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Topic: walling and Lock - Dumb and Dumber

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El Supremo

Dumb and Dumber is what some of my friends are calling Walling and Lock after their disastrous tv 12 interview today. bossman and others have laid out the numbers-numbers that lock disputes. Lock was an interim Captain who scored miserably in his Catains oral exams. His recent decisions lead some to question his promotion to Lt.

for walling and lock to refuse to work with our fire mutual aide partners is a disgrace. For Lock to make the irresponsible comments he makes in this interview is reason to recall Walling.

Flint's public safety head defends staffing plans
Police union, city disagree on police numbers
Nearby fire departments may end Flnt mutual aid agreement
Flint taking heat over cuts to police, fire
Tags:flint, police department, layoffs, dayne walling, local
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Angela Brown and Autumn Perry
FLINT (WJRT) -- (03/26/10)--The city is taking some of heat about recent layoffs to police and fire.

The layoffs went into effect yesterday. While both the union and city agree on the number of positions cut, they don't agree on the number of police officers left to patrol the city.

Late Friday Flint's public safety director spoke about staffing levels. Thursday 46 officers and 23 firefighters were laid off from the force.

Since then residents have said they are concerned about the level of staffing and the response for both departments.

Thursday, Public Safety Director Alvern Lock tried to set the record straight on both, saying despite the loss of 23 firefighters and two stations, the remaining three stations are fully operational.

Lock also said on average there are 12 police officers patrolling per day, which includes one officer in each of the nine wards during the first and second shifts, in addition to four officers assisting those nine ward officers.

The police union's numbers are different. They say on average there are four to five officers working per shift responding to 911 calls.

Last Thursday Lock responded.

"We have 147 officers," he said. "You only think that four or five are working at a time. Where are are the rest of them?

"You know they are not assigned to special units -- all of them can't be assigned that way."

Keep in mind the Flint Police Department and the city are still trying to work out a contract.

They are in mediation. Their next meeting is scheduled for sometime in April.

As a result of the layoffs, surrounding fire departments are reconsidering mutual aid agreements with the city.

Burton and Grand Blanc's fire departments may put an end to their mutual aid agreement with Flint. Other departments like Flint Township say they still plan to respond when needed.

Both the Grand Blanc and Burton fire chief's won't make a final decision until they sit down with members from Flint fire and Mayor Dayne Walling to discuss the future of their mutual aid agreement.

They're upset the mayor has not reached out to them to discuss how the fire layoffs will affect their departments.

Burton and Grand Blanc are worried the layoffs will strain both their manpower and budget.

Meanwhile, the city of Flint says they still plan on helping outside departments when and if they can.

"If you don't really want to come, then just don't come," Lock said. "Don't come because you're obligated. If you want to help us, help us, and we'll help in return."

Both Burton and Grand Blanc did respond to fire in the city of Flint two nights ago.

That's when the city battled nine fires within 24 hours.

(Copyright ©2010 WJRT-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

Post A Comment 1 missm32 3/26/10 8:36 PM EDT

What does he mean, "Don't come because your obligated."? If someone's house is on fire, come. I don't care why you come, just come. That has to be the most ridiculous statement I've heard in a long time. Mark As Violation

Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:58 pm 
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El Supremo


untanglingwebs schreef:
And why isn't Lock holding the press conferences?


Have you ever talked to the man? Go into an empty room and talk to the walls, you'll probably get more intelligent answers from them than Lock. He has three stock replies to answer any question:

1) Call 911.
2) Call the community policing number.
3) Sorry, we don't have enough money to do that.

I'm not sure about all the bad things that Chief David Dicks did, but when you asked him a question, he had answers. I saw him at a meeting where residents were discussing problems. Dicks gave phone numbers to officers, departments, his secretary and his own number to resolve problems. On more than one occasion, I went to his office when he had open door day to discuss problems in our neighborhood. He got on the phone while I was still in the office and got the ball rolling to correct the problem. I actually saw result in our neighborhood. And no, I don't live in one of the "nice" areas. I don't condone his wrongdoings, but at least thing were getting done when he was chief.

Maybe if somebody could get Lock to use both brain cells at the same time, he could get twice as much done. But then again, two time nothing is still nothing!

