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Flint Talk needs your help to continue our community video casting service that empowers the Flint community to share their message with thousands of people for little to no cost, but it becoming hard to do that's why we are asking you to Support Us

Flint Talk's Mission:

Provide a safe and well-produced internet video casting service that empowers the community to share their message with thousands of people for little to no cost. We prioritize honesty, integrity, and fairness in our work environment while encouraging creativity and personal responsibility. As a veteran-owned company, we are dedicated to advancing the interests of our audience and clients while promoting the advancement of each other. We value dedication, loyalty, and the courage to persist in adversity to achieve our goals.


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Be sure to check out Flint Talk on Rumble! Our live-streams and newest videos are always posted on our Rumble channel before anywhere else.  Check out  Our Rumble Channel



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