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Topic: Ryan Eashoo Calls The Laundry Room
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I am gonna get the beef, I Am going to hire someone to investigage, Pro Bono. I have heard voice of reason state these facts as well, now she is gone. Sad She is pissed off about her identity theft, and now is working on legal action on that. I appreciate her e mail btw. I gots bigger fish to fry, i.e. Ryan EAshoo, Steve Heddy, Leane Barkas, Dale Suomela, JAmes Rutherford.

These are the good ole boys! We need their ass's on a silver platter. We need answers.
Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:58 pm 
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Steve Myers
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Site Admin

Mr John stop the excessive quoting it is getting irritating.

Steve Myers
Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:22 pm 
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Ted Jankowski

Steve Myers schreef:
Mr John stop the excessive quoting it is getting irritating.

Thank YOU!!
Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:25 pm 
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Steve Myers schreef:
Mr John stop the excessive quoting it is getting irritating.

Sorry, i will try to refrain from so many posts.
Btw, you can call me John, just John is fine.
Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:43 pm 
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Steve Myers
Site Admin
Site Admin

Thank!!... it hard to follow things with all the quoting.

Steve Myers
Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:49 pm 
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No problem, this is a sensitive subject for all of us involved.
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:02 am 
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My case against Ryan Eashoo:

1.) He's too young to be so involved in the community, we need people that are seasoned. Ryan needs more seasoning.

2.) Ryan is trying to dissolve the Flint History Commission, he wants to make it go away. He had strict instructions from the Mayors office to do whatever he can to cause problems for the commission, and to get rid of it.

3.) Ryan Eashoo is related to Mayor Don Williamson, he is a nephew of Mayor Williamson. He is blood relation, which is a conflict of interest. I will copy proof and post it to Flint Talk and do a live interview with the Laundry room to prove my facts.

4.) Ryan Eashoo was appointed to the Flint History Commission by Mayor Williamson his uncle, and approved by Flint City Council. This is a conflict of interest.

5.) I just found out that Ryan Eashoo is a 1099 employee of Patsy Lou Williamson, he is a Public Relations Person. Patsy Lou is the first lady of Flint Michigan and married to Mayor Don Williamson. This is another conflict of interest. I will also provide pictures of Ryan at the dearlership, and a phone log record from the dealership.

6.) Ryan is out for himself, and is wanting to become City Administrator after Peggy Cook moves down south near her kids. Alabama my sources tell me.

I want to prove I am not a weird, psycho quoter. I will provide facts on my case, I do also plead for voice of reason to call me, e mail me or something to give me more info on her allegations. The truth shall set us all free.
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:29 am 
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Ryan Eashoo nor voice of reason or steve heddy have returned e mails or phone calls. I know the Laundry Room guys were trying to get ahold of these people to without luck.

I dare the laundry room guys to get these friends of don, on your show.
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:33 am 
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Guest post
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:46 am 
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Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:50 am 
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Ted Jankowski

3.) Ryan Eashoo is related to Mayor Don Williamson, he is a nephew of Mayor Williamson. He is blood relation, which is a conflict of interest. I will copy proof and post it to Flint Talk and do a live interview with the Laundry room to prove my facts.

Hey cool! Let me know. I want to add it to my website http://www.thejankowskifamily.com/Family_Tree_Frames/index.html
I have the rest of the information about the Connection. only he is a distant relative so I've not been overly enthusiastic about getting the rest of that side of the family posted. If it was a closer connection I'd have it up right away.

Hey Cousin Eashoo! Laughing
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:53 am 
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Ted Jankowski


Oops here's a better link.
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:56 am 
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Ted this is great, see this is the team work we need around here.
We can all help stroke each other, you stroke me, i will stroke you.
in the end we will all be alot happier people.

When I get that info, i will e mail it to you Teddy boy.
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:30 am 
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John schreef:
My case against Ryan Eashoo:

1.) He's too young to be so involved in the community, we need people that are seasoned. Ryan needs more seasoning.