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

John Basil Barnhill

Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:09 pm
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:06 pm 
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El Supremo

Flint officials, police union at odds over staffing levels after layoffs
By Laura Angus | Flint Journal
March 26, 2010, 4:58PM
FLINT, Michigan — The city and its police union are at odds over just how many officers are responding to 911 calls.

In the wake of last week’s layoff of 46 police officers, the city maintains it still has more than two dozen officers patrolling Flint on each of its first and second shifts.

But the head of the police union says the number is closer to five per shift — a claim that Flint Public Safety Director Alvern Lock said is “totally untrue.”

Flint police union president Keith Speer said the city had just one officer answering 911 calls for the entire city on Friday morning.
Ryan Garza | The Flint JournalA City of Flint Police officer heads to his vehicle after roll call on Friday at the Flint police station.
Although Speer said there were foot patrol officers working, Speer said they weren’t handling emergency calls.

“That’s the reality ... they weren’t answering calls,” said Speer.

A city spokeswoman, however, said there were dozens of officers on the schedule during first and second shift and that all of those officers could respond to 911 calls — even if they were assigned to foot patrol duty.

Lock said residents don’t have to worry about their safety.

“The citizens of the city of Flint are not relying on four to five officers to respond to calls for service,” said Lock.

In addition to uniformed officers on the schedule, Lock said plainclothes officers and supervisors are available to respond to 911 calls.

The Flint City Council’s finance and legislative committees have scheduled a special meeting for Monday afternoon to discuss the possibility of mandating specific police staffing levels and looking for other ways to fund the police and fire departments.

The city also laid off 23 firefighters and closed two fire stations last week as part of a plan to close a projected $8-million deficit.

“We want to have a conversation on what needs to be done,” said City Council President Delrico Loyd.

On Wednesday, Loyd said council leadership plans to call a closed-door meeting on with elected officials representing the city from the federal, state and local levels to discuss public safety in Flint.

“The residents in the city of Flint need to feel safe,” Loyd said.

Mayor Dayne Walling said the administration will work with council to address the budget and make the “tough decisions about where to put limited resources,” but said the administration has done all it can to keep the public safety budgets healthy.

“There are a number of financial, legal and contractual questions that come up around that type of proposal,” he said, referring to possible city council legislation on staffing levels.
Hollyn Johnson | The Flint JournalFlint Fire Department works to put out a blaze at an abandon home on Stone Street near Hurley Hospital Thursday afternoon March 25.
Lock on Friday also spoke out about any outcounty communities that he said “complain” about requests for help fighting fires as part of a countywide mutual aid agreement.

The city appreciates the help when communities respond to mutual aid calls, said Lock, adding “If you don’t really want to come help us, then obviously don’t come.”

He said Flint helps other communities when it can and does not complain about it or threaten to send the municipalities a bill afterward.

“If they don’t come help, we’ll deal with what we got,” he said.

Chief Doug Halstead of Burton said mutual aid relies on reciprocity and said that Flint right now can’t respond to calls in Burton, “so it’s not a working agreement.”

He said he would like to see the city’s plan for handling future emergencies and set up guidelines on when mutual aid will be used.

“We have been just kind of left hanging out there ... without a plan it’s going to be very difficult for us to have any cooperation,” he said.

Burton and Grand Blanc each provided mutual aid to Flint on Thursday amid a rash of nine arson fires that followed the announcement of the final firefighter layoff numbers.

Eric Merriam, president of the Genesee County Association of Fire Chiefs, said the association hasn’t had further communication with the city since it sent a letter a month ago expressing concerns about the mutual aid agreement.

Davison, Burton, Grand Blanc and Clio are among the communities that have expressed concerns about the status of mutual fire aid with Flint, said Merriam.

Flint can’t completely depend on mutual aid to make up for its layoffs, said Merriam.

“That’s not fair to the rest of the communities,” he said.

Posted by 90220
March 26, 2010, 5:32PM
Don't believe anything Lock has to say. He is saying what Dayne tells him to say. What a sellout. This administration has been one big disappointment after disappointment.

