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Topic: Patrol Officers simply called Foot Patrol now, no change
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Well here's a funny one, there's around 9 scheduled officers now on each shift of patrol. Of course 4 of these 9 are contractually aloud to be off and no one will be called in, leaving 5 officers covering the whole city. But to the point: ALL OF THE OFFICERS (at least 1st shift, and with the exception of 2, one who works the front desk and one on the road) are now assigned as Walling's "Foot Patrol," and are "only to be called for 911 calls if needed." So you literally have 1 officer on the road now answering calls. Yesterday they were down as many as 40 calls and at one point they were down 30 with 3 officers on the road. 5 of those calls were serious "in progress calls" like Fights, Man with a Gun calls, Home Invasions, Armed Robberies, etc. and there was no one to send. But the point is Walling's new "Foot Patrol" officers are not "new" at all; they are regular patrol officers with a new name that will never be able to do any type of foot patrol at all. Another example of Walling lying to the public by throwing up smoke and mirrors.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:32 pm 
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Dave Starr

If they ever do patrol on foot, especially at night, I hope they get issued 2 vests instead of just one. Or, will Walling just have bullseyes painted on their jackets?

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:58 pm 
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WHY ARE 4 OF 9 (aka 44% of patrol) OFFICERS ALLOWED TO BE OFF?? I garuntee there is no business in the private sector where 44% of your scheduled workforce can be contractually on vacation, unless its an extreme rarity.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:33 pm 
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El Supremo

munnbreslin schreef:
WHY ARE 4 OF 9 (aka 44% of patrol) OFFICERS ALLOWED TO BE OFF?? I garuntee there is no business in the private sector where 44% of your scheduled workforce can be contractually on vacation, unless its an extreme rarity.

Look at the schedules Bossman and BAH 836 posted. because of their schedules they get their days off at scheduled times. They don't work 14 days every pay period. Some of the officers that still work 8 hour days might have a schedule where they work 10 days straight and get 4 off. Do you now want to pay overtime?
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:48 pm 
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Webs, it is becoming more and more obvious that Munn's adolescent mind is incapable of wrapping itself around simple math. If the real numbers don't support the assinine actions of his king....er...I mean Dayne Walling, then they must be wrong or capable of restructuring. Arguing with him is becoming increasingly futile.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:54 pm 
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I do love how much I annoy you all, it makes coming on here so much more fun. But again my core question is why dont we CHANGE THE SYSTEM?
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:19 pm 
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Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:35 pm 
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Um, you have at least 4-5 people on this forum giving you facts and figures and visuals to help you understand, ever since the beginning to mid Feb....you don't get it. Have you ever thought that if 4-5 people tell you you're wrong...you're probably wrong? I am sure you haven't.

You can't take cops off of grants, you lose the grant monies and cops are laid off.

The cops assigned to the schools are paid for by either COPS grants or Flint schools themselves...they cannot be reassigned.

Why don't you call the Chief and see if you can go on a ride along? You'll have to sign a bunch of papers and the like, but you can handle it. Especially now that the numbers have gone down you can see what it's really like....although it would have been safer to do it a couple of weeks ago when cops were employed....*eye roll*
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:40 pm 
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Dave Starr

Calling patrol officers the foot patrol can work. They can knock on doors & visit with residents during all the slack time between radio calls.
/sarcasm off

I used to care, but I take a pill for that now.

Pushing buttons sure can be fun.

When a lion wants to go somewhere, he doesn’t worry about how many hyenas are in the way.

Paddle faster, I hear banjos.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:54 pm 
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andi the same 4-5 ppl that tell me im totally wrong told me that the south side task force got cancelled, and subsequently they were talking of its existence a few months later. I was basterdized for saying that the foot patrol had 18 cops, this whole forum swore that there would be only 9, turns out there were 18. 4-5 people on this forum tell me one thing, but 10 or more tell me another. I'm basterdized for saying the scheduling needs reform and i'm basterdized for saying our unions are too powerful. I comprehend that i'm in the minority here, but when 4-5 flint talk trolls tell me one thing (ad subsequenly decide where I live based on a post from last year, which is no longer factually accurate) but 10 articles and statements from Chiefs in Kalamazoo, Lansing, etc. tell me another, I will go with the more creidble sources. You may disagree with me, but the piss poor excuse for debate on this forum degrades into nothing more than petty name calling with no substance or ounce of respect. I know that nothing I say can change the minds of you posters, but just attempt to keep this forum something besides an agree fest between the topics. I have attempted to show a more logical look at things, you have shot it down. I have provided crime statistics from the last 15 years, you all have shot it down. I do support the mayor, I said it. But I do not resort to calling the politicians I dislike names because I lack anything short of non-credible online blogs to back up my position. You may disagee with my position, but leave my character out of it.
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:37 pm 
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El Supremo

No one said the south side task force was cancelled, only that it appears only 4 and not 6 are in place.

Walling announced 9 foot patrol and there was only enough money for 9. he must be calling the original COPS officers the foot patrol.

You play number games as badly as Lock does and neither one of you has a clue!