2.) Ryan is trying to dissolve the Flint History Commission, he wants to make it go away. He had strict instructions from the Mayors office to do whatever he can to cause problems for the commission, and to get rid of it.

3.) Ryan Eashoo is related to Mayor Don Williamson, he is a nephew of Mayor Williamson. He is blood relation, which is a conflict of interest. I will copy proof and post it to Flint Talk and do a live interview with the Laundry room to prove my facts.

4.) Ryan Eashoo was appointed to the Flint History Commission by Mayor Williamson his uncle, and approved by Flint City Council. This is a conflict of interest.

5.) I just found out that Ryan Eashoo is a 1099 employee of Patsy Lou Williamson, he is a Public Relations Person. Patsy Lou is the first lady of Flint Michigan and married to Mayor Don Williamson. This is another conflict of interest. I will also provide pictures of Ryan at the dearlership, and a phone log record from the dealership.

6.) Ryan is out for himself, and is wanting to become City Administrator after Peggy Cook moves down south near her kids. Alabama my sources tell me.

I want to prove I am not a weird, psycho quoter. I will provide facts on my case, I do also plead for voice of reason to call me, e mail me or something to give me more info on her allegations. The truth shall set us all free.

Ok great. finally. Lets see the beef John. We're waiting.

I'd suggest before making your demands for resignations and tar and pitch-forks, you get your facts together, which apparently you are still trying to establish.

You are nothing but an agent provacateur without an actual case.

regarding your points above.

1. age- thats absurd on its face. that is a value judgement, not a hard criteria. its in the eye of the beholder. age does not equal ability. To do any job capably a person needs two things: motivation and ability. You can have an experienced person who is less capable than a less experienced more motivated person. You can also have a 30 year veteran who in reality has nothing more than 30 years of 1 year experience; meaning they haven't grown, just done the same thing they did the first year over and over. Not good. You're not going to get anyone thrown out of any office because they are too young, too black, too white, too christian/muslim, too male/female. Try poor performance, malfeasance, corruption etc. Those are legit reasons.

2. Waiting for your proof. get ahold of the memo since you cite a specific communication/directive. It has to be authenticated. Might help to show motive too. Why does the mayor want to eradicate the commission? That's essential in defining the case for a successful "prosecution" even in the court of public opinion.

3. Waiting for the proof. Show us the relationship. If you do, all you will have proven is a familial relationship. The next step is to show how this is a legal "conflict of interest". What rule/regulation/city policy was broken. Otherwise see number one above. It becomes a value judgement...it may offend your sensibility of a conflict of interest...but not to anyone else. Doing an interview is fine, and may be entertaining, but it of itself doesn't establish proof. Its just another venue for communication. have the hard proof in hand and available for inspection. Remember too, Ryan Eashoo is scehduled for the Laundry Room big show. There is another opportunity to confront him. BTW. his banner ad is at the top of this site with contact information. He's in business, must have a phone number, look it up.

4. Seems the same as number 3. Apparently being related to the donald is a conflict of interest in and of itself. The fact that the council approved him..well doesn't the council still have a faction that is anti-donald and would do anything to beard the mayor? Did they support Eashoo? Was there any question about the appointment breaking any conflict of interest of rules. Surely someone in the administration vettes the candidates to make sure they are qualified from those legal points. Josh Freeman? any insight here on the process behind the scene of making sure candidates are "legal"?

5. Again what is the formal conflict? You are aware of course that every elected pol finds ways to LEGALLY reward supporters, friends etc...hell many of our diplomats are nothing more than big campaign contributors to the presidents. Josh Freeman has already weighed in on the nepotism ordinance. Apparently its worded such that both Peggy & Bob Cook can work for the mayor in his administration. Want to test "conflict of interest" start there. I think you'll get an education on just what the legal application of conflict of interest is...I am more certain your concept and the construct in use are two different things. BTW, I believe the dealership is owned and operated Rolling Eyes by Patsy Lou, not the donald Wink Wink none of us believe that, but legally, we can't prove anything else. Thus I'd assert anyone working for the dealership has at least an appearnace of "arms length" relationship to the mayor/administration govt't of COF.

