and other topics at

Bankert is active in his community and presents information on a wide variety of topice through his blog at http://goodmorningflint.blogspot.com/
Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:42 am 
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El Supremo

Harris made allegations against Tracy Atkins, but it should read Tracy Atkinson. There were credible claims that she worked for U of M and the City of Flint at the same time and showed her hours at both as the same. Harris should have taken his evidence to the authorities as this is what Davis Dicks was prosecuted for. Brown probably overlooked the transgressions as the two had a long working history together. Has anyone looked into the loans for her book store?
Post Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:48 am 
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Eason has been busy helping Alex Harris' council campaign
Post Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:10 pm 
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