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Topic: Proposed college cultural center millage

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El Supremo

Connect to Downtown and Colleges & Universities. 58 ... Create the Flint Arts, Culture, and Education District. 66 ... the 2003 master plan for the FCC campus.

This plan from 2003 connects the cultural areato the uiversities and downton
Post Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:03 am 
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El Supremo

Terry Bankert
Yesterday at 9:37 AM ·
#Flint #Genesee In 37 days you will be asked on a county wide millage ballot to give $80,000,000 of your tax dollars ,if you own property ,over ten years to private entities with no, zero, 0 transparency or accountability.

I have reservations.

Do you?

I object to using public tax dollars to fund private institution unaccountable to us.

I object to the sleazy politics involved particularly the untransparent language of the ballot question and lack of built in accountability when allocating and spending tax dollars.

This community needs more information and time is running short.

In the East Village Magazine arrival July issue RandallThompson a marketing executive, hired gun, said “...if the millage passed theBoard of Commissioners is poised to consider two proposals: one to place county commissioner representatives on each of the Reciepient boards, and another to-appoint an Ombudsman to oversee the use of the millage andConduct yearly audits.”

If in place an embedded in the ballot millage proposal the transparency and accountability problems are partially resolved.

But they are not in the ballot nor decided by county and recipients.

Until So they are just political spin .

Until the issues of accountability and transparency are resolved the promoters have increased the problem of millage failure. It will be their fault.

Changes could be made and placed on the November ballot.

So far I plan to vote yes to protect this community resource.

But The issue of public transparency and accountability must be resolved before 8/7/18.

@TerryBankert former Flint Ombudsman
Post Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:08 am 
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El Supremo

Terry Bankert
15 hrs
#Genesee #Flint-Provided to me on Facebook. From County Commissioner Martin Cousineau”

“Your assessment of the ballot language is absolutely 100% correct.

I am deeply concerned that at present there is no transparency and no accountability as to how the money will be handled.

In addition to that my district 7 will be levied 1.3 million dollars per year for 10 years.

In return they will have to compete for crumbs out of the $500,000 allocated per year to the entire out County.

This is not even a fair deal to the residents of my district.

And that is why I voted no to put this on the ballot at this time.

Presently it is too late to change the ballot language.

I have met with mr. Randle and expressed my concerns.

That is where he is come up with the idea that we may want to sit on the various boards and have the County controller oversee the spending.

If the millage on the ballot passes, I will oppose levying the millage until the County Commission has proper oversight of the spending of this money and the allocation of this money.

When this language for the millage proposal was presented to the County Board, it was voted on at 9 a.m. on a Monday morning.

I did not get the agenda until Friday afternoon prior to the vote.

To my knowledge it was never passed up through proper subcommittees for review before it was voted on by the full board.

I for one will be voting no because of the above concerns.

However if it passes I will lead the effort to make sure that the monies are handled in a very transparent way and accountable way by the County Board.

And I will not vote to Levy this tax until those objectives have been met.

Genesee County Commissioner
Martin Cousineau”
Post Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:10 am 
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The official August 2018 ballot proposal anguage can be found here:

Post Sat Jul 14, 2018 8:35 pm 
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