Posted by munnbreslin
March 26, 2010, 5:45PM
Dont believe anything Keith Speer has to say. He is saying what the $300,000 he took from the city in a lawsuit tels him to say. What a sellout. This union has been one big dissapointment after dissapointment.

Posted by alexharris
March 26, 2010, 6:06PM
Transplant & #90220 have credibility ----- that twit munnbreslin has none. Let's not forget that just last week little munnster was crowing about the 'big business deal" the city had with that fraud from RASCO. As I recall, munny boy was doing his annoying "ha, ha, ha bit." Honestly munn, can't you just go off & do your homework & stop playing on your dad's computer. A.H.

Posted by iminside
March 26, 2010, 6:07PM
Munn is a teenager who lives in Atlas. If the facts and numbers don't support his hero Walling, he gets upset. The bottom line is that on Thursday night there were 5 officers working at 5pm. All were tied up on calls and there were 30 calls pending. 6 of the calls were code 1 calls(weapons, shots, domestics), and about 15 of them were code 2 calls(suspicious persons, B&Es, shots fired). That is not twisted facts or inaccurate painting. Officers were called in on overtime to help with the overflow of calls. Check it out.

Posted by djfx
March 26, 2010, 6:49PM
If Alvern Locke is now the spokesperson for the Dayne, then why does Ms. Jones still have a job? Also, I can only remember a couple of times in the last 5 years that Flint has sent fire trucks OUTSIDE the city limits, so Alvern can act as cocky about shareing mutual aid all he wants. When the outcounty fire departments need extra help, they call other outcounty departments. Sorry folks, but if this mutual aid to Flint stuff continues, sooner than not Walling will lay off more firemen and close yet another station. You know Dayne, maybe the city has lost 30% of its population, but the actual size of the city has not shrunk 1 square inch.

Posted by numero407
March 26, 2010, 7:13PM
Yesterday I responded to a burglary in progress. I was assisted by one other officer. We arrived and there were two suspects inside of the home. We arrested one , the other escaped by climbing out of a window on the opposite side of the house. A minimum of four officers are needed to secure the perimeter of a building before an entry and building search can be conducted.
A day before that , I entered a home and arrested a man who had broken into the home and was removing the copper pipes from the home. Common sense dictated that I wait for back-up, there was none. Both of these situations could have gone "BAD" in a hurry. I cannot speak for the fire department, but someone is going to get hurt and I have no plans on it being me. I was born and raised in North Flint and have worked for the P.D. for over two decades, others are not as fortunate. For those posters who have scanners you know the real story. Ignore the Trolls.

Posted by DWCBOB
March 26, 2010, 7:26PM
I listen to the scanner. I hear many calls where they have to wait for an officer to be available. Today, I heard a domestic assault call that had to wait until officers handled a fight call in another part of town before they could get to the domestic. I heard another call that was taken by a Sergeant - something I haven't heard before. All Officers, be careful out there.

Posted by darthmole
March 26, 2010, 8:10PM
Two of the biggest problems in this whole fiasco are being overlooked by the media, Greg Eason and Donna Poplar. Neither one of them have an clue as to what they're doing. And they are the ones calling the shots in all of this.

I know everyone is quick to blame Walling in all of this, but he doesn't really have all of the facts. Eason does not keep him, or anyone else for that matter, in the loop.

Eason is a dominating control freak that has to have his hands in everything. He's worse that "The Con" ever was, and that's saying A LOT.

Dayne screwed up big time when he brought Poplar and Eason on board. Their outright incompetence will be the final nails in the coffin of this city.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:32 pm 
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El Supremo

I wonder if Lock would be so cavalier if it was his house on fire.?

The city appreciates the help when communities respond to mutual aid calls, said Lock, adding “If you don’t really want to come help us, then obviously don’t come.”

He said Flint helps other communities when it can and does not complain about it or threaten to send the municipalities a bill afterward.

“If they don’t come help, we’ll deal with what we got,” he said.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:35 pm 
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untanglingwebs schreef:
Lock also said on average there are 12 police officers patrolling per day, which includes one officer in each of the nine wards during the first and second shifts, in addition to four officers assisting those nine ward officers.