6. Two thoughts. First so what? Everyone is out for their own interests. But its a crime for Eashoo to have any personal ambition?

Second, tell me why I should be concerned if donald appoints Ryan city administrator? Is he any more/less capable than Mrs Cook. Hell I don't even know if Mrs Cook is capable. Does anyone? With the donald as mayor, do you think she does anything more than just do what the donald tells her too. What does that take, punching the right numbers on a phone? String a few words together in a conversation? Do Patsy Lou's hair every week?
What if donald appointed Larry Ford to the admin position? Wouldn't the cry be payoff for a campaigner? of course and again, perfectly legit. And Ford may be more capable in that capacity than both Eashoo and Cook combined, would that be a bad thing?

Anyway, awaiting your results of your investigation. the jury still out on your last pargraph. My take on your constant [multiple threads] sniping of Eashoo is that you may have an unhealthy obsession with the man. Did you lose a girlfriend or a poker game to him? Did he screw you on a real estate deal? Are you business rivals? what?
What exactly is YOUR motivation? As an objective person [I am neither a supporter of Eashoo, nor detractor] I would want to know what if any agenda you may have vis a vis Eashoo & others.

Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:05 pm 
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Truth B. Told

Biggie9 schreef:
John schreef:
Biggie9 schreef:
Anonymous John wrote..."Now your just being a smart ass, i am talking about real life issues.
IF you wanna joke around, or be silly go to MLIVE.
As The Laundry Room guys say Flint Talk Now This The Real Deal"

please, you first.

Biigie9, this is about Facts, Ryan Eashoo is a son of Don, well not son, but a relation of Don Williamson. He appointed him without disclosure, not he is on the commission.

How much money is he making? What do commissioners get paid on the historical commission?

yeah. well, let me know when you present a FACT. You claim the issue is about facts, but they are scarcer than hen's teeth in your posts so far. So far its all innuendo and gratuitious assertion, coupled with tenuous implication.

I've asked for your details. You've offered none.
We have Larry saying he asked Ryan directly, and Ryan denying any relationship.
Sooooooooooooo, doesn't sound like there is any tar on the brush yet.

Lets speculate for a minute. For the sake of discussion, lets say, Ryan finds out that a cousin of his is related by marriage to a cousin of Williamson. [hardly a familial relationship].......perhaps they are cousins 5 times removed, something many people might not be aware of, but lets assume its so.
By what basis was a wrong done in appointing any said distant relative to a commission? [Most nepotism laws define the limit of relationships to direct relations and in-laws]. Still, whats the beef John? Just what rule, did he break? What if the commission isn't a paid position, or just a stipend to cover expenses?

Frankly there is no "there" there....no sizzle of steak, no cause for concern [well actually the concern I have is you trying to instigate others to respond to something that isn't proven] what ever your point is. Yet you keep declaring that we should all be outraged and others should do something about it....
But you haven't even factually established the foundation of your concern: that there was a conflict of interest [nepotism] in Eashoo's appointment to the historical commission. Prove that point first..then we can actually discuss the merits of whether said appointment were improper or not. Prove it not, then there's nothing to examine or discuss.

as Ms Clara Peller exclaimed i t he Burger King ad "Where's the beef?" John?

First off, Biggie, Clara did Wendy's (sounds like a "movie," doesn't it?)

Second, I believe someone started posting using a name that another guest had used and it was/is the fraud (perhaps John?) that said Ryan was related to the mayor & was knowingly trying to destroy the commission.

This is the last post I will make using this name. I will also not post anymore today.

When next I post, the wise will know its me.

and to the I.D. thief... you will be known....
Post Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:51 pm 
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