You and your arrogant self demand respect and yet you refuse to give respect to people who have worked in their jobs as police for many years. You really are in the throes of a major angst. .just don't expect any pity here or on M-live
Post Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:34 pm 
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Munn, you summed up your entire problem in the last paragraph. You keep wanting to compare Flint to Kalamazoo and Lansing. If you want to compare stats, success, and failure, it helps to compare apples to apples. I have a news flash for you. Flint doesn't to compare to any other city in Michigan. In fact, Flint doesn't really compare to any other city in America. Think thats not true? Ed Kurtz hired a man to do a study on Flint and the police department in particular. He used population, crime stats, staffing numbers, socio-economic factors, economy, unemployment, you name it. He only found one city that was close in comparison. That was in New Jersey and they had 3 times as many police officers as Flint. So you can take all of the Kalamazoo stats you want and apply them any way you want. You will never be able to make them apply equally or factually to the things that are taking place here.

I'll be the first to brag that in 1978, Flint, Michigan, became the first city in a generation to create a city-wide program that took officers out of their patrol cars and assigned them to walking beats. The foot patrol was part of a much broader program designed to involve officers in community problem-solving. Hell, I'll even tell you that the foot patrol program reduced crime 8.7 percent in the first year it was implemented, and calls for service were reduced 42 percent in the first 3 years. However, there were 64 foot patrol beats, which covered only 20 percent of the city's population, and there were nearly 400 officers on the department.

Quit living in a fantasy land and step into reality. Quit trying to impress people because you can read a book or article about community policing. If you want to experience Flint in a way that cannot be recreated in print, then listen to andi03 and sign up for a ride along. I'm pretty sure your outlook may change, but I'm also pretty sure you don't have the intestinal fortitude to ride along with the police in Flint.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:08 am 
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munnbreslin schreef:
WHY ARE 4 OF 9 (aka 44% of patrol) OFFICERS ALLOWED TO BE OFF?? I garuntee there is no business in the private sector where 44% of your scheduled workforce can be contractually on vacation, unless its an extreme rarity.

Because those 4 officers were in the contract when we had 370+ officers.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:22 am 
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munnbreslin schreef:
andi the same 4-5 ppl that tell me im totally wrong told me that the south side task force got cancelled, and subsequently they were talking of its existence a few months later. I was basterdized for saying that the foot patrol had 18 cops, this whole forum swore that there would be only 9, turns out there were 18. 4-5 people on this forum tell me one thing, but 10 or more tell me another. I'm basterdized for saying the scheduling needs reform and i'm basterdized for saying our unions are too powerful. I comprehend that i'm in the minority here, but when 4-5 flint talk trolls tell me one thing (ad subsequenly decide where I live based on a post from last year, which is no longer factually accurate) but 10 articles and statements from Chiefs in Kalamazoo, Lansing, etc. tell me another, I will go with the more creidble sources. You may disagree with me, but the piss poor excuse for debate on this forum degrades into nothing more than petty name calling with no substance or ounce of respect. I know that nothing I say can change the minds of you posters, but just attempt to keep this forum something besides an agree fest between the topics. I have attempted to show a more logical look at things, you have shot it down. I have provided crime statistics from the last 15 years, you all have shot it down. I do support the mayor, I said it. But I do not resort to calling the politicians I dislike names because I lack anything short of non-credible online blogs to back up my position. You may disagee with my position, but leave my character out of it.

Um...munn....take a deep breath....

First and foremost, when statistics are given from other cities pertaining to crime, populations, etc. The only thing one can garner from those aforementioned, examples are ideas, and ideas alone. Each city is its own microcosm of social norms, mix of race and creeds, income levels, etc.

The Newark link that you posted, read it before, I do believe.

Look at the stats for Newark:

Now look at the stats for Flint:

As one can tell just by perusing the first paragraph, Newark has a larger tax base with population AND being the largest city in New Jersey one can pontificate that they have a large corporate base also, thereby increasing the monies that the city brings in....for fire and police.

If you look at the stats betwixt the two cities Newark has approx. 24 square miles and Flint has 34 square miles. Which means Flint has more areas to patrol.

Trust me there is barely any hand holding or agreeing in this forum, I wouldn't want to hold hands and sing Cumbaya with a couple of people on here.
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:36 am 
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Bossman schreef:
Munn, you summed up your entire problem in the last paragraph. You keep wanting to compare Flint to Kalamazoo and Lansing. If you want to compare stats, success, and failure, it helps to compare apples to apples. I have a news flash for you. Flint doesn't to compare to any other city in Michigan. In fact, Flint doesn't really compare to any other city in America. Think thats not true? Ed Kurtz hired a man to do a study on Flint and the police department in particular. He used population, crime stats, staffing numbers, socio-economic factors, economy, unemployment, you name it. He only found one city that was close in comparison. That was in New Jersey and they had 3 times as many police officers as Flint. So you can take all of the Kalamazoo stats you want and apply them any way you want. You will never be able to make them apply equally or factually to the things that are taking place here.

I'll be the first to brag that in 1978, Flint, Michigan, became the first city in a generation to create a city-wide program that took officers out of their patrol cars and assigned them to walking beats. The foot patrol was part of a much broader program designed to involve officers in community problem-solving. Hell, I'll even tell you that the foot patrol program reduced crime 8.7 percent in the first year it was implemented, and calls for service were reduced 42 percent in the first 3 years. However, there were 64 foot patrol beats, which covered only 20 percent of the city's population, and there were nearly 400 officers on the department.

Quit living in a fantasy land and step into reality. Quit trying to impress people because you can read a book or article about community policing. If you want to experience Flint in a way that cannot be recreated in print, then listen to andi03 and sign up for a ride along. I'm pretty sure your outlook may change, but I'm also pretty sure you don't have the intestinal fortitude to ride along with the police in Flint.

Um...should have read your post, before posting mine....sheesh, we thought alike...whodathunkit? Smile
Post Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:38 am 
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