I don't know about Lock's math, but if you add 9 officers from 1st shift to 9 officers from 2nd shift, and then add 4-5 more assisting officers (don't know if that's 4-5 more per shift or per day, so I'll use per day), that adds up to 22-23 officers per day. Yet he said there is an average of 12 officers per day. Is he dumb or dumber, I keep getting them confused.

untanglingwebs schreef:
"We have 147 officers," he said. "You only think that four or five are working at a time. Where are are the rest of them?

If Walling has his way, yes there will only be 4 or 5 working at a time. Does Lock think we are as stupid as he is? Of course we know there are desk officers, detectives, superivisors, undercover, etc... Since he asked us the question and he is the one who assigns them, why doesn't he tell us where all those 147 officers are? It would be interesting to see if it adds up like the above numbers did.

untanglingwebs schreef:
"If you don't really want to come, then just don't come," Lock said. "Don't come because you're obligated. If you want to help us, help us, and we'll help in return."

I agree with you Webs, Walling should be recalled for hiring somebody that would make such an idiotic statement. And Lock should be removed for making a statement that shows how little really cares about the citizens' safety. This is beyond outrageous!

untanglingwebs schreef:
Both Burton and Grand Blanc did respond to fire in the city of Flint two nights ago.

Since it seems apparent that our Safety Director won't do it, I would like to thank Burton and Grand Blanc for their response to the needs of Flint's citizens.

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

Thomas Jefferson
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:07 pm 
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dis be my new favorites line from da Lock:

"If you don't really want to come, then just don't come," Lock said.

yu be my hero Lock, go lock!! wAy to slap them out county fire stations in da face if they don't reallies mean it, or suncere about coming here. We dont need nobody! We flint dawg!
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:19 am 
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bluecat1122 schreef:
dis be my new favorites line from da Lock:

"If you don't really want to come, then just don't come," Lock said.

yu be my hero Lock, go lock!! wAy to slap them out county fire stations in da face if they don't reallies mean it, or suncere about coming here. We dont need nobody! We flint dawg!


I don't think Lock could come up with an original line on his own. I bet that is something he remembered his wife telling him!

"When people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.
When the government fears the people, there is Liberty"

Thomas Jefferson
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:59 am 
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Dave Starr

A comment on the journal's web site on the article about all the firefighters in the city being at one fire.

Posted by tdimhcs
March 27, 2010, 12:38PM

Can I hear another comment from our "so called" city leaders about how safe the city is.

If residents do not have to fear for their safety (as has been stated), why are/were there two plainclothes officers parked in front of a certain persons house at night? Do all citizens get this special treatment?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:49 am 
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El Supremo

Some gang members are taking credit for some, not all, of the recent fires. I can't begin to know their reasoning. The only person apprehended so far was very young.

I am furious with Walling and Lock for their insinuations that Flint firefighters would set fires and risk the lives of their comrades. When my outcounty grandchildren said they heard that, I am afraid they got an earful! Firefighters know the dangers of random fires and the penalties for arson. Serial arsonists have been in the area around the White Horse and on the east side for years. Some parts of town have almost already had urban renewal by fire.

How many times have you heard someone say they wish a certain trouble property would burn down?
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:13 pm 
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Walling is a the dumbest mayor ever!
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:17 pm 
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El Supremo

From M-Live story about 9 fires during the weekend!
Posted by FixBrokenAmerica
March 29, 2010, 12:46AM
Mutual Aid was called for a Burton pumper at around 11:30 am. The Truck was sent out, But the Captain of Burton Recalled the pumper to the Station, CANCELED THE RUN. So now We let Flint Burn. Thank you The Genesee County Landlords Association for informing your Members as to How to avoid Paying Property Taxes For 3 years .. Now Folks you see one of the Groupd responsible for Flint's Money problems.. Keep on Renting from those Slum Landlords. And THE LAND BANK/ Genesee County Treasurer/ City Treasure. For letting them Slide for an extra 2 days past the DEADLINE... Way to go Kildee.

Inappropriate comment? Alert
Post Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:17 am 
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A group of concerned residents have contacted major news organizations to get some attention on how ignorant walling is and the fire/crime epidemic sweeping Flint.
Post Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:21 pm 
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